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Is this. At time of publication, there are roughly 57,000 works of fanfiction dedicated to the series on Archive of Our Own. Dividend Yield. Half of his comments are "N-NO, YOU?" Being a recluse can suppress cultism in some ways (by not having someone at the top constantly throwing red meat to a hungry base, which inflames obsession and radicalism), Hussie said, but in other ways I think cryptid [sic] behavior can intensify cultism. When I was a kid, my brother and I would play a game Ive come to call And Then. Its also an allegory for what Im doing presently with Psycholonials. used to say caucasian before it was changed to peachy). Homestucks saturation of timeline and narrative chicanery means that there are always multiple versions of each character that exist somewhere in the story, probably even at the same time. Dont try to make me part of some angry mob. A member of fandom may have a good attitude for a while, but since their involvement is predicated on obsession or very strongly held feelings, that positive attitude can turn on a dime, and it can take very little to trigger extreme negativity. Hussie saying that Kanaya's lesbianism is considered a fetish in troll society isn't Hussie saying that he considers lesbianism a fetish. Her "whole deal is being a lesbian"? In a flurry of accusations, the video called out both the studios financial decisions and Hussies own creative work as it pertained to the release of the game. Hes just a cis man. Haha, the gif is actually still on the server at: Using the silly word follies, readers can infer that whatever happened to Tavros, in his wheelchair (as readers apparently need to be reminded), they were light-hearted and amusingbecause of his disability. Any help is greatly appreciated! Jade was one of my favorite characters. Ending: I love Homestuck. (As he puts it, its about the things its about.) The story presents a modern path to revolution in which the catalyst for the overthrow of an imperialist system is not the military strongmen of old, but a young woman with social media savvy. Its not like every single thing that ever happened in the decades-long span the Candy timeline took place is available for us to read. hey 2tupiid! Webwho were victoria winters parents. You know where else that happens? I wouldnt be the snarky, nitpicking college kid with a blog if I didnt start that snarky nitpicking on Reddit and among fans complaining about, say, how retconning [S] Game Over totally ruined the emotional impact of the story up until that point. Personally, whatever his previous works may have been, I think he's done a wonderful job creating a wide variety of strong female characters. This is not so much directed at you, fiveforchaos, but since this sort of misconception comes up frequently I figured I might as well step in. In this sense, fandom itself, with examples like Homestuck, was the precursor to the asymmetrical relationships that have come to characterize so much of online life. Turns out you cant just kill your entire cast and replace them with slightly different versions of the same characters we havent really had the chance to know. Okay, so the plot hole is also a cue ball and the whole story is pool and chess and I think blackjack. Leitmotifs will appear again and again in comic in recurring scenarios, creating something more than a callback, but less than full force beat-you-over-the-head-with-it thematic synergy. She is the only female (and carapacian) member of the Felt, and is one of the three members whose name is not printed entirely in green, the "o" being printed in black to resemble an 8 ball itself. Vriska and Terezi were close friends during their childhood, who on Alternia formed the Scourge Sisters, Team Charge's FLARP rivals. Welcome to Alternia. Im more interested in what the story has to say about authorship generally than I am in the particularities of Dirk as a villain, though. All throughout friendsim, theyve been joking about being too problematic for the kicks, trying to make light of their own faults. EDIT: Let me clarify here. But I am going to assume you mean the timeline Davesprite came from. Just don't think it's safe for your thirteen-year-old brother just 'cause the protagonist is the same age xDD. The mock content warnings that show up at the beginning of the epilogues are not mock anything and are entirely legit. And thats the trimmed down version of the trimmed down version. Will they ever cease? Homestuck has three characters with definite disabilitiesTavros, Terezi, and Solluxthough for the purposes of this article, I will focus on Tavros and Terezi as, ever since Sollux has become blind, we simply have not had much screen time with him to merit analysis at this point. Homestuck itself. For this specifically, theres nothing wrong with Mallek himself, its moreover how hes treated. Maybe the epilogues are in part supposed to make us feel what its like to have to balance plot-driven meat with fluffy, character-driven candy and, even after years of practice, to still feel like youve come up short. Also feel free to send me ideas of things youd like me to cover! Point is there are lots of the same character running around always. Homestuck is honestly a sprawling epic I mean, kind of. Homestuck actually so sensitive to changes in the Internet that continuing the site as intended has proved to be somewhat of a challenge. Im not sure if fondly is the word Id use here, but I can regard it. So to that end I'd like to know what events caused the biggest splash with fans. Hussie suggests the personal allegorical elements in Psycholonials are more like points of inspiration. This story is about Z after all, not himself. And thats just me. Take later. While the jokes are not necessarily at Terezis expenseshe is usually the one making themthere is still the problem of a definitely not-blind author writing them. Theres a bias inherent in that fact alone. Her Imperious Condescension is one of the most notable victims of hussies blatant racism. In fact, its this difference in writing style, more than any in-story actions, that drive the main thrust of the rivalry between these two. Both options ultimately leave someone somewhere dissatisfied. And then Obama shows up. Originally the Black Queen of the trolls' incipisphere, after exile to Alternia and took the title of Banished Quasiroyal. Like who? By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. At this point in the web-comic, they fix Tavros. Homestuck is two or three biggish novels' worth of illustrated text, Do trolls even have races? 36.87%. The story feels like a retelling of the hell-year that was 2020, but Hussie started drafting the story back when everyone was just starting to be stuck inside for the first time. The game never mentions it. There's just about one for every group. To start, the music created in the making of, and parallel to Homestuck is simply incredible. Kismessitudes really were just abusive relationships (we never saw a healthy example, the "dead ringer" of a black romance, Spades Slick and the troll's Black Queen, has BQ stab Slick in the eye and cut off his hand and Slick later shooters her. He forces Rose to consent to being kidnapped, then makes her wife, Kanaya, blame herself for it all. Homestuck is the longest and most well-known & loved of the MS Paint Adventures. Having read the comic I plan to cover the humor and the format, as well as the relationship between Hussie and the fandom pretty extensively. Also, (controversy incoming) in my honest opinion, as long as you don't have children, there's nothing wrong about incest. Cyberduds. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. To me, black is just a color. Maybe that Naruto fan now makes kick-ass, empowering, shonen-like stories. Is it a bad joke? Oh I just know this one will be worth the reading. The counterargument to this is that John, the only character who is 100% confirmed to be canonically straight is very frequently paired with Dave and Karkat. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. The very same iteration of Vriska that is also 13. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Maybe the Twilight fan found a way to elevate the themes and feel of YA urban fantasy to an older audience. I think a lot of new authors start out by aping works they admire. he makes people uncomfortable? Homestuck is the full power of the Internet refocused into an artistic and storytelling force the likes and scale of which I havent seen attempted again. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. They dont have a concept of incest and I wouldnt be surprised if they werent bothered by age Gaps either with how impersonal their mating is. In case you don't know what I am talking about:, ._1W1pLIfaIb8rYU6YeTdAk6{margin-right:6px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK{border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;height:20px;margin-left:-8px;width:20px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK:first-child{margin-left:0}._30vlMmCcnqKnXP1t-fzm0e{display:inline-block;margin-left:-8px;position:relative} WebWi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. This fits in with the medical model of ableism, described on as: The power to change disabled people seems to lie with the medical and associated professions, with their talk of cures, normalization, and science.This enormous crime that they do to Tavros is never critiqued or addressed as problematic in any way; instead it is brushed off as being perfectly acceptable, like every other instance of ableism in Homestuck. But Hussie was ready for something new, and in his words, anti-cult.. Also, others tormented Tavros as well? Z decides to launch a new brand, and to rebrand her own image by making a clownsona, and then roll out new content to the public as a way of turning the page on whatever she was up to before. (peachy in bright text. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! I didn't even know that there is a stereotype until now. Dedicated fans even created a browser extension that notified you the moment new Homestuck content went up. I know that Im asking questions, and sometimes thats good enough. The self-ingratiating, self-referential, over-indulgent drivel that poured onto the page? Its at this point that the epilogues diverge into two: a Meat timeline for the former and a Candy timeline for the latter. WebPhillip Faraone/Getty Images. WebMost toxic K-Pop fandoms include ARMY (BTS), EXO (EXOTIC), Twice (Once), and more. And thats about how Ive come to regard all fandoms now.. I thought we were more on the page of "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him", Man like almost every single criticism this person presents can be explained away with one of 3 responses. The largest flaw in Terezis portrayal is that, while she is blind, she relies on superpowers that essentially eliminate her blindness and eliminate the real experiences of actual blind people, making her blindness into its own disability superpower. (not sure on the proper wording for this, if theres better wording let me know and ill change it) As a result of his accident, he is constantly babyed or harassed by other characters. Oh, and all troll sex is incest by human standards. By the time I was up to date with Homestuck, it was a fair ways in and even then I didn't really participate in the fandom so no event is too big or too obvious to mention. Im a shipper at heart I mean I like reading well-developed relationships. The key to defeating him lies instead in a magical artifact in the shape of Homestucks logo. ya. Artist and writer Andrew Hussie is a reluctant father of internet fandom. Homestuck fan here, She takes her time, narrating with a kind of dry, verbose voice. Yes, Vriska did that. I mean it is a book, so it technically is porn? All my pieces are addressed to the reader directly, though some admittedly more so than others. N/A. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. DISH network users facing authentication or login issues. While he declined to be quoted directly, he feels that the video missed important contextualization that he had intended to provide to the YouTuber in a conversation. However, even then, Hussie thinks, a distance from the leader could possibly lead to an even more insatiable fandom. The entire story was one long, continuous block that Ive long since forgotten, spiraling through whatever settings kids would love to live in: outer space, ancient Egypt, the woods, the African Savannah, the world of Pokemon, magic, whatever. About 8,000 pages. Don't say we didn't warn you. I honestly don't feel qualified to say. About number 12, according to ARquiussprite, they are there for some reason. But maybe that's just my take. Troll society is vastly different from human society. WebDreamWorks. But those with more of an anti-cult stance, which describes myself, will occupy the position reluctantly.. And then theres this punch-card based, bit-wise inventory system that they exploit to make whatever they want in the game. Are you sure you aren't the one doing stereotypes here? For the Beta Kids, it's Jade, for the Trolls it's Vriska, and for the Alpha kids it's Dirk. Since my social justice related posts seem to encourage more discussions than ones that do not rely on social justice critique, I figured I would use this next post to explore a very talked-about and controversial aspect of Homestuckits ableism. MSPA is an epic sprawling online webcomics creation by Andrew Hussie (and supporting artists.) See, I love how I can just type stuff like that and it makes sense still. Question: do thirteen year old girls have boobs? Imagine flipping through one book that size. Its a prime example of how even years after Homestuck and Hiveswap were completed the distance Hussie keeps between himself and his fandom doesnt keep his work from spiraling out into controversy. WebHomestuck, Problem Sleuth, Sweat Bor and Helpful Jed. The text itself likens her to Daredevila blind superhero, where his blindness leads to superpowers. I dont know what to say or think about any of this at this point. In the spirit of using the Internet as a medium, the epilogues were released in the style of an AO3 post. (Talking about sniffing Marvus) So, we are kinkshaming now? N/A. Reminder to message me @colorfulconstellations if you would like to apply to be a mod! The fact that Jewish people are often depicted as having horns as a negative stereotype is a fact i didnt know until this lovely anon brought it to my attention, so that adds onto the antisemitism presented by hiveswap/friendsim! to clarify my stance im a big homestuck fan im a big fan of toby foxs work im criticizing people who think homestuck is "too problematic" but think toby is "good and clean and safe" hes just as fucked up as the rest of us /pos. As both of the characters are canonically gay many people consider it erasing their sexuality to put them in heterosexual pairings in fanfic. Hi. By the end of both epilogues, Rose, Dave, and Dirk ascend to their Ultimate Selves. And then they win the third time, after John rewrites the story to make that happen, and finally get to go to a new universe and live happily ever after. Like how Vriska, a character who spent the entire comic inserting herself into important story events in a quest to become the most important character of the narrative, ends up trapped in Candy, locked away forever from canon. With some of the claims, I doubt the author has even read homestuck, because they are clearly missing the context of the scenes. This magic carpet ride of analytical post-epilogue Homestuck fan content has left you feeling exhilarated and yet hungry for more. She also rapes Jake. OK, but how is that racist? Agreed. Anyway, were left to assume Lord English is defeated, but we never see it happen and we never see how it happens. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. Why? It is a subversive work of fiction that plays with the concept of creation on multiple levels. Come on, you disappoint. There's a lot of back and forth about this headcanon because on the one hand she's a swimmer, and so the reasoning goes she should be fit, on the other hand, she does spend a lot of her time in the deep sea, and has evolved to do so, which might mean she has a fair amount of blubber. We apologize for this why are you playing with those dangerous girls?". true wait, what? 1,362,830. Because that's how they are treated on Alternia. The proposal, which was passed 6 to 1 by the St. Paul City council, will have to be approved by the state legislature. So the patient reader will forgive me for not putting more effort into recapping the story. So, you are saying I can't write about people who are not me? This has of course produced some backlash within the community. "The Help" became the most-watched movie on Netflix over the past week, according to their US trend bar. It loosely correlates with my past experience of presiding over a big fandom and watching it spin out of control, using much more fantastical elements like revolution and global conquest as the backdrop. It is problematic in that it presents characters with unlikeable traits in a positive light, problematic in the way it jokes about very serious subjects like abuse and murder, The Homestuck Discord exists at if you want to chat with fellow fans. But Hussie questions those practices as a form of fandom, and redefines what the word really means today. Damara speaks in broken english, and her japanese is straight from google translate. Homestuck uses Flash, which means that it has Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And then theres this game in the mail. I'm on the same boat here. WebKate Mitchell. Also, Hussie's author commentary say that it is "probable" for her to be autistic. In the final act of Homestuck were told the artifact defeats Lord English, and were told he dies after getting sunk in a black hole. As he comes to better understand and accept himself for who he is, the homophobia fades from his vocabulary, he opens up to people, and allows more of his vulnerabilities to show though. Mainstream content producers can afford to turn a blind eye to smaller copyright infringements (though they can and do take steps to stop them when they are made aware of them!) How the hell do people extrapolate that? You have a staunch policy of trusting pretentious assholes on the Internet. In some ways this was prompted Hussie took fan input while writing the original story and incorporated it into the final product. Dirk uses his position as the author to berate characters he doesnt like. A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon, By submitting your email, you agree to our, Andrew Hussie, the reluctant cult leader, on life after Homestuck, Sign up for the And then they have a kid who she abuses. It also has an unprecidented degree of fan interaction laced throughout the comic, with readers being invited in through suggesting actions, names, and other content; producing art and music; and headcanons later 'canonised' or 'debunked'. Umm no. And then the time boss totally starts wrecking up the multiverse like its no ones business. From troll call, right? Maybe you watched a lot of Naruto, so your big project is filled to the brim with edgy ninjas and impractically sized swords. What the actual fuck are you talking about? The largest, most active Homestuck community. There is no denying that. His comic, Homestuck, published under the website MS Paint Adventures, followed a group of teens who accidentally brought about the end of the world with a copy of a video game. Cyberduds. We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. There was some controversy when homestuck first came out. And I have nothing. Wait, Meenah is black now? My praise of Homestucks music is really part of another thing I like about the comic. It is the close button at the top right (or left) of your BROWSER WINDOW. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/to which I say yes. Hell, a lot of the stuff they accuse the story of, the story itself pokes fun at (such as all the accusations of pedophillia, something that Doc Scratch was openly considered creepy for in-universe) This really just feels like someone who was trying really hard to find bad things to say about the series. ALL trolls have horns. What Pumpkin LLC is the business in question, not Andrew himself. And in this one Mituna himself just kind of sexually harrasses Meenah. Hes not. Smarter bloggers have tried and failed. 1.4K Takers Personality Quiz. As your cursor (or thumb) toggles feverishly between the two links, a third option beckons. He would commandeer a handful of characters, and I do the same. I don't really care about homestuck drama, it is a product of its time as another comment said but.. OP seems vastly unaware of a lot of social issues to be "responding" to this drama. Okay, geez! WebMuch of Problem Sleuth's success can be ascribed to an audience's willingness to accept that all the weirdness is just part of the joke, and the next logical step that we see in Homestuck, where the Internet itself becomes raw material for narrative, allows for an even greater expansion of possibilities. Never read that, so I can't judge it. The difference should be obvious, Devils advocate here: She's small, not neccesarily young. Dividend Yield. This event kickstarts her own story and accelerates the development of her own personal politics. Is it racist? He is, by my estimation, the most interesting part of either epilogue, anyway. The fact that Andrew Hussies Homestuck is terrible is an immutable fact I am stating for the record. Still, I think after a bit, writers that stick with it eventually realize these early influences never leave them. But Homestuck wouldnt be Homestuck if not for Hussies tendency to add more when in doubt, so here we are. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. Where does this leave a generation that grew up online, many of whom were devout Homestuck readers? Please/You're welcome: (para-kah-LOE) In Greek, the word for "please" and "you're welcome" is the same, making it all the more easy to learn. Like, I didnt even mention how many of these fuckers die along the way. Even considering the medium of the text itself, its a remarkably online object. Fanfiction that places Dirk and Kanaya in heterosexual pairings. Given troll reproduction, it seems to some people as though the only reason they're given them in the comic is to sexualize them for a human audience. Elwurd, who was allegedly based on the bi girlfriend of a male developer. ships, god tier classpect theories, and vriska seem to be the biggest controversies. Which is a lesson Jake needed to learn in the comic more generally, to be fair, but not while hes an abuse victim. WebWell, another problem: Homestuck isnt really hypertext fiction. It is not a document promoting real-life rape and murder. Its fitting. Anarchist. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Id Id tell you more about them, but the comic doesnt at all bother to develop this cool idea in the slightest. but the stance that critical enjoyment is impossible because of those aspects that don't look good today is pretty flawed. Buckets, apparently someone threw one at a Karkat at a convention. The comics before Homestuck, particularly Problem Sleuth, were largely based on community inputs, and I believe certain parts of Homesutck initially were as well (this was before my time). The same can be said for any cultist.. Like this the view I got in laravel 8 Laravel 8 paginate UI. Sprouts' operating income surged 20% to $62 million. And then that ability comes in handy when the eight kids and the original players lose the game again. Rose and Roxy. But if you want me to be more upfront about casual forth wall disintegration than I already have, I can humor you. And he called himself on it too. After the epilogues to the story released in April 2019, the story stands at just over 1 million words. Wwwwowwwwwww. I can only say that theyre interesting to consider if you happened to have read them. Music is even baked into the comics mechanics. The back half of the comic focuses on (in the most charitable definition of the word focus) the fight to stop Lord English. Banning from conventions. Secondly, much of what the document draws attention to are things criticised within the text. Streamers have to become increasingly savvy about the need to defend personal boundaries without provoking the ire of fans. I don't think people give the tumblr community enough credit for how much creative content it produces, but they are right that the SJW side can get a little over the top. Maybe because Hussie doesn't actually speak English? why you lookiing at my flaiir. What Hussie describes is a dynamic that we see play out again and again online. Or perhaps the second option catches your eye. Homestuck directly lead me to writing as much as I do now. At the end of Candy, Calliope declares that Dirk must be stopped because unlike her, he introduces bias to the narrative. The fact that they changed it is what's wrong. I haven't seen a single person defend Zebruh. When I did that I had a problem with the paginate laravel 8 UI getting messy and somehow it happened. Be prepared. that is my mission, and that is why you can't fucking stand me. From $14.00 End Pose Print. Calliope isnt the protagonist to Dirks antagonism, they are equal and opposite forces that corrode the narrative from different directions. On the other hand, Terezi Pyropethe second character with a disability in Homestuckis blind. It's a violent as hell culture created for a single purpose: victory. That should be plenty to say on how wrong it is, with Meenah being a literal adult and this Vriska being a literal child. I say this not to deride bi women but to state that it is uncomfortable to base the character who's whole deal is being a lesbian to the point her name phonetically is L word to be based on a bi woman. In Meat, the story blasts through at a lightning pace, but the characters we love get thrown into the background as the story concerns itself more and more with Dirk and Calliope. The sexism accusations over the most passive class (Muse) being female. Pyscholonials isnt about Andrew Hussie and it isnt a Homestuck sequel. 13. The Bold Glamour filter acts as a reminder not to do the same when it comes to our faces. Wed take turns role-playing a story together, tacking on the next action with and then. Hussie initially spoke to Polygon before the Sarah Z video, but agreed to follow up conversations after its release. This translates into the way Meenahs character is written, being the younger version of HIC shes shown to be the sassy black girl stereotype. Some of my other favorites among Homestucks ten main albums and many more side-releases include Unite Synchronization, Derse Dreamers, I Dont Want to Miss A Thing, At the Price of Oblivion, and Showtime. When I logged in every post I saw on the issue was complaining about how more people were complaining about people complaining about the Caucasian thing than there were people complaining about the Caucasian thing. Webit has some stuff that aged poorly and is very typical of the comedy and internet culture at the time that it was written. Following the incident, What Pumpkin, Hussies former Homestuck production company (which he has since left), threatened to sue Sarah Z. I remember having an unsettled feeling in the early days of the pandemic, Hussie told Polygon over email, seeing that probably hundreds of thousands of people were about to die due to a willful mishandling of the crisis, and the population appeared very listless, as if it was about to sit back and let that happen without putting up much of a fight., Hussie decided that the comatose feeling America was giving him would make a good foil for a much more outlandish, escapist sort of revolutionary scenario that examined what such a revolt might look like in this era..