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Vanity Fair had established itself since the 1990s as perhaps the top New York magazine on pop culture, fashion, and current affairs, and continued with that mix of fare through the 2000s. Senators Harry Reid and Claire McCaskill. NBC News), that perhaps Donald Newhouseis (journalistically of course) "in bed with LaRouche." Rumors circulated that Si Newhouse might decide to take the barely-surviving magazine and fold it into The New Yorker. Milton Moskowitz, Michael Katz & Robert Levering, Newhouse, Every- bodys Business: A Field Guide to the 400 Leading Companies in America, New York: Doubleday/Currency, 1990, pp. In the fall of 1976, Times Mirror made an offer to buy the Booth chain at $40 a share, which was more than double Booths stock price at the time. I then talked to Balsamini by phone. And the Plain Dealer has put into place what Hall says will be "one of the best set-ups for computer-assisted journalism in the country.". 1966 . Share Your Design Ideas, New JerseysMurphy Defends $10 Billion Rainy Day Fund as States Economy Slows, What Led to Europes Deadliest Train Crash in a Decade, This Week in Crypto: Ukraine War, Marathon Digital, FTX. Other members of rich clans have stepped into the political fray themselves. "And your reputation in New York is more influenced by the fact that you win a Pulitzer Prize in New Orleans than by the fact that you put out a consistently good newspaper there. Life magazine photo of Sam Newhouse, 1963.Sam Newhouse. Dolph Briscoe, Jr., member of the Briscoe ranching family, was a Democrat and governor of Texas from 1973 to 1979. The Times Mirror Company then owner of the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, The Dallas Times Herald, and The Orange Coast Daily Pilot was also interested. Back in his office, he listens politely to what he must already know: that the industry buzz says he's the pivot in a Newhouse turnaround. Lane and others say that even without a dynamic new editor, the Oregonian would have changed after the Packwood debacle. Buys Portland Oregonian; Newhouse Adds Coast Paper to Chain for $5,000,000, New York Times, December 11, 1950. A few weeks ago I spoke at some length by telephone with Stefhanie Boyd, the Executive Assistant to Advance owner Donald Newhouse at what was then his office at the Newhouse- owned Newark Star-Ledger. There is no central command post at Newhouse. Donald Newhouse. Among these was a magazine that would later become the Cond Nast Traveler, a monthly magazine for affluent readers and travelers that was acquired from American Express as Signature magazine, but was vastly upgraded and relaunched by Newhouse in the fall of 1987 with an infusionof about $40 million. In cable TV, meanwhile, Newhouse and Time-Warner Cable combined cable systems in a joint venture. The papers have no formal budgets. Says a former editor: "It's all Steve.". American City Business Journals, Wiki-pedia.org. Donald Newhouse, Indeed, the status of the Star-Ledger is a major question in Newhouse's future. A Conversation With The First Under Secretary Of Commerce For Minority Business Development, Donald Don R. Cravins, Jr. There are a handful of politicians in the mix, and an overwhelming majority that support one political party far more than another. The New Yorker, Feb 25, 1985, featuring famous mascot, Eustace Tilley, about the time S. I. Newhouse acquired it. In the business world, however, there were those who believed that buying up The New Yorker made no economic sense, as the magazine was seen as old media and on the way out especially as televisions quick take and sound bite stylistic tendenciesbegan encroaching on the print world. In September 1988 he told Geraldine Fabrikant of the New York Times that The New Yorker was then one of the greatest things in journalism and the most interesting thing I am involved in. He added: People have been convinced that no one is reading any more, so that bringing The New Yorker back is a fascinating challenge, he said. Then came the August 1985 cover story of accused murderer Claus von Bulow with his mistress Andrea Reynolds on the cover and in other photos by Helmut Newton of von Blow and Reynolds in matching leather jackets that made them look, as Reynolds put it, like S&M people. And finally, there was Tina Browns own cover story on Princess Diana of October 1985 titled The Mouse that Roared, which examined how marriage and a public life had changed young Diana, a former preschool teacher. It chronicled the production of what was then the largest issue in Vogue magazine history, the September 2007 issue, running some 840 pages thick, 727 pages of which were ads. He is owner of Advance Publications. ", One word captures the motive for change at Portland's Oregonian: Packwood. A group of editors brainstormed at a retreat, ultimately settling on a look that Tiner calls an amalgam of the Dallas Morning News and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Newhouse, a Washington Republican . "The Oregonian was seen as a bad newspaper..staid and gray, a paper that, other than the town of Portland, didn't have much going for it.". ", Deborah Howell, from Washington, D.C., echoes Donald Newhouse's notion that the change is coincidental. Nor does he wish to arrange a later interview. Carol Felsenthal, Citizen Newhouse: Portrait of a Media Merchant, Chapter One, New York Times. I've been personally acquainted with the apparently increasingly paranoid Gotbaum via a family member of mine since 1979. New Yorker cover of November 15, 2010, titled Bumped, by artist Barry Blitt, follows mid-term elections depicting President Obama in the Oval Office with Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), then expected to replace Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. Tiner sent reporters to Miami to cover Hurricane Andrew. International Business. The cover was intended to be anti- Hollywood and anti-glitz, according to some accounts, and it succeeded in sparking intense controversy and debate, receiving wide media coverage in the process. In 1992, after a mutant form of tuberculosis began killing prisoners, the Post-Standard investigated the medical care given New York state inmates. A sample cover of "Glamour" magazine, January 1971. Focusing on teen fashion and celebrities, with related news and entertainment feature stories, it became a successful new magazine in the Newhouse/Cond Nast stable, soon reaching a circulation of more than one million. Inside the magazine, Brown also made changes. And so, it seems, is the Staten Island Advance. Newhouse, Publishers Weekly, April 3, 1998. He says the changes represent packaging, not vision. A new letters-to-the-editor page and the addition of authors bylines to the Talk of the Town section had the effect of making the magazine more personal. Newhouse himself was a registered Democrat, and he voted for John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential race. Carol Felsenthals 1998 book, Citizen Newhouse. Click for copy. Rowe set a new, even radical, tone (see "A Brand New Ballgame," page 28). Jr. and Donald Newhouse credit for ''at least $2.3 billion'' is a gigantic understatement. Not too long after that I got a communication from Wrobleski asking for an interview. Donald Trump had his Facebook and Instagram accounts restored on Thursday, despite the fact that the former president orchestrated an attempted coup against the government of the United States on January 6, 2021. He answers his own phone. The Walton family has traditionally donated to Republicans, and Alice Walton, daughter of Wal-marts founder, is no exception. He sold the stations primarily because his companythen held newspapers in those same cities and he feared the government would eventually order the sale on anti-trust grounds. The challenge is the future. donald newhouse political affiliation 09 June 2022. thomas beaudoin conjointe / coal ridge high school graduation 2022 / . The following year he set another industry record when he paid $54.2 million fortheCleveland Plain-Dealer. His assessment of the Star-Ledger is unforgiving: "The Newark Star-Ledger continues to be an absolute journalistic disaster. I called again and she responded asking for more information, including references to local angles. Jack Doyle, John Clymers America: The Saturday Evening Post, PopHistoryDig .com, March 30, 2020 (history & selection of John Clymers cover art). I mean, its a question of self-respect too.In his New York article Fishman also quoted Wintour describing Vogues place in the publishing world as she pointed to some of the wares her magazine promoted: Wintour tells me about Ralph Laurens new collection of watches, which inspires her. For additional stories at this website on newspaper and magazine history, see for example: Newsweek Sold!, 1961 (on the Washington Posts acquisition of Newsweek, Ben Bradlee/Phil Graham role, and more recent history from Newsweeks demise to the Jeff Bezos acquisition of the Post); FDR & Vanity Fair, 1930s (politics & publishing during the New Deal era); Murdochs NY Deals, 1976-1977 (Rupert Murdochs newspaper & magazine growth, including his takeover of Clay Felkers New York Magazine); and Rockwell & Race, 1963-1968, (exploring Norman Rockwells art on this topic at The Saturday Evening Post and Look magazine). DAN NEWHOUSE, Republican (incumbent) 67 60 WASHINGTON - In his nearly eight years representing central Washington in the House, Dan Newhouse has fended off challengers from across the. And, as a private company, we've been able to take the long view Newspapers don't change overnight.". The old Post-Standard was "lethargic," he says. Deirdre Carmody, Tina Brown to Take Over at The New Yorker, New York Times, July 1, 1992. Newhouse was also then a part owner of the Discovery cable TV channel. Bunn, 48, hadn't known Rogers in Florida. Other insiders can only guess. Today, as of September 2012, Advance Publications is run at the corporate level by Sams two sons S.I. Vogue magazine cover with Hillary Clinton, December 1998, a tough time for the First Lady. Some 40 percent of the family fortune now came from its stake in Discovery Communications, which ran cable and satellite TV networks with programs such as Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and TLC. No response. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week's biggest issues on Wall Street. Amid a tumultuous media environment, Conde Nast sold W Magazine, Brides and Golf Digest in 2019; it laid off 100 employees in May 2020. The look of Parade magazine in August 1977, not long after being acquired by Newhouse. Leslie Bennetts, The Unsinkable Jennifer Aniston, Vanity Fair, Septem- ber 2005. Donald Newhouse net worth is estimated as 1,140 crores USD. I complained to the paper and Editor Dean Balsamini promised me that the necessary cor- rections would be printed. Some began wondering exactly how Newhouse was generating the funds for his deals. In the end, Newhouse gained total ownership of the eight Booth newspapers and Parade magazine for $305 million. Mr. Siegel later brought that to my attention and we had something of a mutual chuckle over that. Jeff Bercovici, Cond Nast Swaggers Into the Entertainment Business, Forbes, October 11, 2011. Inaugural March 1991 issue of Allure, a Cond Nast publication that focuses on beauty, fashion, and womens health, now with a circulation of 1 million plus. I answered all his questions and gave him a wealth of previous news stories on me in various newspapers going back to 1978, when I was on the front page of the Queens Edition of Newsday for having blown the whistle on a Koch Administration coverup of budget cut-caused patient deaths at City operated Queens Hospital Center, a story that was also, albeit less thoroughly, covered in other mainstream media. And so Ms. Gotbaum once tried to have me arrested at her office some years ago when I was there for my scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff at the time, Scott Coccaro, to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers and shelters. "My sense is that they're trying to gain prestige, and perhaps take advantage of opportunity the other guy's retreating," one reporter says. Geoffrey Foisie and Rich Brown, Time Warner Entertainment: A Big MSO Gets Bigger, Broadcasting & Cable, September 19, 1994, p. 12. Newhouse and the Business of News, New Haven, Connecticut: Ticknor & Fields, 1983. If there's improvement in the papers, it's as a result of improvements being made locally. ?homas Maier is a Newsday investigative reporter who spent four years researching and writing a recently published book on the Newhouse family. About Donald Newhouse Donald Newhouse and his late brother, Samuel "Si" inherited the publishing and broadcasting empire Advance Publications decades ago. The last time called, Ms. Boyd put me right through to Donald Newhouse. His prediction? Change at the Star-Ledger is a subtle thing, he says. Depsite the concerns, things at The New Yorker continued pretty much as they had, asthe magazines integrity and qualitywere not compromised. We're decentralized. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; "We generally didn't go places to cover things. Par . But on a midsummer day as the sun is just bleaching the sky, he has no desire to talk about the dramatic improvement of several of those papers. There are 17 voter registration records for Donald Newhouse. 1997 edition of Thomas Maiers book on Newhouse family. Paul D. Colford, Newhouse Magazines Bask in Glow of Multiple Nomina- tions,Los Angeles Times, March 26, 1998. In January 2020 his foundation gave $75 million to Syracuse's communications school, the college's largest gift ever. Its unclear if former President Donald Trump will take the stand. His counterpart at the Post-Standard is Michael J. Connor, 41, whose career began at the Post-Standard in 1976. Pamela G. Hollie, Newhouse to Acquire 17% of The New Yorker, New York Times, Wednesday, November 14, 1984, p. D-1. donald newhouse political affiliation. Carolina is very knowledgeable about the Titone matter. At the same time, three other magazines were closed in 2001 Mademoiselle, Golf World, and Golf Digest. Former President Donald Trump denied ever calling Florida Gov. Newhouse biography, says of Rowe, "She has an enormous task to turn that into a modern, effective newpaper. Wrobleski then reverted to his Dick Cheney impersonation and stopped communicating entirely. Donald Newhouse. He, for instance, goes monthly with his father to Cleveland, but also works with Starr on oversight of the Washington bureau. Geplaatst op 7 juni 2022 door san diego to joshua tree national park donald newhouse political affiliation . Jacqui Banaszynski had been wooed by top papers since winning a Pulitzer Prize at the St. Paul Pioneer Press in 1988. Thomas Maier, Newhouse: All the Glitter, Power, & Glory of Americas Richest Media Empire & the Secretive Man Behind It, New York: St. Martins Press,1995, 446pp. Jack Doyle, FDR & Vanity Fair, 1930s (politics & publishing during the New Deal era), PopHistoryDig.com, November 2, 2009. Samuel I. Newhouse: Publishing Giant, Staten Island Legacy, Staten Island Advance, Sunday, March 27, 2011. After decades of non-contention, Donald Newhouse writers are claiming major prizes a top environmental writing award for Mobile, an IRE first for Cleveland, Penney Missouri awards for Syracuse. As we talked he read my article on his computer and complained that I was "trashing" his reporter. Once you have a good reader base, advertisers invariably follow. The New Yorker at the time had a renewal rate of 72 percent, which was then 2 points above the industry average. Vanity Fair stories had cultural and current affairs impact, too. Advertising pages in the magazinefeaturedmale models with admiring females. Some of these, however, retained an on-line presence. There was also more coverage of current events and hot topics, featuring more celebrities and business tycoons. Howard Kurtz, When Art Gives Offense, Washington Post, Tuesday, July 15, 2008. In any event, Wrobleski interviewed me over the phone - and then esentially blew the story. The series resulted in an overhaul of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's radiation medicine programs and won awards from IRE, SPJ and APME. A few weeks ago, the media knowledgeable public relations professional Frank DeLuca, who has been serving as my Media Consultant on a pro bono basis, suggested, in light of LaRouche's long history of infiltration into the mainstream media (e.g. When Alabama debated whether to allow casino gambling, he sent staff to Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Deadwood, South Dakota. That deal brought Newhouse Broadcastings 1.4 million subscribers together with Time-Warner systems in New York, North Carolina and Florida at a time when the cable industry was undergoing consolidation in preparation for the battle-to-come withphone companies. The Mobile Press and Register in Alabama has increased its news hole by 15 percent in the last two years and its staff by nearly 50 percent. Hit hard by the realities of the internet, some big Newhouse newspapers were bleeding badly. Jane Perlez, Vanity Fair Sparks Sharp Reaction, New York Times, Wednesday, March 30, 1983, p. C-20. The Springfield Union-News in Massachusetts runs an average of 200 open columns per day, and with a circulation of 108,000 maintains an editorial staff of 204. We have no cookie-cutter system in Newhouse We think that every newspaper is best seen as the expression of its own community.". One of these was the Random House publishing group, which by then included many well known and well respected imprints including: Alfred A. Knopf, Crown Publishing, Ballantine Books, Fawcett Books, Fodors, Modern Library, Pantheon Books, Orion, Vintage Books, and others. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Whatever the outcome, thereis 90 years of richhistory here a publishing and cultural time capsule of sorts, reflecting changes in publishing and media generally over that period. CREDIT: House TV-AP She asked me for an e-mail to her; I sent it to her. csgo bind commands list / best golf instructors in seattle area / donald newhouse political affiliation. Thank you. But perhaps more notably,the Princess Diana storyalso broke news of the royal couples fractured marriage. I replied to Ms. Platt and, in response to several e-mails, she referred me to a number of Advance editors, all whom whom at Ms. Platt's suggestions I called and sent e-mails to. W and Womens Wear were fashion magazines, while Jane was oriented to the 18-to-34 year old market. Its articles focused on fashion what to wear and how to wear it and each issue featured a spread on some the cover girls favorite clothes and trends. When the subsequent lawsuit reached the U.S. Supreme Court in 1991, the court ruled in the source's favor. amzn_assoc_asins = "1888363878,1419708635,0195325346,0375701044"; Life magazine photo of Sam Newhouse, 1963. And Neff praises the arts and entertainment sections as delivering, "pound for pound, the strongest [journalism] in the paper." "I looked at every other job that had been offered to me," Banaszynski says. I think that, if Ms. Platt meant what she wrote, she should strongly consider looking for work elsewhere. Others believe the trend stems from the family's desire for respectability. In 2016, 67 years after he left Syracuse U. to join his father's business, Newhouse returned to receive an honorary degree and deliver the commencement speech. According to a new book, First Lady Melania Trump "popped into" the Situation Room during a military raid and made suggestions on how to describe the raid to the American people.". 1962: Newhouse buys Louisiana newspapers. [9], Newhouse married Susan Marley in 1955, just after she had graduated from Wellesley College. Advance Publications, International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. "Our budget has nearly doubled in that period.". ", But the promise from a new publisher, Howard Bronson Jr., was "that we were going to be aggressive, that he wanted to be the best paper in Alabama pretty quickly and one of the best papers in the South not much later. His front page story on my campaign appeared in the Advance on August 21, 2006 about 1 1/2 years after I announced my candidacy. And under the Newhouse umbrella, Parade would only grow in the years ahead. "I wanted to be part of it." [17], S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, "Newhouse family enters cable's top tier", "THE BIGGEST PRIVATE FORTUNE Media magnates Si and Don Newhouse control a $7.5-billion empire. A full-page color ad in Parade at this time would cost its sponsor about $420,000. Newhouse - Democrat 12. In its pitch to advertisers, showing a U.S. map with links to its 12 websites, Advance Digital says: We are a leading network of local websites we are affiliated with over 25 newspapers; we reach over 18.9 million consumers every month; and we have a large and diverse audience of educated and affluent professionals.. (I said he was creating a "boatload of atheists."). Citizen Newhouse, (Autor, Carol Felsenthal on her book), C-SPAN Video.org, January 27, 1999. (Perhaps he has the same narcisstic anxieties manifested by his insecure political pals Gotbaum and Savino.) Under the formula calling for one editorial employee for every thousand in circulation, Tiner figured they were understaffed. [5], In January 2020, Newhouse donated $75 million to Syracuse University's S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. Other Vanity Fair covers through 1992 featured Hollywood celebrities, rock stars, and enticing cover stories, among them: Jessica Lange in October 1991, Goldie Hawn in March 1992, and Mick Jagger in April 1992. He put a second reporter in Washington, D.C. Wireds were down by almost 60 percent. By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS January 25, 2021. Connor says the '70s were marked by "a culture of change." An impromptu debate on Social Security between MSNBC host Joy Reid and Republican Congressman Byron Donalds (Fla.) left something to be desired on both sides. Our publishers have autonomy.". The first call I got from Wrobleski occurred in late August, 2005 when my UP FRONT News associate Willard Whittingham received a rather desperate call from Wrobleski regarding the matter of NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum having made a defamatory reference to me in a televised campaign debate. Random House has always been as firmly self-interested as the next publisher. During the 18-year Newhouse tenure, Random House and the book business had changed, and with the web and new retailing patterns, more change was ahead. That's when Wrobleski, trying to catch up, since he had allowed his newspaper to get scooped by a Long Island/Queens-based paper, called Mr. Whittingham - asking for an "exclusive." 19. Newhouse used part of the money from that sale to buy up other cable TV systems, and by 1981 or sohad over 500,000 cable television subscribers. The Newhouse newspapers for years were regarded as high-profit journalistic underachievers. No skyscraper like Gannett's in Arlington, Virginia, not even acreage like Knight-Ridder's on a full floor of One Herald Plaza in Miami. It joined the Times-Picayune on More's roster of the country's worst big dailies. On October 12, 1962, The Wall Street Journal reported that Newhouse was planing to buy The World-Herald newspaper in Omaha, Nebraska. Her book includes great detail on Si Newhouses editorial proclivities and the lavish perks he bestowed on his editorial elite, with former editors and publishers talking candidly about their dealings with Newhouse, who is cast as cold and uncaring by several long-time editors. If not, could you forward this site to this person? Newhouse succeeded in making the paper profitable, and along the way, attended evening classes at the New Jersey Law School at Newark, receiving a degree in 1916. They exposed its own racism, and not just in the past. Othersbelievethe Newhouse empire will not only survive, butwillthrive, continuing to be a dominant cultural force andcontemporary story teller, setting trends in fashion, literature, and style as it goes. "There's more hard, breaking news on the evening televsion than there is on the front page of the metro section," he says. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Bunn says the philosophy was to "make tomorrow's paper better than today's." By March 1998, the Newhouse family appeared to be streamlining its operation, and cutting away properties which had underperformed. Was that a tide that could be bucked? Some months ago well known Staten Island African-American political activist expressed to me the view that the Staten Island Advance is "the most racist daily paper in New York." "They've just made some very good hires and have been doing some very good journalism," she says. Donald Newhouse first move was to try to bolster the credibility of the business pages. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; In 1996 its profits were generously estimated at $1 million on $1 billion in sales. I have also advised the Advance of the papework-provable history of threats against me by Hillary Clinton, not to speak of all sort of criminal harassments me by surrogates of mega-fascist political extremists Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and Lenora Fulani, including the Staten Island-connected multiple offender and demagogue from Queens Geoffrey Blank. Newhouse Buys Alabama Papers; Pub-lisher Pays $18.7 Million for 2 Dailies, TV Outlet, and 3 Radio Stations, New York Times, December 2, 1955. For additional stories at this website on newspaper and magazine history, see for example: Sam Newhouse Sr. and wife Mitzi, possibly early 1970s. Private Company Incorporated: 1924 as Staten Island Advance Company Employees: 18,500 Sales: $2.94 billion A multi-billion dollar international communications empire made up of newspapers, magazines, books, and electronic me dia, Advance Publications Inc. is a family-owned . Edgar L. "Dooky" Chase III is a business law professor at Dillard University in New Orleans. No response. The wealth of the Newhouse family at this point approached $200 million. Doreen Carvajal, Media; Newhouses Legacy Lives In Publisher, New York Times, March 30, 1998. Two New Yorker covers in 2010 hit BPs Gulf of Mexio oil spill one from the June 7, 2010 issue that showed a man in a suit testifying before a Congressional-like panel of oil-saturated marine animals, and five weeks later, offering a visual play on Escher-like imagery, titled After Escher: Gulf Sky and Water, by artist Bob Staake, which reportedly lit up the blogosphere, as Staake cleverly modified the original Escher to include oil-drenched Gulf wildlife, with a pelican at the top and a turtle at the bottom. The paper has the largest circulation of any in the group (464,000 daily, 697,000 Sunday). The other jobs, to one degree or other, were safer, in that I was stepping into someone else's box and either making it bigger or making it mine.