where byron is for me and how it affects me personally: 5h in leo at 1 - i love poetry. practice patience; people will always be at your throat with this retrograde, just breathe and smile all the while calling them an asshole in your head :). mercury (gemini or virgo) ruled 7h - no, i wouldnt count degrees in this. He is Alices spiritual guide through Wonderland, who constantly grins in this lackadaisical manner because he has nothing to lose. They see the relationship between two people as an entity separate from the individuals in the relationship. appreciate a job well done by you! it has to be manageable!). capricorn (10, 22): you share medusas air of seriousness - she was always too focused on the task at hand rather than noticing the room around her. if the question is about multiple asteroids (PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARE FROM THE SAME CULTURE (cleopatra and odysseus arent from the same culture so just because they are in a house together doesnt mean its special (there are thousands of asteroids and only 12 houses its gotta land somewhere). Leonardo da Vinci was a well studied gentleman of the Renaissance era. @amethystmooon leo: amusement parks, england, bombay, government buildings, northern CA, chicago, circus, dance halls, theaters, france, italy, or a stadium. Astrological Cypher | Placements that may indicate talent in: . you likely will attract and meet people from all over just like medusa did. they may receive a lot of bruising and other injuries, especially broken bones. they carry the bulk of all burdens without realizing that they have become someones personal mule. form strong harmonious aspects, are in prominent houses) in your natal chart, that can indicate fame in your lifetime. medusa-athene (881) / pallas (2): positive aspects: you may find yourself feeling at home in a feminines space. generate both charts from there.-> go to my vedic astrology master list and find out how to read north indian vedic chart if you want to know about your future spouse traits. you like to care for things: people, places, objects. i implore you to read the moon aspects to see what resonates! They have a natural dignity and are humorous, spontaneous, and often lucky. A strict reassessment of your daily life and what you put into your body becomes heightened, a sense of redirecting energy into hard work and becoming more serious about what it is you do is important during this time. When positively aspected, it supports good communication in a relationship. A Mercury Trine Sun synastry suggests mutual understanding, which fosters respect in marriage. Know about Your Would be Spouse by Astrologer KC GUPTA However, a trine or tight sextile between the moon and sun can point to a tight bond and a strong feeling of comfort in the relationship. you may find yourself working for a feminine icon. For example, in the composite between me and my boyfriend, the ascendant is placed in Leo, and the chart ruler (sun) is placed in the 10th house in Gemini. negative aspects: you may attract people who like to use people - this could indicate sexual assault or manipulation. you likely misconstrue the intentions and emotions of those around you - not everything is what it seems. i truly click with dostoevskys thoughts, it shows in the moon and mercury trining his asteroid in my chart. you like this gorgon may experience a physical change that you find undeserved. This transit can also indicate a life long commitment, a merging of finances in a marriage or long term commitments is not easy work, but hard work doesnt go unnoticed so connect and collaborate. Theres a beauty in the spirit, wake it up and you will understand. The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think they're perfect for each other. medusa didnt feel like everyone was there for her - she thought everyone was simply there for athena. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault. IN MY OPINION TARDIS in your chart can show a) where you have incredible tools at your disposal, b) where your opportunity to go anywhere lies, and/or c) where you may have a paradox in your life. January 30, 2023. The 10th house is the house of karma. all that being said you may have an odd relationship with motherhood - whether it is your mother or you that caused distance is the big question. negative aspects: you may not be mentally aware of what goes on around you - medusa had no clue the athenian worshipers were worshipping her. Best Marriage Aspects in Synastry [Everything You Need to Know] - Review42 so you too may be in a group that is women-only or worship related. or do something that will help you out for when tiredness kicks in again. More cell death leads to your ultimate dying. where michelangelo is for me and how it affects me personally: 7h in libra at 25 - i hope my future hubby is built like David :p but no seriously that libra placement takes precedent for my artistic eye. i clearly would make a great philosophy major BUT my school doesnt have that. Eucharis can not leave Calypso so the two find their love interrupted by their duty. It's the connections your planets make to your partner's. It gives insight to the interactions between you two. this is likely to cause a lot of frustration with themselves due to a hatred of being limited. because sun=ego and saturn obviously doesnt agree with your self image and ego so he tries to be bitchy abt it, -sun/moon conjunct venus in the composite chart can indicate a type of we are meant to be love, -taurus venus in the composite chart can indicate a type of love where expectations dont meet reality and it can be very materialistic. my advice for surviving this retrograde: deep breathing exercises. On July 20th, 1969 Aldrin and Armstrong made the first moonwalk and became the first humans to set foot on another world. religion is great dont shit on others for not sharing your beliefs or lack thereof though. be reasonable with your views - its okay if others do not agree with you. she had an emotion, and it simply got taken care of. they simply knew of her and lusted for her. Hellou:] founD myselF intrigued for a post about a random asteroid you have a dear conection with (or one u like a lot?) you may be a bit of a pessimist, planning for the doom in most scenarios - youd be the version of medusa who felt unsettled getting water feeling that something was wrong. she wasnt trying to lure poseidon into athenas temple but that is what the goddess assumed. Health issues could arise upon you so claiming a lifestyle change you see serves you best is essential, so watch for your relationship with food. pluslets not forgetorbs matter, dominance matters, etc. hypothesis of marriage in astrology . Marriage prediction and marriage astrology has become a trend nowadays. my thoughts, moon-saturn aspects and negative venus-saturn aspects (tw), sag sun, leo moon, cap rising - sun square moon, moon and venus negatively aspecting pluto. no matter what happens to you, remember that you are human, and not everything is deserved - that applies to taking angry/fear out on those who dont deserve it. you may find where you devote a lot of time and emotional energy that you are often quickly dismissed and punished after one misstep similar to medusa. A Handful of Fun (and Unique) Asteroids in the Natal Chart - Pathstrology IN MY OPINION Cancelli shows a) how people care for you when you are sick or when you are near death and/or b) who the best person is to take care of you when sick. With our research spanning over 36 years and thousands of hours, we have been successful in providing accurate and precise predictions explained to you in simple and easy terms for better understanding. 8h: lets get the triggering portion cleared - this is the house of sex and medusa was raped. If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. where educatio is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 14 - lol this poor asteroid is conjunct venus, pluto, and chiron. Astrological factors responsible for re marriage or second marriage in astrology. you feel you do not receive the justice you seek. Florence Bascom was one of the first American geologists and professors to be a woman. nox's astrology hypothesis of marriage in astrology i implore you to read the venus aspects to see what resonates! you may find that when others cry its like rain, but for you, its like you pour. Eventually, when King Actor passed away, Peleus becomes the King of Phthia. negative aspects: you may have trouble expanding your perception of what occurs around you. Like I read this thing a long ass time ago about Mercury in the 7th either having 2 really long relationships or having 2 marriages. where cheshirecat is for me and how it affects me personally: 10h in capricorn at 6 - anyone who knows me knows i am just as morally grey as cheshire - i give off an all-knowing vibe that cause me to attract a lot of alice types who ask for guidance. you may struggle with asserting yourself to those around you or those you hold in high regard due to a fear of rejection. After you have a good idea of your north node path look to your 10th and 11th house, how you will best be able to make connections and what reputation you can uphold in your sphere. they may not like social functions finding them uncomfortable or anxiety-invoking. lol my persona chart for this asteroid has a 8h stellium and a 6h moon at 29 a health discovery that changes my life - sounds about right? they also may be uncomfortable around masculine energy. you like medusa may explode emotionally when life takes a turn for the worse - some may even say you freeze people with your anger and sadness. if you are asking for a specific asteroid, i do not need you to apologize for bothering me. i have yet to be bothered when asked to tell you guys a story - its literally my favorite part. youd likely be the gorgon who is aware of her crowd, willing to let people be around you for the wrong or right reason - it matters little to you. Shifting and reassessing your focus on your goals is an important thing to do, you may enter a new organization or fall into a position of authority, becoming more responsible for more people is common as well. Treating others with respect is essential. How astrology can help make marriage predictions - The Times of India this is a time in which people may write slower. PLUTO retrograde people may experience a lot or very minimal death and change in their life - during this retrograde you may experience a death or life-changing event. after all, you like medusa may not realize you worship your greatest hidden enemy on the opposite end and a brighter note, you may symbolize safety for others - you may find yourself housing/helping people who experience injustices. (Remember that soulmate is not necessarily a romantic partner. thats like apologizing for giving me gelato lol. In fact, the Astro-Marriage counselling is one of the most sought-after aspects of astrology. @starshinesparkle retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. IN MY OPINION Educatio in a chart can tell you a) where you are most knowledgeable, b) where you enjoy learning the most, and/or c) could help you to pick a major/speciality to pursue in upper education. IN MY OPINION Porta coeli in a chart can show a) where you are the most at peace, b) where you may have views of great beauty, and/or c) when there is both purity and reward for your good deeds. sure thing, lets talk about it! give me a bit to work with and i promise i will do my best. I havent told anyone this on here but I once was a science and math nerd before I began studying literature. they may feel as though no one sees their skills or appreciates their talents. But to finalize any alliance, you need to know about two more houses, viz. Eucharis does not appear in classical Greek myth (she appears in an Enlightenment Era epic, Les Aventures de Tlmaque), but she is thought to be one of the nymphs of Calypso. but similar to this mythical character when something negative occurs you may find that people who know your family compare you to a member (most often it will be your mother); you are just like your father, youre your mothers daughter alright, etc. you never have to fear, you always be known/remembered. Together these two theories created a ground work for modern physics - E=mc^2. you may find home doesnt really feel like home to you. i implore you to read the neptune and jupiter aspects to see what resonates! 7h mars; mars is both ambition and assertion with passion both are generally found in proposals. i implore you to read the mars aspects to see what resonates! these people may have a hated or fear of swimming due to past experiences where they nearly drowned or did drown. libra (7, 19): you are likely a people pleaser, and this, of course, makes you captivating. you could be determined to prove others wrong about you but end up proving much of the same - she wanted to prove she didnt do anything wrong yet froze a lot of people with her gaze. thank you in advance. Astrological Cypher | Juno - your soulmate protector What this could entail is a time of financial scarcity, finally when it all comes together you find yourself regretting certain financial losses. So, the composite charts sun will be at the midpoint between Person As sun and Person Bs sun. i encourage you to look into the aspects of actor along with the sign, degree, and house placement. He is considered one of the most influential and greatest cartoonist of the era having earned $1.1B USD in his lifetime. Constantia is the Latin word meaning constancy. Marriage Astrology | Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage | Marriage Age get a planner and set a date to prepare for the week ahead. This can be a time of great triumphs or great failure, take them as they come and stand through it and learn from your ambitions and how you want to be seen and known. you have such a deep, understanding personality that others cant help but feel safe at last in your arms. my advice for surviving this retrograde: revisit childhood in a safe environment like therapy or a shadow-work journal. she was very unlikely to have been sexually active before poseidon because she was a member of a virginal goddesss temple. they likely feel apart from the world - whether by choice or otherwise is the question. popular asteroids that i often see retrograded: aphrodite retrograde people may experience extremes like stalkers or not being adored by others at all. your reputation is likely to revolve around what you preach and share with the world. you may find that you too gain a lot of praise and attention when you do things for others or put their needs first. #marriage-astrology on Tumblr These gifts are highly dependent on whether the child is naughty or nice - coal is given to the naughty children and toys to the nice. you dont follow without question - you ask why. negative aspects: you may be a very stoic person who doesnt show a lot of emotion until suddenly the world around you shifts a millimeter too much. they may experience a lot of delays - usually self-provoked, they may hold themselves back in the area where this planet transits or sits in their chart due to a fear of failure or generalized fears/anxieties. Web Portal, Best Web Portal, Social Site, Social Media Sites, social networking sites, online video site, video games online, classifieds, Search Engines positive aspects: you may receive a lot of independence and freedom in your lifetime. Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or Santa is the Western Christian icon who is believed to bring children gifts on Christmas Eve. anger? pisces (12, 24): you may be rather clueless as to what is going on in the world around you. if you have a retrograde in your chart, i have noticed that when that retrograde is in effect, life seems easier. 5h: you arent a romantic - chances are something happened, typically traumatic, in your life that made you believe romance doesnt exist. let someone know when something hurts your feelings or bothers you - dont just walk away or brush it off. they may not let others get close to them due to not feeling safe or not feeling secure enough to expose themselves. where bascom is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 13 - i love me some crystals. medusa-saturn: you may feel safest in your old age, when thinking about your past, when alone, when conserving something you feel is important (ex: virginity for medusa), and/or around your father but these situations may cause you danger. medusa was a favorite of her congregation before she was adored by the people. make three goals a day - no more, no less and certainly not something you cant complete in a day (like buy a house, see the world, etc. look into other places with other power structures and investigate/plan how you can make your life happen there! where lev tolstoj and alexejtolstoj are for me and how it affects me personally:lev tolstoj 6h in virgo at 5 and alexejtolstoj 10h in capricorn 9 - this makes a bit of sense to me not because i love tolstoy (no offense to levy t but prefer pushkin and dostoevsky) but because of my political ideology.