If this is your company policy, youll want to include that in the email as well. A new employee announcement email makes it easier for current employees to identify and welcome new employees on their first day. [Your job position] A letter to inform about a babys birth should be started with a polite greeting to him or her. We want pictures of the little angel! Simply add your baby's photo and customize the text. You can learn about the specific regulations of your state here. It is entirely up to you when you want to announce your pregnancy. Were excited about [employees name] ideas for taking [company name] to a new level and incorporating TikTok videos into our repertoire. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. Shutterfly birth announcements have more modern and fun designs starting as low as 39 cents per card. The whole family is doing great, and we'd be happy to welcome scheduled visitors starting (Date). There are plenty of great ideas for birth announcements made via email. Take a moment to stop by and welcome her to the company.Joyce is a seasoned traveler and amateur photographer with plenty of stories to share. Happy Hour 2: Relay new hires' hidden talents or most embarrassing moments. Subject Line: Help us welcome Nancy Newton to our team! I cant believe he is finally here. Seriously though, enjoy your tiny tot and your new life together! document.head.append(temp_style); You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. This connection with the new employee also bridges communication, and it lets them know youre interested in them. Start your new employee announcement email with a clear and concise subject line. When you announce your pregnancy at work in a way that lets others know youre looking out for them, it makes it easier for them to look out for you, too. Employers are pivoting here, she said, and instead are more likely to offer perks such as home delivery of lunches. , and their contact details. Many congratulations on this happy occasion for your family. Explain why you're writing. The accommodation does not pose a significant burden or expense on the employer. Questions like the following can be fun and great conversation starters: Where would you like to travel somewhere youve never been? Another way you can introduce a new employee is to schedule a team lunch or in a staff meeting. Paste the photo into the body of the email, preferably after providing the stats. The following tips might help. After congratulating the new hire, introduce her to highlight how she fits into your organization. ), 50 Unforgettable Ways to Tell Your Husband Youre Pregnant. Your workplace is not allowed to discriminate against you because you are pregnant meaning they cannot fire you, deny you a promotion, refuse to hire you, or involuntarily reassign you because of a pregnancy. Be the first to rate this post. To: All Staff Subject: Stork Market Boom! So if youre nervous about spilling the beans, dont be. In the conclusion, say thank you that you are granted leaves and mention when will you re-joining your duties again. I hope you love your time here. The next thing you should do after congratulating the new hire is to highlight your companys communication channel by encouraging other employees to join you in the welcome message. Make clear, detailed guides for some of the more complex duties. Remember, they have to prepare for your gap in work. Do drop by and welcome her to the team.Regards,Director, People Operations[Name][Signature], To all staff.Joyce Abraham will join ABC to fill our open position in [insert department]. Simply save the email and add the details and a photo once the baby is born. Or perhaps they will simply reach out to the new person to let them know theyre welcome there. You should also include the specific dates you'll be leaving and returning to work. PwC, she said, leans "heavily on our culture of flexibility, [offering] benefits that are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our people.". Owen McGab Enaohwo is the CEO and Co-Founder of SweetProcess; an easy-to-use and intuitive business process management software founded in 2013 that makes it possible for company executives and their employees to collaborate together to quickly document standard operating procedures, processes, and policies. If you think of anything else youd like me to address in advance of my maternity leave, please dont hesitate to let me know so I can add it to my to-do list. March 03, 2023. Yes, you should announce a new employee to current staff when they start. This one from Amazon comes fully assembled with 60 diapers to start the parents off. The 'new employee announcement' email is generally part of the onboarding process. Ongoing communications and assessing both usage and employee sentiment can help ensure that workers understand and value the benefits they're being offered. Depending on how close you are to your coworker and your individual work environment, you can celebrate the new arrival in a number of ways, including: If you are invited to visit the new baby then we can assume you are in the inner circle! This would work better in an informal office setting where employees are very close. Whats the best professional advice youve ever been given. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. How To Write an Email To HR in 6 Steps (With Examples) If you plan to take a lengthy maternity leave, it takes quite a bit of planning, so it is a common courtesy to notify coworkers who may be affected to give them a reasonable amount of time to plan for your absence. Employers should not assume that employees appreciate or even are fully aware of all the benefits available to them. It wasn't easy, but all (Height & Weight) of him/her made it in extraordinary health. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China "); [Employee Name] will work with [Department/Team] to [brief description of duties, title, etc.]. three new employees] will be joining us. Nancy Newcomer will be training [employee name], and Im sure youll see the two of them in the office during orientation next week so be sure to say hi. 5 New Employee Announcement Email Template Examples | Sender It is my great pleasure to announce that he will be joining us in the capacity of [designation] in the [name] department.Apart from work, ABC is also an avid reader [or any other hobby]. A simple birth announcement is suitable for most workplaces and can be made in advance. I'm sure you are both quite proud. Define the purpose of the email Next, explain your purpose for emailing them. If this picture isn't enough to satisfy you, cards and gifts can be sent to (Home Address). Sample Format for New Baby Congratulations Letter to Employee From Brain Joe Manager ABC Bank New York Date: June 25 th, 2020 To, Mr. Jack Brown 54, Hurling Apartments New York Dear Jack, On behalf of ABC Bank, we extend a warm congratulations to you and your wife on the arrival of your new born on June 5 th, 2020. Shes competed in more than 20 rodeos and has won several awards for tie-down calf roping. (Insert Baby Photo) Yeah, can you believe they had a boy/girl? He/she boasts the following career highlights: Over the next several weeks, we will be working hard to train our newest recruit in snuggling, sleeping, and laughing. Liberty Mutual has been checking in with employees through regular surveys and virtual focus groups. With everything going on around us, it may be beneficial to talk to a trained professional. New Employee Announcement Template: I hope this letter finds you all well! A new employee announcement is a critical step in the onboarding process that serves two purposes: (1) it helps your new hire feel welcomed to the team and company and (2) it ensures that your current employees know about the new hire's arrival. Template of New Employee Announcement Email. It's crucial to get the new employee announcement email right as it's part of the onboarding process. Im so happy for you! He/She weighed (Weight)! What a perfect addition to an wonderful family. Check with your boss to be sure you have permission to send out a mass email. Since the pandemic began, Michele Lodin, vice president of total rewards with Los Angeles-based HR services firm Enspira, has seen companies add more mental health services "to diversify the types of treatment options available and to expand the network of providers.". Accommodations are ways to help you meet performance expectations, not lower the existing standards. Announcing Your Pregnancy at Work - Not A Power Couple They will appreciate that others will know to expect them on their first day. Remember that if your coworker is on maternity leave, they may not have access to their work email. You must know how to share the information about the birth of a baby. In the early morning hours of (Birth Date), (Baby Name) made his/her great escape and joined (parent's names) at last. Once you receive word from the employee that their baby was born, you can share the news with the whole company. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers confidential, no-cost counseling to you and your family, 24 . 100 Cool Pregnancy Announcement Ideas (You Will Love), Tips for Taking Better Maternity Shoot Photographs, 100 Maternity Photoshoot Ideas (Funny, Cute, Creative & More), Tell All Your Peeps: The 25 Best Easter Pregnancy Announcement Ideas, When to Announce Pregnancy (Should You Wait? There are so many people to tell about the arrival of your new baby, it can seem impossible to make sure you share with everyone. Existing employees can go to the tables and ask their new coworkers questions. ]Please join me in extending a heartfelt welcome to Joyce as she begins her journey at ABC Company.Ive attached her photo to help you recognize her when you see her around.Regards.Director, People Operations[Name][Signature], Dear all,Im pleased to announce that Joyce Abraham will join ABC Company in the newly created policy analyst position.She comes to us from XYZ Company, where she led Policy and Partnership and drove much impactful cultural diversity and digital inclusion projects.As an employee of (company name) company, we want you to know that your career aspirations and development are super important to us.We are not just being nice. We truly understand that your job satisfaction contributes to ABCs increased productivity and the level of job quality that the department expects.During this week, Joyce will be seeking input from each of you to gain clarity as to our culture.