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The Celtic people of Britain, Ireland, and France largely believed in the existence of hyperdimensional elves and fairies in the early twentieth century, around the time Evans-Wentz recorded his encounters. What if the DMT realm was the real world, and our everyday lives were merely a game we had chosen to play? DO IT NOW!! These accounts are documented extensively by the anthropologist Walter Evans-Wentz in his 1911 book The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries. Most people who are conditioned under todays materialistic paradigm would probably argue for the latter, i.e. Objects which looked like Faberg eggs from Mars morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. Hope this helps someone. If you as a human being decide to enter their realm, they will most likely want to play with you. Thanks for sharing. Filled with concepts and dogmas? And I realized when I looked at them that if I could bring just one of these little trinkets back, nothing would ever be quite the same again. Why Does DMT Pervade Nature?With the presence of DMT in nature everywhere - including human brains - why does it continue to baffle science? They are described as walking in a psychedelic world of fractal shapes. Entity contact with aliens typically coincides with experiences of being experimented on by probes, implants, or surgeries in futuristic settings. And the entire point of the encounter, from their perspective, is to teach you to do this, One anonymous user in Strassmans study recalled a similar experience: . The short answer is that, what these machine-elves essentially are is up for grabs. They are friendly and harmless and one of them we even named the little trickster. They come in all shapes and sizes and some appear to have sort of an invisibility cloak but you can still see their transparent figure. However, many artists have depicted fractal-like and mechanical representations of machine elves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNu6FmaUIB0. The psychologist Jennifer A Lyke of Stockton University categorized the nature of interactions with DMT entities in a compiled sample of 149 trip reports from Erowid. Given the verging-on-science fiction properties of DMT, its all too easy to dismiss the phenomenon of machine elves as a mere drug-induced fantasy. I don't believe they are, I've never really asked them about God or Jesus. Love and forgiveness. N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT, SPL026) is a substituted tryptamine that occurs in many plants and animals, including human beings, and which is both a derivative and a structural analog of tryptamine. How to Ground After DMTKnowing what to expect from a DMT comedown can help you integrate the experience to gain as much value as possible from your journey. Thankfully I have meditation tools tht allow me consciousness in so many new dimensions that it becomes easier to fathom that realm. One of Strassmans volunteers in the DMT study, Jeremiah, reported how unbelievably free-standing and durable his experience in the DMT realm was: DMT has shown me the reality that there is an infinite variation on reality. But at least now, with the knowledge of what you could find when you break through, you might be able to strike up a friendship with machine elves or, in the best-case scenario, get them to reveal all the secrets of their existence. You should link a different video from someone whos actually taken DMT. religion in itself is in no way a bad thing but what humanity has mostly used it for and made it into its an abhorrent thing especially when people try to force there vews onto others. Why did I mention this? According to Mckenna, It is a language, but not made of wordsa language which becomes and which is the things it describes. They seem to shun me and call time whenever that happens. My knowledge is intrinsic and I move mountains with this faith. It sounds so intense. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The surviving half-fiend offspring of House Dlardrageth fled to Siluvanede, around 5000 DR. Were these people savage? Although we could literally build it in an hour if we knew how to work together. The DMT elves, or machine elves, reported by DMT users are a phenomenon of the human brain that neuroscience research continues to struggle to explain, and one that is as mysterious as the entities themselves. The people in the room were flipping out . In South America, indigenous people have used the powerful psychedelic drug ayahuasca as a hallucinogenic tea to alter brain activity for thousands of years. Its all relative. Venus, Aphrodite; namely and connection to Goddess of love. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. "Machine Elves" aren't demons though or angels, nor do they exploit inner fears. McKenna's books, including "Food of the Gods," "True Hallucinations" and "The Invisible Landscape," offered a scientific, academic approach to the study of hallucinogenic drugs alongside personal accounts of McKenna's experiences in the DMT realm. DMT is a "tryptamine" molecule that occurs naturally in many plants and animals but has been synthesized since the 1930s. DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine) is an incredibly powerful, short-lasting tryptamine psychedelic found naturally in animals, fungi, and a wide variety of plants. get a grip hun. The hyper-spacial entities that inhabit the DMT realm. Well, then they are intelligent as well. I've never seen them either. An audial hallucination is quite rare but these emanations do not originate in our primal 5 senses. id say find some self love but youd probably say thats satans work too. . He realized that he was made of immaculate and timeless consciousness when meditating in his hermit cave on the island of Gotland. The entities are almost unanimously seen as welcome figures, who guide users trips and offer space in a friendly and celebratory way. Are they not one and the same? What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness?How does our brain differentiate between whats real and whats not? Many experimenters find recalling the precise image of the machine elves can be difficult, due in part to the fact that their energetic shape may continuously transform. David S. Soriano/Wikimedia Commons/(CC BY-SA 4.0), Users Report Seeing 'DMT Entities' or 'Machine Elves', Timothy Leary, William Burroughs and Terence McKenna. Hey everybody. Dont think about who we are Think about doing what were doing. You say that meditation and psychedelics clear the mind so that these evil entities have an opportunity to enter and possess you, but what is better than a clear mind? Daniel Seeker is a wandering dervish and lifelong student of the past, present and future. There is no doubt they are real as we were seeing them and hearing them at the same time. A friend of a friend abused DMT for awhile (well, treated it as a recreational fun drug instead of a psychonautical learning experience that deserves respect), and he kept ending up in the room with the elves. Contact with entities is reported in the majority of DMT trip reports in the West, but also in a multitude of non-Western cultures. Thus, people are reporting figments of their psychedelic drug induced imagination. 1.Celestial beings One of the things that make ayahuasca ceremonies so powerful is because it can pave the way for you to meet the sky deity. Having Sex on DMT: What You Need to KnowHave you ever wondered about sex on DMT? The elves may permeate reality, as they claim, but it is unlikely that they are the source of the Universe or the Dao. Overview VQGAN+CLIP+coco #VQGAN #vqganclip #AIart #generativeart #machineelves pic.twitter.com/jL6p8qIcOu, Steven H fron O&D (@_hernsl) January 20, 2022, McKenna himself theorised many possibilities as to what machine elves might be. One anonymous user in Strassmans study recalled a similar experience: They were speaking and words were coming out of their mouths, just floating along, he said. Machine elves can take on many forms depending on the individual. In summary, Kent makes the argument that DMT entity contact and psychedelic visuals may be the result of chaotic visual patterns overlapped with images created from waking dreams. If you are good, machine elves are good. When ingested, the experience can last for 8 hours or more.". By using the term "machine elves," Terence McKenna's tales created terminology that has been widely adopted by those who have tripped in his footsteps and described these visuals in the same way that he did. Generally, theyre reported to greet the visitors with a child-like curiosity and innocence, often continuously changing form and singing immensely complicated objects into existence. 5-MeO-DMT Guide: Effects, Benefits, Safety, and Legality5-Meo-DMT comes from the Sonora Desert toad. And I'm not sure if these things aren't just inventions of the mind. Literally read it like 5 times just to soak in what youre saying. Dozens of these friendly fractal entities, looking like self-dribbling Faberge eggs on the rebound, had surrounded me and tried to teach me the lost language of true poetry. Latest Shows. In DMT The Spirit Molecule, Rick Strassman proposes that the brains relationship to consciousness may be akin to the relationship of a TV set to a TV signal. Read this piece to learn the best practices and elements of advice to keep your stuff fresh. They often have cogs or clockwork machines inside them, coupled with elven features. As Terence Mckenna says, You burst into this space and theyre saying, How wonderful that youre here, you come so rarely! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In his book Archaic Revival . A mind, occupied, may not wander. The ontological status of DMT entities has been debated by scientists, philosophers, theologians, and psychonauts for decades. He also described how it is that DMT users come into contact with the elves. Common animals reported include reptiles, mantises, bees, spiders, felines, jellyfish, and insects. I put on a sunday night service LIVE where they were delivering everyone when i went through my hyper religous state on dmt, usually when i use it, i see millions of entities, that night, not ONE entity, only the average regular effects, were present, which actually kinda scared me lol XD. I just looked through ur post history bro pls get evaluated. The ibis of Ra. I sure never have. Sort of like jewelled basketballs all dribbling their way toward me. Its not like some kind of drug. Hes also currently writing his B.A. And it's not just during psychedelic experiences, but at random times when I least expect it. Absolutely hilarious. In this video above I found a fascinating first-hand account of what happened to this young man in a DMT trip. Some trip reports mention entities that have manifested as deceased loved ones or family members. The DMT experience is certainly married to the cultural context in which the trip happens. Avoid psychedelics for at least a few months and see a psychiatrist if it persists. Thats all religions are. I'm not really religious. Yo, you need to see a psych doctor. Mayer found that 66% of them (226) referenced independently-existing entities that interact in an intelligent and intentional manner. 3/1/23: I'M LIVING ON A CHINESE ROCK W/ DR. LEE MERRITT Ron Patton | March 1, 2023 . Perception is in the eye of the beholder, Your email address will not be published. With a loose understanding of how they appear and what they tend to look like, scientists have sought to explore what the exact function of machine elves might be. Rather I suggest we should be open and awake to lifes infinite expressions yet still critical minded and rational enough to form adequate conclusions. The sharp blade in the hands of the unskilled student, or the same blade in the hands of the wise master? Devil has false light . He postulated that they could be evidence of extraterrestrials, entities from a parallel dimension, human souls which have died in this realm, or humans from . . Ive stopped trying to take, only receive. Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete". Terence McKennas first encounters with machine elves date back to 1965 when he was an undergraduate at Berkeley. Therefore, I was neither intellectually nor emotionally prepared for the frequency with which contact with these beings occurred in our studies, nor the often utterly bizarre nature of these experiences.. "It is typically smoked or vaporized, but it can be consumed orally if done so in combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)," explains Dr. Steve Thayer, a clinical psychologist and host of the podcast "Psychedelic Therapy Frontiers," in an email interview. Humanoid beings are a common archetype of the DMT experience. Does Absinthe Really Cause Hallucinations? While McKennas word put linguistic weight around these apparitions, reports of the phenomenon pre-date the terms invention and have continually sprung up since McKennas coining in the 70s. Some days I lean towards more rational explanations whilst other days I just fall back into the mode of the universe is stranger than we can suppose. In addition, various cultural factors may be in play, which could determine the idiosyncrasies of the experience. This ranges from the ancient shamanic traditions of Native Americans to indigenous Australian and African tribes. And so I watched them, even though I wondered if maybe I hadnt really done it this time, and what they were doing was they were making objects come into existence by singing them into existence. Learn how the God Molecule can influence your intimate experiences. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Even with Strassmans hard scientific background, he was forced to seriously examine his materialist assumptions on the nature of reality after his DMT studies. Strassman himself found the popularity of machine elves during his study to be especially notable, saying in an interview: I admittedly chalked up these stories to some kind of West Coast eccentricity. Search. Written by Clyde Lewis. Oddily enough I have more experience with the elf on another matter as I do with gnomes, dwarves, angels and so fourth. In the former elven realm of Arcorar (located in what became Cormanthyr), House Dlardrageth began summoning demons to produce half-fiend offspring in a bid to strengthen their bloodline and succeeded and were killed by other elves, who were enraged over this practice.. so we need to understand the mind , our minds, as an observer looking in , and thats a pretty difficult thing , but perhaps DMT/acid/k-hole helps build a bridge there , your guess is as good as mines.. Its quite unfortunate that my partner had childhood epilepsy for a year or two before puberty. Similarly, Philip Mayer collected and analyzed 340 DMT trip reports in 2005. I detect haikus. Moreover they revealed to him how they permeate reality and the whole universe. I do not claim that the machine elves are anything because I wont claim that they even exist to begin with. Maybe thats what happened when the Mayan calendar ended. Studies show DMT for depression works even for treatment resistant patients. Geometric objects may present as giant, multi-colored undulating spheres or other shapes, or more generally, morphing multi-colored, fractal-like structures of various textures. This video is the first in the upcoming series (Truth Revealed) where i introduce my thoughts, I will talk about prophesies, current world setting, new occurring phenomenons, new theories,. It will continue to progress without you paying attention. DMT is one of the most potent entheogens known to man, and the trip it induces is significantly different than other psychoactive substances. So lets hide inside the load and well talk to them from there and theyll never realize that were of a different status than pink elephants, Is DMT a chemical key that engages certain programs in the brain, programs left by an alien species for our development? How to Use DMT Vape PensRead to learn all about DMT vape pens including: what to know when vaping, what to expect when purchasing a DMT cartridge, and vaping safely. I cant help but wonder what the hell those things are they sure appear sentiment and rather intelligent. In any case, its important to note that DMT is an incredibly potent (and outright illegal) drug and should only be administered in the safest circumstances, if at all. Research Subjects Report Alternate Realities, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. They are harmless, unless you give them the required energy to be unstable you are safe. we barely understand space-time and quantum physics , and science always avoids a theory of consciousness because its too slippery The real enemy, the reason for the child abuse, wars and these rituals. In this article, we will take a deep dive into machine elves, and also explore some of the other DMT entities that are commonly reported in DMT trips. Those who arent clear in the mind and spirit are the ones liable for possession. But what are they exactly? The direct thought transference in the DMT realm is often likened to a matrix-style upload of a rapid, unfathomable amount of information. And become outright hostile when talking about God and Jesus. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trippwhipp/ But I'm curious if anyone has asked these machine elves whether they are in fact demons or asked about God and got a different, non-negative response. The majority of users deemed their encounters positive (81%), with descriptions of their appearance ranging from human-like, to alien or fantastical. Happy elve encounters! Heck they could also be the full capacity of the human imagination manifested into sensory reality. In his 1989 book True Hallucinations, Mckenna recounts his initial encounter with machine elves: During my own experiences smoking synthesized DMT in Berkeley, I had had the impression of bursting into a space inhabited by merry elfin, self-transforming, machine creatures. Inner fears are supposed to be exploited because they're maladaptive habitual ignorances. How do we define savagery? Which is interesting to say the least. Yet, why do you not concern yourself, with the content which the mind is occupied? But at least now, with the knowledge of what you could find when you break through, you might be able to strike up a friendship with machine elves or, in the best-case scenario, get them to reveal all the secrets of their existence. How DMT is Made: Everything You Need to KnowEver wonder how to make DMT? ", It may seem like it would be scary or one might not be emotionally prepared to encounter these entities on a DMT trip, and Thayer says it's not uncommon for human beings to experience fear, but "the most common emotions people experience are joy, love and trust.". SWIM has never done DMT but the other psychedelics opened SWIM up to some of the most pure, loving ways of thought SWIM has ever conceived. The unfolding of spirit on its high self is what we refer to only in incomprehensible terms. It was like captions coming out of their mouths, very cartoon-like. The Ultimate Guide to DMT PricingCheck out our ultimate guide on DMT pricing to learn what to expect when purchasing DMT for your first time. They surround you and say, Welcome, were so glad to see you., While physical descriptions vary (many users report that the apparitions are amorphous and hard to define), the behaviour of machine elves is commonplace among most trips. DMT is one of the drugs that well-known psychedelic activist Timothy Leary and writer William Burroughs were doing in the 1960s, but it wasn't widely popular until the 1990s. He postulated that they could be evidence of extraterrestrials, entities from a parallel dimension, human souls which have died in this realm, or humans from some extraordinarily advanced future world. The otherworldly predictions were common among general users, too, with over 80% of DMT users in Strassmans study describing their encounters as more than reality.. With the surge in demand for psychedelic toad milk, is DMT Milking harming the frogs? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A cluttered mind? Disclaimer: In case you were considering flagging this: I have never taken psychedelics before I have just made this video for my actors reel and am acting as someone who has Because of this this video should be treated as a short film that includes dialogue about drug use and should not be flagged.. Perhaps the psychedelics were used as part of psychological combat training. If it were merely an illusion how could two people be seeing and hearing the same thing at eh exact same moment? DMT ResourcesThis article is a comprehensive DMT resource providing extensive information from studies, books, documentaries, and more. These are the things controlling the controllers History []. I like how some people jump all over meditation, chakras and psychedelics as portals for demons. The demons, the devil and the desire for the 7 deadly sins already live within all of man. If youre worried about demons attacking you in any sense you should pray to God for protection and guidance. Youre basically asking them to place limits in front of you and youre showing that you already limit yourself. Terence Mckenna describes vocal energy as the prima materia of the DMT realm, where everything is made of the stuff of visible language. It sounds like youve had some really eye-opening experiences and we appreciate you sharing them here! Theyve come to be known by many names, including clockwork elves, DMT elves, fractal elves, and tykes (a word for small child). That seems to be their shtick. I admittedly chalked up these stories to some kind of West Coast eccentricity. What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness? "These entities take on many forms," says Thayer, "including animals, insects, angels, demons, family members, jesters, aliens, lights, spirits, fairies and amorphous beings.