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While these homework projects can be a lot of fun, many students struggle with such open-ended tasks. Posted on October 30, 2015. To get over the problem of setting homework for homeworks sake, an alternative is to create a Homework Challenge Bank featuring a range of tasks that require students to consolidate and master key concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts. Stretch and Challenge. ILR, Explore Understanding, On Post-its what can you remember about each man?Make the point about their own talk being more challenging, but also more memorable, Discuss the questions in pairs - feedback. If students dont respond to our feedback, then whats the point in marking their work?Another frustration teachers experience is when students hand in work that is just not up to standard due to carelessness or lack of effort. If you introduce grading at the right time, it could be a powerful motivator to stretch and challenge learners. Play question basketball, not tennis. Book Now ($71.91) Life Support Machine: creating need not . Also make time for students to construct their own questions and pose them to their peers. One parent wrote, 'I love . If truth be told, many of us can forget to set homework or set something rushed just to keep up with the homework timetable. The stretch and challenge classroom is about creating an ethos of ambition, aspiration and passion for learning NOT creating lots of resources and simply giving students more work. In order for this to happen, set up a series of structured questions that require students to think hard and ensure students have enough time to grapple with the difficult concepts. The options discussed in this article all have one factor in common: a belief that all students can produce excellent work once they know what it looks like and are given appropriate tools and support to make it happen.Learning intentionsFirst of all, lets be absolutely clear: differentiated learning outcomes must be removed from all classrooms if a stretch and challenge model is to be embedded into everyday practice. View other students as resources too; group work can prove a nightmare in the classroom if time is not given for students to learn how to operate effectively in a group they wont just be able to work together naturally. Professor Dylan Wiliam, in his book Embedding Formative Assessment, explains that students sharing, clarifying and understanding learning intentions is a key part of assessment for learning; those students who have a clear picture of their learning journey are more able to reflect on their progress over time and take responsibility for knowing how to move forward. I fully recognise that issuebut I'm also quite relaxed about using well understood terms to describe groups of learners who at any given time need more stretch and . 2. As apprentices are progressing through the curriculum, you can set stretch and challenge activities to help them build advanced knowledge. Rather than accepting students first responses, giving students an opportunity to practise their response through oral rehearsal results in much more sophisticated thinking. In the Third Edition of 'Teaching Today' Geoff Petty (2004) there is an appendix which summarises differentiation . Published. Adopting a challenge model in your school will require an in-depth understanding of the pupils. If students know that they are expected to complete a set number of the homework challenges by the end of the topic, then this stops the arbitrary setting of homework at inconvenient times. Increasingly analytical extended writing won't provide the requisite "high challenge" in maths. Whatever they are, make sure theyre personal to each learner. Enrol Rather than waste time getting students to copy down vague learning objectives and outcomes, move towards an enquiry question that will anchor the learning and everything the students do in a lesson or series of lessons to respond to the question posed by the teacher. Apart from the issue of how time-intensive this model is, there are two ways it obstructs challenge.First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. Apprentices will have access to the samequality oflearning, butwont be repeating work or learning about things they already know, so theyll have more opportunity to progress. There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to go off and be independent if, once they get there, they dont have the knowledge or skills to complete the task successfully.The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. these revisions was to introduce 'stretch and challenge' into A2 assessments to prepare students better for the skills required in higher education and employment. Then, when muscles are called on for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. In this approach, the childs thinking is developed through the use of a serve and return conversation in which open-ended questions are asked to build understanding. teachers and school leaders working in secondary education across the UK. If truth be told, many of us can forget to set homework or set something rushed just to keep up with the homework timetable. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. Its often the last thing we think about after weve planned our lessons. In fact, OneFile has everything you need for the new apprenticeship standards thats why its the most used apprenticeship software. We want every pupil to go beyond their current understanding and where possible, adopt threshold concepts, the type of thinking that changes the way you view the world forever. We've updated our privacy policy. Purchasing Procedure. The problem with classwork is that students often dont have enough time to engage with a challenging task. Session 3: Stretch and Challenge Strategies Specifically Targeting More-Able Learners. You can measure prior learning, build apersonalisedcurriculum, track progress, and set stretch and challenge activities in one place. If students are going to work independently, then they need to have a clear goal in mind where the steps to success help students to judge how well they are working towards their goal. Calls for Secondary Schools to "improve the quality of teaching and the curriculum to increase opportunities for pupils to work independently, make links with other subjects and tackle more challenging tasks." . All of these resources are available for our members to use across their school. Rather than setting a limit on what we think students can do by creating differentiated criteria, give all students the same criteria but make explicit to them how meeting the criteria becomes progressively more demanding. Thrilled to be joining the team at Ideate Innovation! 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It might seem that in some of your classrooms learners will do everything they can to finish as quick as possible and bypass any opportunities for an additional level of challenge. who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire, Parent View, are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's leaders and what they achieve. As Director of Academic Practice in Distance Education, I lead on innovation, evaluation, research, and practice development in online and distance education at the University of London. In each case the students will then have the remaining time to improve or add to their work. Identify clear learning objectives and specify how students will be taught and assessed. Apart from the issue of how time-intensive this model is, there are two ways it obstructs challenge. Find ways to assess and ascertain the prior knowledge of your class before you start a new topic, and incorporate this information into your teaching. Conference chair Ian Warwick addresses some of the questions posed by delegates at the 'Stretch and Challenge the More Able' event. Strategy 1: Avoid the following teaching styles. First of all, lets be absolutely clear: differentiated learning outcomes must be removed from all classrooms if a stretch and challenge model is to be embedded into everyday practice. Stretch and challenging is an effective ways to get even more out of your learners, and to encourage deeper levels of thinking. We used to teach subjects and classes - now we teach students. This requires a depth of awareness of where each child is and . In March, I secured a 1 month secondment to the Research and Evaluation team at Ofsted. Hand over the randomly sorted strips to a team of students, who then have to re-assemble the essay in the correct order. Mary Myatt recently discussed the idea that schools often talk about 'doing the romans'. Session 2: Building Additional Stretch and Challenge into Activities and Tasks. What you will do: Enthuse, stretch and challenge our students at WCSA to make a significant difference to achievement in English. Professor John Hattie, alongside Gregory Yates, in Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn, explore the difference between teachers as activators as opposed to teachers as facilitators. Here's how not to stretch and challenge: Extra work - It's fair to say that this is a common 'no no' for stretching and challenging learners, purely because it is hard to motivate learners to do more work week in week out. ont be repeating work or learning about things they already know, so theyll have more opportunity to progress. This approach has meant that classrooms can take on adopt an 'access and challenge' agenda. To do this, youll need to use the apprentices starting point and create apersonalisedcurriculum that builds on their prior knowledge. _(Ofsted 2012) 25.5% A-A* (GCSE); 20% A-A* (A2); 80% success at Oxbridge 2014 SSAT G&T Lead School -North Somerset Aspire G&T Coordinators -Head of Learning -Assistant Head Accelerated Curriculum - ZStage not Age It can also be useful for high-attaining learners to explain something they understand easily to a child who doesnt get it so quickly. Oops! Session 1: Examining the Evidence Around More-Able Learners in the Classroom. It's the first step towards ditching the wrong kind of differentiation. There is no Elder wand, or potions off the shelf to address the issue in a one size fits all scenario. 4. Its often the last thing we think about after weve planned our lessons. To get over the problem of setting homework for homeworks sake, an alternative is to create a Homework Challenge Bank featuring a range of tasks that require students to consolidate and master key concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts. Challenge activities don't have to always involve writing. That increases the risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. measure progress will motivate learners to complete more learning, increase their progress and reach their targets. Identifying what we can do for 'High Potential Pupils' (HPPs) needs to start with looking at what we shouldn't be doing and why our efforts may be misguided or faulty. Taking on a fresh role or perspective can really help to challenge our thinking. How to plan ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum From retrieval practice to test-enhanced learning. Begin by providing a description of the word before asking students to create their own description and example in their own words. This chapter introduces and discusses individual learning plans (ILPs) and their use, particularly regarding the setting of learner targets. One way is with. They give employers validation that their, During the initial assessment, you can find out the learners prior learning not just against English and, , but against all the KSBs in the standard. This encourages the learner to build empathy with different viewpoints and to consider how a topic looks from alternative perspectives. 'Excellent . Then through means of support, the lower ability learners are given the opportunity to find their 'flow' and make progress towards the learning intentions. To stretch and challenge students in the classroom is an art in itself. It isn't a new concept, but rather one which has been renamed. You can read the details below. Implementing a stretch and challenge model in your classroom requires teachers and students to recognise that learning should be difficult. Implementing a stretch and challenge model in your classroom requires teachers and students to recognise that learning should be difficult. You can find out more about this technique at This course outlines how to develop teaching and curriculum design to stretch and challenges pupils in science. ADD ANYTHING HERE OR JUST REMOVE IT pros and cons of saturday school Facebook david coulthard daughter Twitter dwayne washington 40 time Pinterest busch stadium 2021 rules linkedin how much did anthony joshua get paid Telegram Even though using a learning experience such as oracy doesn't always end up with written evidence in a book, progress can be documented with the right assessment approaches. Policies Places cost 99. Since academic vocabulary knowledge is at the heart of being a good speaker, reader and writer, it is important that teachers dedicate enough time to explicitly teaching academic vocabulary in their subject areas to challenge students to express themselves with confidence.Robert Marzano and Debra Pickerings book, Building Academic Vocabulary, shares a structured approach to teaching academic vocabulary.