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Popular Mechanics, radioactive diamond battery will run for 28,000 years. PAYPAL ACCEPTED: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD OR PREFER TO PAY VIA PAYPAL SIMPLY MAKE A 1 YEAR PAYMENT COST OF 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION is $36 AND simply email me your payment receipt: [emailprotected] Then I will send you a One year access. Any of those who want to participate can donate at ScottMcKay.us or PatriotsRiseUp.com. Santa Barbara. You target one of our friends, man, were going to let everybody know, nobodys going to escape this bullshit anymore. So thats just a little bit for you to understand. It was a rewarding career that allowed him to own and operate several high end private fitness and wellness . If around KC I'll be headlining the Comedy club of KC Jan 21-23. Youre seriously on the radar. Im like, Are you freaking kidding me? Elections. immunology, well learn the depths of that are correct me on that, Dr. Judy, but you have been on the front line, if I remember, properly is back accurately was back might have been the 80s when we were looking at the HIV explosion in a very critical time. You have to be discerning, of course. So couple things to talk to you about tonight. But guess what Karen, Karen shows up the gate attendant, she shows up and it goes this way. And so he ends up in Frederick, I end up in Frederick, Im told in fermentation chemistry long about 1982 to purify 50 li of 200 liters, which is about 50 gallons of the first human cancer causing retrovirus in a case centrifuge, which is an open air centrifuge, so youre spinning something it at high speeds, open air, we know nothing about the transmission, we know nothing about anything. I want so I watch Santa Barbara is a very small airport I want I I walk in Ive got the same mask. SCOTT McKAY: PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER, BROADCASTER. there are rare ducks out there. This is what happens, you know, on the staff, producers, you know, people that can make stuff work. Robert and I will work together to sidestep those times because therell be people here that might come to our event here, but also would like to be there. 52:50 And then you make your own judgments. Its an echo chamber. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. Derek Johnson, Captain Kyle, Tironianae & Kelly: Law & Order, Trump, Military Movements and Latest Updates. The world has of course become a very crazy place and it is hard to keep up with all of the madness. Whether you think it or not, if theyre just passively standing by in Washington watching it happen, guess what? Anyways. You know, nice white, whatever, no mask, but its just a constant bullshit game. 47:55 And you know, I like to say God has a sense of humor. Lets say you go to the channel that you were on the last show and youre like, Hey, whats going on? Im gonna get my friends, were going to go to the next meeting, were going to tell them how its going to be because they work for us. Why would Trump allow this? You know, hopefully we get a little, you know, get a little intro to general or Sydney. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. Congratulations. And Im like, Oh, man. Chicago Inmates Sound the ALARM - SICK Plot to Influence Mayoral Election EXPOSED! So thats where our focus needs to be. And those two young women I saw them lined up filming on their iPhone at least two of the young women I was talking to and I said please film it did the mask is in my hand. Church Leader Advocating For Enslavement. I was just asked to an my I cant think of Mikes name shoots out of shadows. And, of course, in this fight that you see playing out in front of us that, you know, youve got to selection, clearly stolen, I mean, here we are on YouTube, Im going to tell you, Im gonna give a for what they say it was stolen, massive fraud. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. Scott Mckay is an amazing person and a very devoted patriot that tries to bring light in a world that darkness used to be the norm . So when you get a chance to get to get a chance to meet him. 2:18 The scott mckay patriot streetfighter program is a comprehensive training system that combines various martial arts styles, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga, to provide a better approach to self-defense. But all that stuffs underway. Thats where theyre going to be. You know, I said, Yeah, you didnt target me when Im flying with Bobby Kennedy Jr, digit. But Im hoping a lot of you guys come forward like like the one did today. And it has to do with why we went into Afghanistan, right? You have people that arent measuring up, and that this is a way for them to get attention. It sees its bureaucrats in the law enforcement community, that are forcing you to do these things under the threat of losing your job or whatever else, believe me, we the people rise and back your play, will drive these bastards out, will drive them out, will recall them. Also Check out our Telegram Feed for all of the Latest News! And Im very happy about that. 42:28 Come on Scott. "McKay poses for pictures with his fans with the tomahawk, uses it as a prop onstage, and incorporates it into the Patriot Streetfighter logo," The Beast . Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. this lady i love this lady this is a patriot street this is a fork in patriot street fighter, 1:08:55 So I dont want to hear the rest of here. So all the focus that people go into that event, they can make sure they see them. And so he wanted to speak to me, guiding me through a mediary to basically let me know about the corruption in higher levels of the police department that its not just there, its all over the place. And the ball game goes 10,000 innings, so I wouldnt buy too deeply into, you know, if its now or never. Im going to use my new Im going to use my phone stand. So this security guard says take the glasses off, take the hat off, take the mask off, which I do and and then I put it all back on. Thank you for everything you send me Its truly all these remarkable and overwhelming. So we have patriot Street Fighter 1112 and 13 are up and running. Or you have misinformation coming out there. whats happening in the world. I get to bring my bike over there today. This is why coalition jsoc mission sets were deployed to Northern Eastern quarter of Afghanistan, mining, what are called time crystals, which are diamonds. This tour, were up over 100 grand that happened in about a week. Type above and press Enter to search. Im like, Well, you know what? And I think, you know, I cannot say that I will not bow down, Im going to teach doctors for the Medical Academy of Pediatrics special needs. The Tour is a whole separate animal. And if we have a strike coming our way Believe me This is the lady that could deliver one very fast because YouTube does not give her any quarter at all because she is certainly dangerous to them. For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* Were screaming at the rooftops about whats happening here? You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. So we appreciate it respected. Their finding pushes back the fossil record of insects transporting pollen from one plant to another, a key aspect of modern-day pollination, by about 120 million years. NEW VIDEOS AND SHOWS will be available only through subscription while past videos will continue to be free on Youtube. Of course, hes a Scott, hes one of the hes a consummate scumbag. Youre right. I think the most the bravest people that I know at this point right now, who were targeting the same people Im targeting this Khazarian Mafia is Sidney Powell, it is Linwood it is General Flynn. I was right yeah i cant take my phd because that data stand to this day its not funny because in COVID-19 data dont matter were all forced in masks or at least there was you know part of the scientific community that that recognized a scholars obligation in an age of corruption was to tell the truth no matter the cost well essentially only a half dozen people around the world are doing that now and therefore what youve what youve got is the the millions that have already been killed the 10s of millions that have been scared into getting these toxic shock or wearing or wearing these face divers you know and and and where people like happened in the event there are no medically approved mass there are no fda approved mass theres you know and and and i was wearing you know no different than any than anybody else so id warn on several other flights and heres our militant flight attendant who happened to notice i was wearing my red meat we the people hat and it was a clear setup i sent you all the details of that in your email and we can post this and and we can talk about that that officer that doesnt deserve to wear the the uniform as he he beats a 63 year old woman you know i can say his name online and maybe people can rough him up there in santa barbara if youd like, 26:54 And this is what happens like these people like Santa Barbara, its his left wing as it gets. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Email *Your Message *NameSEND MESSAGE. 0:17 Ive heard that there is great concern or a fair amount of concern for. Why would Trump allow this to happen? And that these guys were publishing in the Washington Post then as they do now? Got to drop it off the dealership, make it a little prettier. Order by Phone at 866-388-7003 or online at https://www.herbanomic.com M - F 9am to 5pm EST. But then now Im a hero, right? By the way more packages came today. They cant survive out there. And you were, you know, you knew that the truth about one of the most important medical situations of our time back then is back in the 80s, if Im not mistaken. 2:08 And shes like being nice to me after that incident, and the nicest guy in the plane. Sign Up:https://www.survivethenews.com/go/initiativeq/. Become a Project Camelot Member today and gain access to all NEW SHOWS AND VIDEOS PLUS over 800 above top secret videos and blogs! Im going to go ahead and beginner introduction folks course you know Scott McKay here. Im wearing this shirt. Cuz they wont listen. But when she came forward and outed what these criminals do, how they do it, from the HIV era, how they will take scientists, high level scientists, and if they dont tow the Big Pharma line, or wherever the kazarian game plan is, theyll destroy their career that never get published, dont ever become prominent. 8:13 And so he shoved me up against the window the hat caught it so it didnt break my glasses into my face and do more damage. Guess Guess what? This natural occurring element allows threats of any kind to be located before they take place. Return Policy From the police commissioners who are bureaucrats, theyre politicians, theyre installed by your top cop these DBAs who are funded by Soros, to do exactly this to oppress the people, those of you law enforcement officers out there that know what Im talking about. And of course, most of if not First, we often cave in because they want to career. Man, lets take why, 32:32 If I see something I push a lot of people to other channels, I bring them on this show. I get it. Watch the Patriot Street Fighter in action as Scott McKay conducts stellar interviews while providing LIVE coverage of current-events & uncovers how it all ties to The Great Awakening! By probably like 95% to five or less probably way less than that. Like I said, I told somebody yesterday, I didnt I didnt know, I didnt think we would be on this path. Thats it, its over. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But we weve understood what project Looking Glass is in this, you know quantum field that we live in. You know what I mean? Id like to see how that would work out. SCOTT MCKAY: THE ULTIMATE PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER. The insects from a pollen-eating genus named . Thats my thats my turf. pushing back on this mask issue. So, I mean, you know, you know, we wed hand them the same drug, and one of thems aids, you know, I call it AIDS patient, then they have cachexia they cant metabolize food. Address: 4447 N. Central Expressway, STE 110-198, Dallas, TX 73205 God bless you. ! Evergreen mission successful. Never say Gallo for him. Its time people to say, You know what? say i didnt say you know who you talking to bitch but in sheet one a guy with to mask on and you know is already in the seat and im looking around me in it and think about it ive already gotten on the plane youre in a bit in an airport everybody wants to get to their flight and get on the plane first class all lined up theyre all getting on the plane they want to get their drinks and it occurs to me nobody gets on behind me as she comes down the aisle after me and when and when the gate agent said my name wrong and i said mike of ids you know and they got the and i got the hat on i didnt have the i do not comply button but i got the we the people red hat on and it occurs to me oh no this just isnt happening and and she said youre not wearing that mask and i said barred me i said oh yes i am and i said this mask was given to me by my doctor for my medical condition none of the master our fda or anything approved in fact thats the most toxic rescue could wear im on my way to it i just keep talking and she said ms and i said dr mike of it and and you do not have a medical degree you are not a medical professional you have no authority whatsoever to tell me what to wear and and i sat down and and shes like and she came with one of these she went back up and she got there goes king. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. And your job, like any sheriff in the country, and Im including shares is to protect the people. Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! Why are you stopping the people from boarding the plane? He gives a daily podcast but this video (below) was one of his most popular and succinct explanation of what has transpired since the . And theyre somewhere in in Kosta Carpinteria having breakfast and theyre like, Oh, no, and so theyre so at any rate, so they this this sweet gate agent guy comes on and hes like, please, maam, get off the plane and Im like, sorry, cant do it. Yeah, right. Sorry. Again, Ive said many times, Im not always right. 0:20 Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. But they know, I gotta go read and when I can, and try to figure things out. This is bullshit. Portly Hillary Clinton Appears on Stage with Pete Buttigieg at Clinton Global Initiative U Conference (VIDEO), Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore But Feds Still Deny Link, DEVELOPING: Residents Told to Shelter in Place After Train Derailment in Springfield, Ohio (VIDEO), JUST IN: Presidential Candidate Whos Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll, Real Housewives of Orange County Star Announces Youngest Daughter is Transgender Named Ace. These people are scumbags. Enjoy. Youre on patriot Street Fighter eight still, I believe seven is ready to go. Hes from the Philly area. So what Im going to do I actually talked to Robert, about this Robert David Steele on how we we want to make sure we avoid any times during those events where they have key speakers like Sydney or or the general in or whoever. I know right there in Hawaii, on Dell, big trees, the high wire show yesterday, they showed the police in Hawaii attacking a family. So we together lock arms and say were going to put an end to this. For the first time has to be FDA approved, these things take forever, non FDA approved, we have no isolated, we have no isolated COVID virus anywhere in the world doesnt matter. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and have indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. This is a patriot Street Fighter shirt, Ron Bay, and theres a new sheriff in town. Get Cool Gear & Fund STN oh yeah yeah this im not gonna im not gonna go off anymore you know what folks what do you think folks scissor mark this atreus street fighter tom ah god have you seen it somebody was on your scout get out to tomahawk so this is our course our brand logo but we got our prototype is sweet says we the people on oh you can see it but this is this sorry yeah heres your yeah there you go we the people so i told our folks look heres what were doing from now on this is for my native american heritage were going to do it the way that they used to this is a piece fight okay well offer them the piece bite right so if they dont want peace these tyrants dont want peace theres only one other alternative but at the end of the day yeah were nonviolent type this is only symbolic until we have to defend ourselves but these people like this need to tomahawk. Youre the same story. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. suite 110 dash 198 thats 110 dash 198 thats of course Dallas and the zip is 75201 thats where all this stuff comes in these poor guys Im like, guys sorry put on this put all this on to you. Theres something else Im forgetting here. Those first, hepatitis B vaccines were made in that from humans from pooled sera. But let me tell you. And there Ive got an electron microscope graphs showing the carbon nanofibers, the toxic everything toxic, we know theyre sprayed with Teflon against prop 65 its absolutely the worst possible mask you could possibly wear especially if youre like me, and you have a lung disease pleurisy and and you got infected with contagious contagious cancer causing x xmrv as acknowledged by the federal government and chopped chapter eight of our first book play. Scott McKay Patriot StreetFighter Sort by Sort by Hide Out of Stock. Im glad you came on here. If youre not, its simply a preference, right? You guys are going to be the critical variable in us putting back this oppressive tyrannical force of these milk toast pussy scumbag elected politicians who are working not for the people that are working with the peoples money and the peoples either vote or stolen election to put their boot heel on the back of the neck. 1:13:22 Operation Tomahawk from Patriot Streetfighter on Vimeo. Read our Pledge HERE. So I depend on this website for bringing in revenue to keep the site going and also to live. As my friend Danny hasty, Atreus streetfighter, put that, put it in in, put it right inside, you can actually get these things up. So we went into Afghanistan. You cant hear all that stuff. Its a weekend of June, I gotta fly to Gettysburg. it was phonons not photons, photons that were used to jam the strategic nuclear warhead aboard evergreen. so were yeah so hes i dont know why my face is all right i was out on the beach before i jumped on this call but yeah so anyway thats thats the end of the story so he says well you know if i take these handcuffs off you know youre signing this thing and im like yeah motherfucker you take those handcuffs off and youre lucky you dont get my foot right in the middle of your balls oh wait a minute you dont have any you know i love, 1:08:46 But I want you other police officers out there to hear this. Coffee; Collections. You cant hear the music. Retuning soon to Patriot Streetfighter. So Ill send you Yes, we can make it we can make it public, I believe is that I dont know his name. he locked him out of the house youre locked him out of your office, 1:06:35 And you need to wake the hell up and you need to start thinking for yourself and not having everybody do all of the work for you. Right? Copyright 2023 UGETube. Its kept us on this track. So of course the tour is coming through from Louisiana coming to Dallas. So why? Heres where it gets interesting. So this is a problem when they say pull it up over your nose because I cant pull it up over my mat mouth. So the producer who is Nick sirsi hes been hes probably known best for he sat he sat in for rush limbaugh before. They dont take offense to me. Because theyre theyre not. Ive been attracted to smart people my whole life. Well, Dr. Judy, its been a real pleasure. Were on this path. Ron does all these fun things. GET DAILY BANNED NEWS IN YOUR INBOX @https://www.survivethenews.com/newsletter/ Join the conversation on Telegram @https://tinyurl.com/TelegramSurviveTheNews45 Podcast by:https://scottmckay.us. I know it might be tough in an environment like that. revolution dot radio hey folks thanks for joining the broadcast if you enjoyed it please hit the like button do share it and also subscribe to the channel so you get ongoing notifications. Pal Bulletin is trying to build a Pro Trump community & it is our goal to add whatever the deplorables need and want to see on this website. I always have the tomahawk on the left shoulder. Quite honestly, my viewers know to have been talking about it for a week. Its now or never, thats where I call bullshit. So Ill get some more information about that those of you who are in Maryland, or New Jersey, certainly pa New York and the surrounding states, if you want to come to spend that weekend or two days, I guess Ill be there with Franny, Francine and Alan upfront in the prophetic, talk about that event coming up. We would love to hear your feedback! The weakest person. 6:26 ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS AND IF NECESSARY CLICK RESET PW IF YOU HAVE ALREADY FORGOTTEN YOUR PW! And I certainly want to defer to the general to those. Okay, pull down. Were going to spotlight every one of you cowards and want to conduct yourselves when youre supposed to be protecting Dr. Judy, from this bullshit, and youre coming in and bringing your badge with you to use it in a way you think thats appropriate. Yeah. THE SITE IS NOW HTTPS secure. Ill kind of figured out what how I figured out how I learned that. Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. And heres what Ive been told. PART ONE OF MY INTERVIEW WITH SCOTT MCKAY PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER who is out there waking up people on tour nonstop. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! Everything theyre saying that theyre going to keep from happening. But I said please film get it Look at my hand and I cant move them because both my hands are and up by my neck. If you purchase something from these links we or the owners of those links COULD get paid for that. You think about that? Ive got a whole stack of them here that I give to the kids. I mean, and Im ashamed of myself for that behavior than because, you know, we now know we were all lied to as kids, and I was living right in the middle of it, and wed have two young men come in, and and we literally, it was like prison when I was in, in jail back in 2011. Im not a hypocrite and and you have no idea and you cant do this. But so patriot Street Fighter six, seven and eight went down. Judy was Pennsylvania. mics and out of shadows, the brilliant film about Hollywood pedophilia. Theyre that, you know, for we remember from from The Philadelphia Story, we remember that youre not allowed to touch them think about COVID Whoa, dont touch them. And Im sitting there, whats he doing? But can you can you tell our listeners a bit about like the video when we learned about about you and your career and what youve done and what youve taken back in the days when that worm Fauci was back there at CDC. As you know big tech are censoring MAGA websites tremendously. So tonight, this will be a call in. The donations you folks have given us from the very beginning is pretty amazing. Im going to Im going to share what I know. JNS.org - Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen visited Germany on Tuesday for diplomatic meetings aimed at countering the Iranian nuclear threat. About Q Gear; Shop. You know they set up Dr. Judy, Mike ovitz I didnt say that. I promise you were gonna get there. Let's Break the Censorship Together, Opt in and Spread the Word! We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! It takes balls. It was actually called a reduction in force. It takes absolute balls. The other one takes my phone puts it on the little thing ding. If there is demand for a whole tour or just a partial tour, that will determine what we can do.Wrapped Tour Bus will approx 150K. Follow Rose Rambles on WordPress.com Recent Articles. You know, just like HIV didnt cause AIDS. Check this link out or go to Current Politics \ Social Media posts on the Drop Down Menu. Im like, Im like bent over like look up. Immune Shield is the breakthrough new, doctor-approved supplement for quickly strengthening and protecting your immune system. Sir, you do not deserve to wear that badge. Theyre part of, theyre the enemy. Due to the continued censorship on Youtube, Project Camelot will now be subscription-based. We have 20 million plus followers now around the world. Ive got the thing over my nose and not my mouth. And Ill fix them later because they were pretty detailed. So what happens? badass Judys coming on today. This week's Expert is Scott McKay, former competitive bodybuilder turned wellness industry entrepreneur whose life passions led him to the political arena! 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. All I can say is this is that those casualties that happen. Theres nothing here. Talk about stepping out into stepping into the Dragons Den and making a film like that about Hollywood and hes a career Hollywood guy. So were going to talk about that just as a basis, ground grounding, so you know where she comes from. Theyre not like boom, heaven. Hey, Im not in that matrix, right? Yeah. Itll last up to 20 28,000 years. We make seminal discoveries they call us city, its all along one paper I remember on the gene expression, the epi genetics and how HIV could could regulate how that latency my PhD was latency in that that monocyte macrophage that innate immune cell and how it activates and if you simply so the that my PhD thesis committee said based on your thesis will Magic Johnson die of HIV AIDS and everybody was dying in 1991.