By clicking Accept all you agree that Yahoo and our partners will process your personal information, and use technologies such as cookies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product development. [93] ASU students held a rally called "Killer off campus" to protest Rittenhouse's enrollment. While the 30-year-old Wisconsin law contains a provision to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to go hunting, they view the weapon Mr Rittenhouse was carrying as clearly "dangerous" in the circumstances he used it. ", "Rittenhouse says Biden defamed his character", "Kyle Rittenhouse and the New Era of Political Violence", "Right-wing memes praising Wisconsin protest shooter surge online", "What's in a Meme? I believe theres a lot of prosecutorial misconduct, not just in my case but in other cases, he said. Read about our approach to external linking. Grosskreutz, who had gone to the protest that night to provide medical aid, was carrying a Glock pistol when Rittenhouse shot him at close range. Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, was acquitted Friday of five charges after he killed two men and wounded a third with a rifle during a turbulent night of protests that erupted in Kenosha in We made it through the hard part.. "No black teenager who kills two people and leaves one seriously injured, would be treated, no matter what the law says about self-defence, like Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse carefully placed the pieces of paper on the defense table before a court official collected them and showed them to prosecutors. For Rittenhouse, a white teenager, to bring a gun to a Black Lives Matter protest under the pretense of protecting property is an act of both white privilege and white vigilantism. He would be dead", wrote Eddie S. Glaude Jr in the Washington Post. Many groups who want tighter gun control say it was the latter. [66] In January 2022, Rittenhouse spokesman David Hancock said Rittenhouse was considering writing a book chronicling his "unorthodox journey into adulthood". It never had anything to do with race. We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. Sense of injustice lingers after Seoul Halloween crush, Chess gets a risqu makeover. Protests broke out in several large cities over the weekend including Portland, Oregon, Chicago and New York City but nothing major in Kenosha, Wisconsin after the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse. He tried to shoot an unknown person, known in court as jump kick man, who tried to kick him in the face, and prosecutors said he could have wounded another man when he opened fire on Rosenbaum. The facts of that night have never been up for debate - Kyle Rittenhouse killed two men and injured a third. But he said his hands were raised when he was shot by Rittenhouse on the evening of August 25, 2020. Was he acting in self-defence or was he a dangerous vigilante provoking an already volatile situation in a city he did not belong to? Gun rights groups and supporters of former President Trump are celebrating the Rittenhouse acquittal. [1][2] A white American,[3] his parents were married in Lake County, Illinois, in February 2000, three years before his birth. [21][22][23][24][25] Public sentiment and media coverage of the shootings was polarized and politicized, with an Economist/YouGov poll finding that two-thirds of Republicans thought Rittenhouse should be acquitted while three-quarters of Democrats thought he should be convicted. I was dizzy, I was vomiting, I couldnt breathe.. [48] Held on the third day of the conference on December 20, the panel consisted of Rittenhouse, Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, Elijah Schaffer, and Drew Hernandez. He is praised by a country that holds favoritism for white vigilantism, and that in itself proves that his case has always been about race. In Wisconsin, a defendant asserting perfect self-defense against a charge of first-degree murder must meet an objective threshold showing that the defendant reasonably believed that the defendant was preventing or terminating an unlawful interference with the defendant's person and that the force used was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. Kyle Rittenhouse says his case was not about the contentious issue of race and that, in fact, he supports Black Lives Matter. Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. This case has nothing to do with race. US teen gunman takes stand in his own defence, Ukrainian ministers killed in helicopter crash, 'I saw a burning helicopter circling': 14 killed in Ukraine crash, Maximum two drinks a week, Canada guidance advises. [72] During an appearance on Newsmax, Colorado House Representative Lauren Boebert responded to Cawthorn's offer and challenged Cawthorn, who is bound to a wheelchair, to "a sprint" to employ Rittenhouse as an intern. Rittenhouse randomly drew six jurors' numbers out of a tumbler, which resulted in the 12 selected to decide his fate. Why Kyle Rittenhouse case so divides the US, US porn star declared unfit for sex crimes trial, Jeremy Renner TV show poster edited after accident, Polar bear kills woman and boy in Alaska village, 15 minutes to defend yourself against the death penalty, Baby among six killed in possible cartel hit in US, Netflix offers $385,000 for private jet attendant, Celebrities who say their children will get no inheritance, World's oldest person, Sister Andr, dies aged 118. 2023 BBC. The 18-year-old was found not guilty of all charges last week after killing two people and wounding another during racial justice protests last summer over the police shooting of a Black man in Kenosha. I believe there needs to be change. Rittenhouse's prosecution became a cause clbre for right-wing organizations and media. 2023 BBC. In December 2018, Rittenhouse started a fundraiser through Facebook for Humanizing the Badge, a nonprofit. [42] Rittenhouse and Fox News both denied he was compensated in any way for the interview. A deluded, nave, dumb 17-year-old teenage kid with aspirations to be a wannabee Rambo. VideoChess gets a risqu makeover, The Nigerian influencers paid to manipulate your vote, How a baffling census delay is hurting Indians, How Mafia boss was caught at a clinic after 30 years. [40] It was watched by 4.942 million viewers (the show averages 3.16 million viewers) and had more than four times the viewers of any other network, leading TheWrap to state that the interview "crushed the rest of cable news" on the night it aired. The police officer remains in the force. [27][28][29][30], After the acquittal, Rittenhouse was sought for media appearances[31] and attended a number of Republican and conservative events described as a public relations campaign and publicity tour. Gun rights activists, on the other hand, have celebrated Mr Rittenhouse's right to possess such weapons and use them to defend himself. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left;width:100%;font-weight:normal;}, Beyond Chicago from the Air with Geoffrey Baer, The Great Chicago Fire: A Chicago Stories Special, In New Book, Last Surviving Witness to Emmett Till Lynching Seeks to Correct Narrative, Chicago Tonight: Black Voices, Jan. 14, 2023 - Full Show, 58 Years After Martin Luther King Jr.s Campaign to End Slums, a Look at Affordable Housing in Chicago, More Chicago Families Turning to Private, Charter Schools as CPS Enrollment Declines, Chicago Tonight: Black Voices, Jan. 7, 2023 - Full Show, Make a Resolution: Get Screened for Hypertension in 2023, Applications Open for Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship, Welcome to Chicago: Exploring What It Means to Be a Sanctuary City. Kyle Rittenhouse pulls numbers of jurors out of a tumbler Tuesday. He added: "I'm not a racist person. Kyle Rittenhouse, center, exits his chair for a meeting Judge Bruce Schroeder called during Rittenhouse's trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis., on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. and "We love the Second Amendment!". Kyle Rittenhouse says his case was not about the contentious issue of race and that, in fact, he supports Black Lives Matter. Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal hinged on the specific details of Wisconsin's self-defence laws, taking into account Mr Rittenhouse's state of mind at the moment of shootings. The Hill said the law "would require the state to reimburse defendants found not guilty of homicide charges due to self-defense. He killed two men during racial unrest in Wisconsin, but successfully convinced the jury he only used his semi-automatic weapon because he feared for his life. Following his trial, he attended several events hosted by conservative organizations and individuals, including a meeting with former president Donald Trump, television features with political commentator Tucker Carlson, and guest appearances at several Turning Point USA productions. Thank you! Described as a far-right extremist group owned by William Hahne, the organization created the game that features Rittenhouse shooting his way through crowds of zombies with the choice of 18 different weapons. [8][9] After a man chased him into a parking lot and grabbed the barrel of his rifle, Rittenhouse fatally shot him. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. He also said he wouldn't set a time on when deliberations needed to end on any given day. The law considers whether Mr Rittenhouse believed himself to be in imminent threat of harm, but it does not factor in the choices he made in the hours and days beforehand that put him in the middle of a volatile situation, with guns drawn and tempers flaring. [68] It was not announced if Nordic Empire Games had sought permission to use Rittenhouse's image. [34] A picture of the two released on November 22, 2021, went viral on social media. Legal analysts have generally concluded that Judge Schroeder's rulings have been within the norms for such proceedings, but with the impartiality of the entire US criminal system challenged in last year's protests against institutional racism and police shootings - including the one in Kenosha - those norms are under scrutiny, as well. "I agree with the BLM movement, I agree everybody has the right to protest and assemble. (The) judge has been biased the entire time, from not allowing Kyle Rittenhouse to go back to jail after not disclosing his address, to interrupting him on the witness stand, to his behavior throughout the entire trial, said Pope, This judge has shown his bias and shown this has been about him this entire time., Another concern raised during the trial was the makeup of the jury. Controversially, in closing arguments Mr Rittenhouse's defence attorney Mark Richards referenced the Blake shooting saying: "Other people in this community have shot people seven times and it's been found to be OK, and my client did it four times in three-quarters of a second to protect his life.". "[75], At least two laws, a bill, and a proclamation have been proposed in different states which have been named after Rittenhouse. TX brewery offers meager excuse for canceling 1A event with Kyle Rittenhouse. KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) The jury at Kyle Rittenhouse's murder trial over a string of shootings on the streets of Kenosha watched one of the central pieces of video evidence Wednesday footage of a man chasing Rittenhouse and throwing a plastic bag at him just before the man was gunned down. He was being chased by a group of people when he fired the fatal shots. Protestors in Kenosha had taken to the streets in righteous indignation against the white officers who had shot Blake. "[52], While campaigning for president in 2020, Biden used images of Rittenhouse in a campaign video he tweeted the day after the September 29 presidential debate. News Guns Second Amendment Kyle Rittenhouse Race The verdict in the highly politicized Kyle Rittenhouse trial erupted into a free-for-all as racial justice, gun control and gun [62], Rittenhouse's image has been used for a number of products and sales, including clothing, a gun sale, and a video game. I support peacefully demonstrating. Jan. 13PROVO, Utah BYU students unofficially announced their plans with less than 30 seconds remaining in Thursday's game. ", "What to Know About the Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse", "Friend who bought gun for Kyle Rittenhouse says the teen was 'freaking out,' pale and sweaty after Kenosha shootings", "Kyle Rittenhouse testifies he knew Joseph Rosenbaum was unarmed but acted in self-defense during fatal shooting", "U.S. judge in Rittenhouse trial says jury can consider teen provoked attack", "Pathologist: Rittenhouse shot first man at close range", "Victims of shooting during Kenosha protests engaged gunman", "What we know about the 3 men who were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse", "Gaige Grosskreutz, wounded in the shooting during the evening of August 25, 2020, in Kenosha, will need arm surgery", "Rittenhouse shooting survivor disappointed by verdict, attorney says", "Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings", "Shooting victim says he was pointing his gun at Rittenhouse", "9 takeaways from Kyle Rittenhouse trial closings", "Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 939: Crimes", "A unanimous jury leaves the nation still divided", "Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty after fatally shooting two in Kenosha unrest", "Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty on all charges", "Kyle Rittenhouse cleared of all charges in Kenosha shootings", "Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty on all charges in Kenosha shootings", "The lionization of Kyle Rittenhouse by the right", "Kyle Rittenhouse named in civil suit filed by parents of man killed in Kenosha", "Kyle Rittenhouse faces new legal issues, named in civil suit by family of Anthony Huber", "Other legal fallout from the violence in Kenosha is still playing out in the courts", "Parents of Anthony Huber, fatally shot by Kyle Rittenhouse, file lawsuit against Kenosha law enforcement", "Acquitted and in demand, Rittenhouse ponders what's next", "The Kyle Rittenhouse Public Relations Campaign Has Begun", "Kyle Rittenhouse says 'I Wouldn't Accept A Penny' For Publicity Tour", "Kyle Rittenhouse Has a 'New Publicist' Now? Kyle She covers pop culture, social justice issues, and trending topics. The trials of Kyle Rittenhouse and three men accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery had vastly different outcomes. Even while the radical left continues to sue me and disparage my name, I know these great leaders have my back. It had to do with the right to self-defense, Rittenhouse said, during a clip from the interview that is set to air on Monday night. Kyle Rittenhouse on Tuesday randomly selected the seven women and five men who will decide whether he should be held criminally responsible for gunning down two men during a social justice protest in Wisconsin last year. The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is a master class in white privilege at every level. The Kenosha jury was picked from a pool of 18 people who sat through two weeks of testimony and arguments in a case that has drawn national attention and sparked debates over gun rights and race. I tell everybody there what happened. I really did. I was just attacked. "If it wasn't for 17-year-olds with guns," tweeted Ohio Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel, "we'd still be British subjects.". In response, Rittenhouse accused the brewery of censoring him.[82]. Today in 2014, Officer Timothy Loehmann murdered 12-year-old #TamirRice while he was playing with a toy gun.As a contrast to what we are witnessing today, Kyle Rittenhouse had a charge of possession of a dangerous weapon dropped although there is video & camera footage. The then-17-year-old, armed with an AR-15, had gone to an anti-police brutality protest, flaunting his gun and repeatedly walking past police officers who did absolutely nothing to stop him. Its hard not to think about the Kalief Browders, the Breonna Taylors, the George Floyds, the Trayvon Martins, and the endless list of Black people in this country who werent granted the same privilege. Often the regulations are less than precise, the product of intense legislative debate over the types of firearms covered and under what circumstances the laws apply. RELATED:Joy Reid Explains The Power Of White Male Tears In Kyle Rittenhouse & Brett Kavanaugh Trials. The answer is quite simple, they wouldnt have made it to a trial. [32][33] During the tour, he was represented by publicist Jillian Anderson, a former contestant on season 19 of the reality TV show The Bachelor. Kyle Rittenhouse is not a hero. A day before closing arguments in the Rittenhouse trial, Judge Bruce Schroeder ordered that one of the charges - that Mr Rittenhouse violated a state law prohibiting a person under 18 from possessing a "dangerous weapon" - be dropped because the rifle Mr Rittenhouse was carrying wasn't prohibited to him. [81] Rittenhouse said, "I'm 19 and just got to speak with leaders of the greatest country on earth! A Texas brewery has called the influx of threats it has received crazy after it cancelled an event with Kyle Rittenhouse.. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Texas brewery cancels anti-censorship rally featuring Kyle Rittenhouse: Doesnt reflect our values, Kyle Rittenhouse predicts hell be working in politics within 5 years, Kyle Rittenhouse starts new YouTube channel devoted to guns, Second Amendment, Kyle Rittenhouse unveils video game where players shoot fake news turkeys. But coming just days apart, they laid bare a dangerous and long [81] The meeting was held at the Conservative Partnership Institute in Washington D.C. Caucus members who were present included Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Andrew Clyde (R-GA) and Byron Donalds (R-FL). Hear what he said about Trump Mar-a You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. [89][90] His first video on the channel showed him firing a handgun and an automatic rifle and included the YouTube gun advocate Brandon Herrera as a guest. VideoChess gets a risqu makeover, The Nigerian influencers paid to manipulate your vote, How a baffling census delay is hurting Indians, How Mafia boss was caught at a clinic after 30 years. Taking the stand during the trail on November 8, 2021, Grosskreutz said he was armed with a pistol. The trend up until now has been to expand the right of self-defence in many states through "castle doctrine" and "stand your ground" laws that give individuals a presumptive right to use force to protect their homes and themselves, rather than to back down from a confrontation. Rittenhouse was 17 at the time. He is praised by a country that holds favoritism for white vigilantism, and that in [6][7], On August 25, 2020, when he was 17, Rittenhouse shot three men during the civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin that followed the shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake, by a police officer. 7 reasons Kyle Rittenhouse's self-defense argument succeeded in getting him acquitted of all charges. [77] Taylor Greene said, "Kyle Rittenhouse deserves to be remembered as a hero who defended his community, protected businesses, and acted lawfully in the face of lawlessness. [2] Eventually transitioning to online school, he dropped out and left Lakes Community High School altogether in 2018 after attending for one semester in 20172018. Click Manage settings for more information and to manage your choices. The Georgia men were convicted of murder in the death of Ahmaud Arbery, shot in February 2020 while jogging through his neighborhood. Sense of injustice lingers after Seoul Halloween crush, Chess gets a risqu makeover. Attorney Andrew M. Stroth, who previously worked as a talent agent, said Rittenhouse could "easily" get a book contract over $1 million. "[4] On his TikTok profile description, Rittenhouse had written, "BLUE LIVES MATTER " and "Trump 2020 ". [38] Carlson introduced Rittenhouse as "bright, decent, sincere, dutiful, and hardworking exactly the kind of person you would want many more of in your country. [69][70] The video game, which features a cartoon Rittenhouse holding a bright orange gun with the aim of shooting turkeys that represent the media, has no stated release date. "[80] Griffey additionally proposed a proclamation be created in honor of Rittenhouse, saying he "deserves to be recognized as a hero. Kyle Rittenhouse said he isn't a racist and that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement in a sneak peek of his interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson. The now 18-year-old was on trial for shooting three men, and killing two of them during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year over the police shooting of Jacob Blake. I believe there needs to be change.". [52] He denied being a racist, domestic terrorist, or white supremacist, saying he had been attacked by those who described him in these terms. Kyle Rittenhouse, a young white male, was never going to be judged fairly by the same people. Courtroom lottery decides Rittenhouse jury selection; deliberations underway, Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Tensions high as jury deliberations begin. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. White House 'We are celebrating', "Kyle Rittenhouse in talks to write book about his 'unorthodox journey into adulthood', "Kyle Rittenhouse inspires politician who wants to repatriate immigrants to make video game about night the Midwestern teen killed 2 people", "Kyle Rittenhouse announces video game to fund media defamation suits", "Kyle Rittenhouse Announces New Video Game To Shoot 'Fake News', "Kyle Rittenhouse keeping himself in the public eye, launching anti-'Fake News' game", "Madison Cawthorn offers Rittenhouse an internship", "For far-right groups, Rittenhouse's acquittal is a cause for celebration", "Lauren Boebert Challenges Wheelchair-Bound Madison Cawthorn to a Sprint on Newsmax (Video)", "Republicans Now Want Biden to Apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse", "Rep. Greene introduces bill to award Congress's highest honor to Kyle Rittenhouse, who fatally shot two men", "Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces bill to award Congressional Gold Medal to Rittenhouse", "Oklahoma senator pens 'Kyle's Law' for victims of 'malicious' prosecution after Rittenhouse case", "Bill based off Kyle Rittenhouse Kenosha trial tweaked, moving forward", "Tennessee lawmaker presents self-defense bill in 'honor' of Kyle Rittenhouse", "Kyle Rittenhouse meets with House GOP members", "Kyle Rittenhouse launches initiative to fight media 'lies', "Kyle Rittenhouse Launches New Initiative to Hold Media Outlets Accountable for Telling Defamatory Lies", "Palin's defamation case is part of a conservative strategy to take on the media", "Did 'The View' Settle with Rittenhouse for $22 Million? Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges against him Friday. To see more, visit January 17, 2023 04:34 PM. It consisted of seven women and five men, all of them were white except one person of color. He was 17 when he brought a semi-automatic rifle and a medical kit to Kenosha in what he said was an effort to protect businesses as riots broke out over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man who was left paralyzed from the waist down, on Aug. 23. Who was Ukrainian minister Denys Monastyrsky? [86], In 2022, a satirical story turned into a rumor circulating on social media saying that Rittenhouse had filed and settled a lawsuit against Whoopi Goldberg and The View. [68], On June 23, 2022, Rittenhouse announced a video game called Kyle Rittenhouse's Turkey Shoot, developed by Mint Studios, for the purpose of funding his media defamation suits. "[69][71], Rittenhouse has been publicly offered multiple internships, all by Republican lawmakers. [13][15][16][17][18], At a criminal trial in Kenosha in November 2021, prosecutors argued that Rittenhouse was seen as an active shooter and had provoked the other participants while defense lawyers argued that he had acted in self-defense,[19] stating that he had used force necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself. As jurors were sent away to deliberate, Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder told lawyers on both sides to stay within 10 minutes of the courthouse in case the panel has a question it will need to debate. Meanwhile, outside court cars drove past tooting their horns and cheering. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. I'm proud to file this legislation to award Kyle Rittenhouse a Congressional Gold Medal. The trial could prompt renewed consideration of self-defence laws across the US and whether they sufficiently weigh the totality of circumstances involving the use lethal force, particularly in a society where restrictions on the possession of firearms have been loosened. The story was false. Here & Nows Robin Young speaks with author and historian Ibram X Kendi, founding director of Boston Universitys Center for Antiracist Research. But after the Southern Star Brewery in Conroe, Texas, learned that Rittenhouse was going to be featured at the event, Mr Rittenhouse was not immediately arrested after he shot three white men - two of them fatally - despite surrendering to police. [36] Two days later on November 22, 2021, the hour-long episode titled "The Kyle Rittenhouse Interview" released, where Carlson interviewed him about a wide range of subjects. Jurors cleared the 18-year-old of killing two men and wounding a third with a military rifle after accepting claims that he had feared for his life. This case had nothing to do with race, had to do During the trial, testimony usually ended at about 5 p.m. on most days. Legal experts told The Post that prosecutors in the trial presented an overly complex case and might have had better success if they had sought lesser charges. CHICAGO (AP) For many Black Americans, Kyle Rittenhouses acquittal on all charges by a Wisconsin jury on Friday confirmed their belief in two justice systems: one for white people and another for Black people.. Rittenhouse, the two men he killed and the man he wounded were all white, but the case has been linked from the start to issues of race and the Instead the jury had to work out why he did it. He's also established a reputation as a pro-defence jurist - one further cemented by his testy exchanges with prosecutors during the Rittenhouse trial. Why Kyle Rittenhouse Is Wrong For Believing His Case Has 'Nothing To Do With Race', Photo: Youtube /Matteo Roma / Shutterstock, The Problem With Predominantely White Juries Deciding On Both Ahmaud Arbery And Kyle Rittenhouse Trials, Joy Reid Explains The Power Of White Male Tears In Kyle Rittenhouse & Brett Kavanaugh Trials, 131 Of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Most Powerful Quotes, Two Elderly Women Kicked Off Train In The 'Middle Of Nowhere' After Their Small Dog 'Pooped' On The Floor, Prince Harry Apologizes For His 'Biggest Mistake' How King Charles Made Him Learn From His Actions, Why The Criminal Histories Of Kyle Rittenhouse's Victims Have No Relevance In His Trial. In Thursday 's game for an optimal experience visit our site on another browser meanwhile, court! Men were convicted of murder in the 12 selected to decide his fate dangerous vigilante provoking an volatile. By the same people had vastly different outcomes teenage kid with aspirations to be change ``... 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