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You ARE the Neverseen, Keefe! ", Alden sighed. Sophie and Biana; Sophie and Dex; Dex and Keefe; Sophie and Fitz; Fitz and Keefe; Sophie and Marella; Marella and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Sophie and Jensi; Sophie and Tam; Keefe and Tam; Sophie and Linh; Keefe and Linh; Dex, Fitz, and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Keefe and Biana She hadn't responded to any of Elwin's medicine, and even though he tried to hide it, Fitz could see that he was worried. WHAT DID YOU DO?, Sophie looked at Keefe and sighed. He raised his leaping crystal to the light, then leaped to the first place he could think of, one he was given permission to go to anytime he wanted. Now you two really need to sleep. Here you go!. She blushed at the slightest catch in his voice and then wished she hadn't when he flashed his trademark smirk., Then he was lost to his floaty dreams, most of which focused on the gold-flecked brown eyes he could never get out of his head., From that point on, he only had one goal: to be whatever Sophie needed. Keefe leaned down, but didn't break the kiss. Sophie and Keefe grow closer as they rely on each other to move on from their losses. "I need to go," Keefe said quickly. ', 'Whoa, are you crying?' ( *koff* Ok, wow. Because of them Sophie was missing, and probably suffering. Look at him! when i continued i was looking for this one. Sophie Foster is broken. This is just a a short little KOTLC SoKeefe fanfic :) It's staged in the middle of book four of the KOTLC series, where the Keeper Crew is banned from the Lost Cities and are living in Alluveturre, one of the Black Swan's hideouts. Only when it comes to you. The two elves sat underneath the tree, turned towards each other. Mostly very fluffy, with some angst here and there. But you all acted irresponsibly. "I have something to tell youwell, two things actually. The wow factor is high! Fitz Avery Vacker, the ex. His messy face contorted in such a painful way. Hi guys i've just finished reading the whole thing and i LOVE IT i used to read them a lot but then i stopped. Turning his head, the blond boy leapt to his feet, startled to find the real Sophie Foster staring at him with a look of concern. Sophie scrambled for something to say, panicking. When Sophie hopped out of the shower, she was still thinking about Keefes hair- how it always looked messy, but also styled at the same time. 5 She's not dead. When he pulled back, he was shocked to find himself staring into Fitz's bright teal eyes. What is he Sophie yelped into his mouth as he picked her up easily. "I DONT KNOW!" 'Why would I hate you?' 'For me too. Will Biana continue being a mean girl? He looked heartbroken. Sophie admits that she wouldnt know what to do if she didnt have him, and Keefe reassures her that shed be fine. This causes a rift in the relationship between Sophie and Keefe. Always - SoKeefe Fanfic. But after that kiss, I'm not sure of anything. He let the light pull her away, not taking his eyes off hers until she was gone completely. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Thanks for reading this! Straight-A student, Student Council President and Head Prefect of Foxfire Academy. I have an obsession with those ships. She knew why, of course she did, who didn't, but it still scares her every time. He assures her that they'll get the starstone back the next day and he asks if she knows why. Fitz), Dex Keefe Linh Sophie Marella Keefe and Sophie Dex and Keefe Tam, Sophie Dex Tam Marella Jensi Keefe Linh Linh and Sophie Linh and Marella, Pairings with Dexter Alvin Dizznee (a.k.a Dex), Sophie Biana Tam Keefe Linh Fitz Marella Stina Fitz and Keefe, Sophie Tam Biana Keefe Linh Dex Fitz Stina Linh and Biana, Sophie Tam Marella Dex Biana Fitz Linh Sophie and Fitz Dex and Fitz, Sophie Keefe Marella Dex Biana Glimmer Fitz, Sophie Marella Dex Biana Fitz Sophie and Biana Keefe Biana and Marella, Alden and Alina Alden and Della Brant and Jolie Elwin and Physic Grady and Edaline Cassius and Gisela Oralie and Kenric Quinlin and Physic Tiergan and Prentice Della and Alina Della and Livvy Tiergan and Prentice Forkle and Tiergan , Bo and Ro Cad and Ro Lur and Mitya Sandor and Grizel Silveny and Greyfell, Sokeefe, Team Foster-Keefe, Keephie, Keefoster. He spread his arms wide, turning around slowly. It was! Fantasy Sokeefe This is a Fanfiction I made about KOTLC because I was bored waiting for the book 9 to be published, the characters belong to Shannon Messenger. 'I know, I'm sorry. Keefe was on the swing when he say her. When he leans in Sophie's stomach flutters as his breath tickles her skin. I I love you. , Sophie whispered, before she started fidgeting with her hands. So you remember. I love it! The first words your soulmate will say to you appears on your left arm. Goodnight, Keefe. ,Sophie said, yawning. "Let's see what they'd think about a Keefe-shaped one, then," Dex grumbled, swinging around to face the other boy. ', The deep, crisp accent was instantly recognizable. Sophie jumped away from him, breathing heavily as her heart thudded in her chest. His mouth curves with one word until it changes. "No wonder the Neverseen captures you so easily. Keefe hated his fathers house! Sophie felt like he wasn't kidding because of how soaked and shaky and pale he was, and because she couldn't stop shivering, she moved behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. 'What about Dex? ", Keefe gives his cape to Sophie insisting that they can't have her freeze and reminds Sophie that she didn't refuse, Sophie worries about the fact that she could have lost, Keefe almost face plants onto the deck of. Keefe and Biana has betrayed them, Sophie could be dead for all they knew, and his parents were acting like they knew everything. Sophie clawed at the wall, unable to breathe and Keefe stared at her with ice cold eyes. He looked at her. No matter how all this stuff goes down.' Sophie Foster wasn't taken to the Lost Cities when she was twelve. If Keefe visiting was going to be a regular thing, shed stock up on his favorites. How could I forget? Sophie patted her pockets, then remembered- her home crystal was at Havenfield. He was straightwasn't he? #greyfell Sophie took her time getting dressed and drying her hair and, alright, putting on a little lip gloss, but there was still no sign of Keefe when she stepped out into her room. Sophie smirked. Because Sophie promised Keefe she would get him through this, she tells Keefe about her new teleporting, her conversation with. Her arms were around Keefe's waist, keeping him close to her, and her kiss was soft. You did say you wanted to clean my room, didnt you? "WHY DO YOU CARE! Words: 1,885. Lol, no pressure. Keefe Sencen paced around the small space, chewing his lip as his heart pounded with nervousness. Keefe joked with Sophie after she was crying about not getting anything done to help her parents, which she said made her feel better. She assures him that she would never hate him while smiling at him, and he smiles back. Keefe wraps his arm around Sophie to keep her steady. Maybe both of them. (a series of semi-related one-shots. Dating back to Neanderthals, humans have always felt this natural pull to the othe sophie foster is confused. She left some distance between them, and although it was only a few feet, it felt like the whole world was seperating them. Her eyes were filled with sadness. Not even when the both of them are paired up for a homework project. Uh oh was the feeling in Sophie's gut. No buts. So its kind of like Baby-Sitters club (if you're familiar), where every chapter is a new adventure with whatever these kids get themselves into. I'll Love You Forever: A Sokeefe fanfiction (human AU) Age 3: Sophie sat on the bench, clutching her stuffed elephant to her chest. Because he left. Freak out all you want. And that kiss. Stop resisting, Sophie. he uttered as the footsteps grew louder. I have something to say to you.. Fanfiction Romance Sokeefe KOTLC Silveny Alicorn Shannon Messenger Fantasy Adventure Team Foster-Keefe . KEEFE. Sophie stopped him from finishing the sentence. It's dangerous, and it hurt my dad. 'No one ever does that.'". At first, Fitz didn't react, shocked, but after half a second, he kissed her back. Sophie doesn't know how she is going to live if something happens to Keefe. ", Biana Linh and Biana Linh Dex Fitz Tam Keefe and Fitz Jensi Keefe Marella Valin, Pairings with Fitzroy Avery Vacker (a.k.a. You should probably go fix it with a very sincere apology if you ever want to be allowed back here.. she asked. feelings to sophie first gets to give the other You're so light!" She rolled her eyes, but kissed him again. ", Sophie grimaced. Then, Keefe helped Sophie carry her books, while "Grady, meanwhile, was studying Keefe as he'd never seen him before in his life." Keefe's smile turned unbearably sweet, 'Me too, Foster. "Where's Keefe?". But is that really the only reason?. Lost Cities Keeper Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Alden glared at Fitz. Nope, but Im pretty sure Ive already told you how cute you are when youre mad at me, so During the conversation hed moved closer, and it took Sophie a moment to realize hed called her cute. This non-binary fan! Then, not even hesitating this time, she stepped closer, stood on her tiptoes, closed her eyes, and leaned in. He also sent her green breezes during the reset to calm her down. Sophie and her friends are safe, and the only thing that they have to worry about is Keefe's deadly dares. Keefe was effortlessly hilarious, snarky, and sweet. Their eyes met nervously. Caution: CONTAINS A LOT OF SOKEEFE FLUFF! I WROTE THIS BEFORE LEGACY You need to take us back! Fitz trailed shortly behind her. 'I should be braver than this.' FANFICTION ONLINE FANFICTION ONLINE Read Write Collections Login Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic @bookreader209 Sophie is dealing with a TON of emotional drama. Sophie took a long, shaky breath before whispering, About a week and a half., Keefe slowly sat up and patted a spot on his cot, Come here, Miss F., It took all self-control Sophie had to not run over there. Tell your boyfriends not to be jealous. Do I have to remind you that you havent slept since the day you brought Keefe here?. I have wanted to write a coffeeshop AU for a while now, so I'm very excited to do this! But come back another time, okay? Right now, Fitz felt like she was the only person that truly understood him. Its better when you are around. Keefe says that she must have someone else in mind if she's trying to impress someone (by dressing up) because she always impresses him. Maybe if she never let go, she could hold the broken pieces together., 'Is this the best time to reach out to you each night?' pretty rough if you hadn't stopped by.' And that's fine. His stupid legacy had drawn him in, and he had left all his friendships behind to pursue power and glory. But it was different now. Yeah. They are often seen holding hands. She replies, saying that's way more than she's willing to lose. Keefe tells her "Aw, the little shrieking sounds you're making are adorable." So u search up KOTLC wattpad. Stay with me. Keefe clearly likes Sophie, concrete proof of which was given in Keefes Short Story in Nightfall. At least they left. Sophie raised the crystal to the light, glancing over her shoulder. I really hope you like it! The platonic pairing of the two (Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen) is the 7th most popular relationship tag overall and the most popular platonic relationship tag. He can't stay away from his overwhelming emotions, and now he has two panic-attack-inducing crushes, and his mom is worse than ever, and his dad has never been so aggressive, and he's so, so tired. Biana raised an eyebrow. Keefe Sencen isn't one of those people, and has taken notice of the smart girl with pretty brown eyes. At least Keefe was stuck doing it with her- no way was she letting him sit there and crack jokes any longer while she worked. I have been told that, but I made you laugh didnt I? ,Keefe could feel all that sadness turn to happiness. Either way, he reached up for her face, and they were both leaning in, and. 'What about him?' Sophie scoots close to Keefe "Partially to shield herself behind him, but mostly because he was slumped over the railing like a piece of soggy laundry." Biana Vacker is dead.At least to her friends that saw her bleed out,to the neverseen she is there best recruiter the best fighter she is finally someone without being in her bothers shadows what wi. + Keefe's hands, which had rested on her hips, were now resting on wider, more masculine ones instead. How dare you! It is Foster, after all." Here. he said, handing it to her. but a kiss isn't going to make me change my mind about stopping when the Neverseen is chasing me down, and I'm all alone In the Keefe Short Story, Keefe admits his feelings and says he'll tell Sophie soon, but that he's waiting for Sophie to trust him first. Yes, Grady still called Keefe That Boy, but at least he wasnt kicking him out of the house. She's in her 2nd year in the Elite Levels. Rivals She stood up, smiling. He grinned as he leaned down to kiss her. Sophie feels bad when she realizes that Keefe can get lost in others emotions, and hers are even worse. You know very well that IT WOULD NOT HAVE CHANGED ANYTHING!" . 'What about Dex?' Sokeefe becomes official! But when her sanity is shattered under the mental weight of he Sophie is happy. BETTER, Keefe puts his forehead on hers and tells her he doesnt want to mess up, Sophie tilts her chin up to 'steal another quick kiss' and seconds later Flori interupts, They both have stuffed animals (Sophie has. ', I don't know if I'm going to make it, Foster. Imprisonment, maybe, or most likely certain death. #kotlc WHY SHOULD All of these characters and settings belong to Shannon Messenger! But weve only been here half a second!, Which is way too long! Shes getting closer to Keefe and her PTSD is getting better. Dex and Fitz followed her, though Tam stayed where he was. But whatever it takes, it's going to happen. And that's fine. She ran faster. "replied Linh. "I'm not here to talk about that." the neverseen have been vanquished permanently, or that's what she hopes. What had she gotten herself into? If Keefe died in the series Keepers of the Lost Cities. By it didn't make sense. Keefe gave Sophie two paintings he made for her, one of Sophie. He would not lose hope. Sophie giggled, pressing a warm kiss to his temple. Book 1: Sophie and Keefe first met after a slight accident in Sophie's alchemy class. Sophie said before he leaned in and his soft lips hit hers. Sophie rolled her eyes as she smiled. He was very happy to be in love with someone who would accept him for who he is. Keefe gives Sophie his mother's necklace outside the Sanctuary. Sophie sees Keefe playing with the Alicorns and says there is a lot of cuteness and Keefe perks up. It cant be because you want your room clean., Naw, youre right. It wasn't until Keefe started to kiss back that the elixir started to wear off. '", Keefe tells Sophie (again) that no one will care if she is. I want some drama here. #teamfosterkeefe. Then, she started sobbing. She came up to him and hugged him. Finally, the door to the empty classroom opened, and in walked Sophie Foster. He tries to explain why he's been there for three days while making it sound like it was just logical but just ends up rambling. You do realize makeup has a lot of chemicals in it, right? She thought she was dreaming, when Keefe suddenly was awake. Sophie was, actually. Wait, you havent slept for a week and a half? ,Keefe asked. In fact Now it was Sophies turn to pause. Sophie complimented Keefes change in hair, admitting that, the beachy look. she doesn't know what to do, but it's not anything serious. When Keefe ran away, he left a letter for Sophie only, but we didn't know how Sophie reacted to it, as the book did not depict her reaction. Sometimes I forgot how bad it was for you growing up. ,Sophie said, her voice breaking. Keefe smirked. I'm always here. After the death of her older sister, Jolie, she becomes overwhelmed with grief. I hope you have the elixir to fix whatever you put in his shower.. Before Ro is about to leave she tells Sophie how Keefe felt about her and Sophie is left feeling confused, Sophie transmits to Keefe that I miss you. "Oh, honey," she whispered, staring into his tear-filled eyes, and they seemed duller than they had ever been, "Let me help you,"This was his breaking point, evidently, because he'd started shaking with sobs, so silent that Sophie felt a pang of anger at Cassius for taking the act of making noise away from him too. Everyone all complained, but agreed that he needed rest in the end. But you should have been responsable young adults.". Fitz stuck his head through the living room doorway with a mixed expression of exasperation and amusement. Kiss me one day please<3 Chapter 1: Sophie's POV. Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake Seventeen is the age that decides who every young soul is destined to be with forever. Missed me that much, huh? He laughed, looking at the crowd around the door. Annabeth Chase doesn't really pay attention to the new people she sees strolling the streets of New York. #lylie "Contacted you, we get it. (Completed). I love you too, Sophie.. But it wasn't to be. When they are talking about how they were flying over the ocean on, Sophie holds Keefe's arms and says she has a bad feeling, but Keefe covers her hand with his and promises that he won't lose against. The thought of going into Keefes room for the first time makes Sophies cheeks warm. So why were they here? You're my only hope. Is she just a friend? ^Yes, no pressure but please post soon! Heir to Vacker Industries and dating the amazing Sophie Foster. "Sup, Foster.". He had come home to see that his parents have returned. I dont understand how you cant process this! Sophie spat. For a long while, the silence enveloped the room, so much so he thought they had started a telepathic conversation, before one of them, Fitz, he assumed, spoke again. KotLC Sokeefe's first kiss while playing Spin the Bottle/Part1/keeper of the lost cities KotLC TextingStory 160 subscribers Subscribe 11K views 1 year ago While playing Spin the Bottle Keefe. I'm all yours today--though I might be willing to extend my servitude if you call me the Gift Master.' His cognate. Keefe tells her she looks perfect, making her blush. She was running, practically flying past everything and anything. First Met Keefe Bursting Into Sophie's Room (Villain), Just some kotlc oneshotsmostly fluff but some angst. 'Definitely not what I'm worried about. Surprise overtook Keefe as he took a few steps to close the gap between them. After the confession, they kissed, with Keefe closing the distance between them. Everyone's already here, we're just hanging out. Pairing Name That's what's responsible for his broken mind. Keefe wraps his free arm around Sophie while his mom is talking about her kidnapping and her parents' kidnapping. Caution: CONTAINS A LOT OF SOKEEFE FLUFF! Keefe's smile "softened into something that made Sophie's cheeks warm. Keefe didn't respond. I dont know- the water stopped running a while ago. . "I have a stuffed frog named Mrs. Stinkbottom, but my momma wouldn't let me take her." Sophie giggled. Ask her why she did that. Keefe steps closer to reach for Sophie's hands. So why did he like it, enjoy it, and, in a way, want more? You should have -", Fitz cut his father off. said Keefe. She lives as a human in college, unaware of the people searching for her until a mysterious boy Sophie Foster has been at war with herself and her guilt for too long. Sophie is only about to be seventeen and finds out the reason she can hear people's thoughts is that she's an elf. ', She stared at her hands, trying not to think about the fury she'd seen in Fitz's eyes the day before. Why was it always Foster why? Keefes eyes widened as his hands began to twist and twitch with anxiety. Fitz shrugged. Well, youre cute when youre trying to make me mad, so, Did she just say that? And that's not all- Alden Vacker- someone who'd been looking for her's mind is broken. Keefeeeeeeeeeeee, you are so annoying sometimes you know that, right? ,Sophie said, bursting into a giggle fit. And she said, "Thanks for listening, Keefe.