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The modified survey was evaluated for content validity by four faculty members at Liberty University with a background in critical care, these individuals had a lot of experience with working within the ICU. Holland and Rees' critique tools. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Article B gathered data using a survey which was modified from one designed and used by Rose et al. /Parent 2 0 R Article A used a purposeful sampling method to select participants, this continued until data saturation. The aim or purpose of study is formulated so researchers and readers have a clear understanding about what is being researched (Parahoo, 2014). The experience of the participants as nurses and as nurses in an intensive care unit ranged from less than two to greater than ten years. Rose, L., Smith, O., Glinas, C., Haslam, L., Dale, C., Luk, E. and Watt-Watson, J. [Online]. 0. depression in people who had undergone open wound surgery. What are the 3 parts of a critique paper? Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. The researcher includes some of these comments and statements within the study, this is the researcher trying to provide evidence of credibility according to Holland and Rees (2010). and Beck, C.T., 2010. The critical appraisal tool used for assessment of the paper is the Holland and Rees framework for critiquing qualitative research articles. Within article B maintaining the anonymity of the data was considered crucial to encourage participants to answer the questions according to clinical practice. Based on the findings found from both articles nurses heavy workload forced nurses to disregard some clinical practices and prevented them from the frequent use of pain assessment tools. 20 (1), pp. Poor More commonly used existing frameworks tend to have been formulated within the quantitative research paradigm. Selected participants for this type of research should have experience of these phenomena by whatever ethical means are possible (Parahoo, 2014). Please refer to an authoritative source if you require up-to-date information on any health or medical issue. /Type /Page d. look online - The University of Suffolk have produced a helpful health thesaurus (Holmes, no date) 3. Glendinning, C. (2016) Long-term care and austerity in the UK: a growing crisis In Long-term Care for the Elderly in Europe (pp. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. >> << The studies reviewed were a qualitative study and a quantitative study. /F2 25 0 R /ModDate (D:20171214133808Z) Other quantitative studies were evaluated using Holland and Rees' (2010) framework for critiquing quantitative research articles (see supplementary) . This assignment is a research critique that will identify two pieces of research. Within article A it is stated maximum variation sampling, member checking, peer questioning and cross-examination were used to ensure the trustworthiness, dependability and credibility of the data respectively. The findings of the research were classified into seven themes: wound related /CS /DeviceRGB . /Resources 32 0 R Lovin, R. (2017) Study of Nurses Attitudes and Practices towards Pain Evaluation in Nonverbal Patients. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Although article B was found to have limitations it did answer the research question. /Parent 2 0 R /Type /Page The children also had to live with the shock of a parent living with an open surgical wound. to get back to normal as quickly as possible and looked to tissue viability nurses to All participants were nurses with experience in the ICU setting, nurses experience ranged from less than two to greater than ten years. 1. An advantage to this type of interview is it will allow probing of answers, also it will allow the participant to give a detailed account of experiences and feelings (Ellis, 2013). It is important the barriers found within article B are evaluated to promote further compliance with the use of pain assessment tools. The participants in this study were 26 intensive care nurses from a hospital in Central Virginia. Parahoo (2014)describes survey as; a research design which aims to gather descriptive, correlational data usually from large populations and by questionnaires, interviews and to a lesser extent observation. Within article A it is stated maximum variation sampling, member checking, peer questioning and cross-examination were used to ensure the trustworthiness, dependability and credibility of the data respectively. Parahoo (2014)describes survey as; a research design which aims to gather descriptive, correlational data usually from large populations and by questionnaires, interviews and to a lesser extent observation. An essay on the importance of evidence based practice (EBP) in community nursing. Most of the analysis consisted of computing the frequency of certain attitudes, beliefs, or pain assessment practices. endobj endobj implement effective quality assurance programmes using meth-ods that are both valid and reliable. Specific steps for selecting an appropriate tool as well as examples of each tool's use in a publication are provided. A Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated to examine the correlation between years of experience of the participant and use of pain assessment tools, as well as between years of experience and perceived importance of the use of assessment tools in the pain assessment of nonverbal patients. /Contents 46 0 R /OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 0] Norman et al (2016) who reported feelings of guilt, emotional volatility and Critical Analysis of Evidence research papers; qualitative and quantitative, using a framework set out by Holland and Rees (2010), and will explore the impact on practice. Polit and Beck (2018) state Spearmans correlation is used for correlations between variables measured on an ordinal scale. published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies. Public law (Mark Elliot and Robert Thomas), Commercial Law (Eric Baskind; Greg Osborne; Lee Roach), Tort Law Directions (Vera Bermingham; Carol Brennan), Electric Machinery Fundamentals (Chapman Stephen J. 5 0 obj a. use a textbook to get an overview of your subject b. use a medical dictionary or encyclopaedia for a definition of your key concept c. check references you already have - what terms have they used to describe your topic? Oxford: Oxford University Press. What are the four steps of an art critique? Holland & Rees: Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Skills Framework of a research article. Judie (student) shares an experience from a Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) assignment that involved selecting and critiquing a piece of published research. >> The researchers performed an in-depth direct analysis of experiences of intensive care nurses. May patients reported that many district /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Digital Edition: Understanding and critiquing quantitative research papers . Recommendation given in the study included need for improvements in patient-nurse communication, increased continuity of care and consistency in providing information on wound management and the importance of surgical wound healing by secondary intention. 105-112 [Accessed 29 April 2019]. Polit and Beck (2018) state the number of participants in quantitative research is a major concern. << 121-139), London: Routledge. More commonly used existing frameworks tend to have been formulated within the quantitative research paradigm. There were thirty-one surveys distributed, only twenty-six were returned, one of the surveys was taken out due to personally identifiable information being included. If you print this page it will provide you with a 'map' of the structure of most research articles. /F5 28 0 R Statistical analysis is used within quantitative research for three purposes, to describe the data, to test hypotheses and to give evidence regarding measurement properties of quantified variables (Polit and Beck, 2018). endobj 1 0 obj Both articles represent patients values and expectations as they state throughout each article the importance of an efficient pain assessment, so the patient is pain free. Databases used to find the chosen articles were Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINHAL) and Medline, Boolean operators were used throughout the search the words used were and or and not. Search terms and restrictions were used, the words and phrases used were pain management, hospital and critically ill adults. Both articles agree with the barriers which prevent nurses carrying out pain assessment efficiently in nonverbal patients, they both have similar findings. There had not been a systematic and sustained research on patient perceptions on open wound surgery before this study. Lovin, R. (2017) Study of Nurses Attitudes and Practices towards Pain Evaluation in Nonverbal Patients. /Kids [5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R Essay, Pages 2 (493 words) Views. These barriers are nursing workload 50% stated this and patient instability 80% of nurses stated this. Thus the shocking findings were not surprising. Farahani et al. Article A attempted to ensure the accuracy of the themes by peer checking the transcripts with two faculty members with a PhD in nursing who were not involved within the study. The recommendations given in the paper, if implemented, will help the work that district nurses are currently undertaking in the community in relation to wound care, for example in improving patient-nurse communication and wound management. It tracks this demand through an ecological accounting system. Why should ethics approval be required prior to publication of health promotion research? Coding qualitative data is not an easy task according to Polit and Beck (2018), the researchers may have an issue deciding the right code and must re-read many times to gain the theme of the material. According toLoBiondo-Wood and Haber (2014)surveys have their advantages and disadvantages. << reduced household income. Analysis consisted of computing the frequency of certain attitudes, pain assessment practices or beliefs. CASP checklist for qualitative studies consists of 3 sections containing 10 questions that researchers need to ask when evaluating evidence from qualitative studies (see supplementary . The findings of the research were classified into seven themes: wound related factors, expectations of wound healing, psychosocial impact, financial repercussions, supportive role of others, service provision, and treatment related findings. brandon bates wxii news; vicky urban dictionary. intention Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3). Within article B maintaining the anonymity of the data was considered crucial to encourage participants to answer the questions according to clinical practice. Both articles are relevant to practice due to the articles aiming to improve pain management and assessment in nonverbal patients. The program consists of seven critical appraisal tools to assess: Systematic reviews Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) Qualitative research Economic evaluation studies Cohort studies Case-control studies Diagnostic test studies Participants expressed that << /Contents 38 0 R American pain society recommendations for improving the quality of acute and cancer pain management. How do you critique a framework? Full-text available. There is no rationale given for the choice of tool, there is also no mention of an alternative tool being considered. completely, and this resulted in social isolation. Available at:<. >> Databases used to find the chosen articles were Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINHAL) and Medline, Boolean operators were used throughout the search the words used were and or and not. Search terms and restrictions were used, the words and phrases used were pain management, hospital and critically ill adults. If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. Subject selection was carried out with maximum variation in personal factors including, age, education level, duration of work experience and organisational role. /Rotate 0 Both articles have a clear-cut aim to look at in which pain is assessed for those patients who are unable to communicate in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. All Rights Reserved. The primary data source in phenomenological studies is in-depth conversations. research evidence (Ellis, 2019). The findings are presented as codes, subcategories, and categories using an inductive approach. Scalise, A., Calamita, R., Tartaglione, C., Pierangeli, M., Bolletta, E., Gioacchini, M., Gesuita, R. and Di Benedetto, G. (2016) Improving wound healing and preventing surgical site complications of closed surgical incisions: a possible role of Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. trader joe's marlborough sauvignon blanc tickets for chelsea flower show 2022 benefits of using holland and rees critiquing framework. Qualitative content analysis in nursing research: concepts, procedures and measures to achieve trustworthiness. /Contents 44 0 R . /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] << pressure wound therapy, skin grafting, dressings and debridement. This framework has been chosen due to its ability to access online and detail of the questions. Newson, A. and Lipworth, W. (2015). /S /Transparency Show abstract. 4.4/5 on Data for this study is in the form of verbal comments or statements from the participants. However, Holloway and Wheeler (2010) state maximum variation is not usually used in qualitative research. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. /Parent 2 0 R Both articles have a clear-cut aim to look at in which pain is assessed for those patients who are unable to communicate in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Skills. >> The Article B states participants in their study read the cover page of the survey, this provided necessary information for informed consent. A review of 121 published critiquing tools concluded that there is An IRB can approve the proposed plans, require modifications or disapprove them (Polit and Beck, 2018). /Font 53 0 R 11 0 obj Polit and Beck (2018) state Spearmans correlation is used for correlations between variables measured on an ordinal scale. Purposive sampling was used to select participants. The qualitative design which can be found in article A is phenomenology, this focuses on the lived experience of individuals, this design matches the aim. Polit, D.F. This article analyses the content of frameworks that are commonly used to critique quantitative research and frameworks that are commonly used to critique qualitative research and then presents a single framework that addresses both research approaches. Title, keywords and the authors. Participants within article A were ensured of data confidentiality and autonomy, confidentiality and data protection. All results are clearly presented within the articles results section, results are presented using tables. /Group << While frameworks for critiquing qualitative research exist, they are often complex and more suited to the needs of students engaged in advanced levels . (2012). << endobj Step by step guide to critiquing research. Polit and Beck (2018) state purposeful sampling can lead to bias, but it can also be a useful approach when the researcher wants a sample of experts.