(throws rope,crashes) Sorry,Zeus! I can't even get one guy to call me back! (shows mask), (Luke looks at the mirror,creepy music plays), Luke:(screams loudly)(realizes that he has no eyebrows)(runs to the balcony to drop his mask). Jessie:Why,thank you. Emma:I don't care who wins. Morgan: You know how it is, sweetie, if I fall behind, the studio will fire me. Coach Penny:Somebody get me a giant fly swatter. (Scene changes back to penthouse in the TV room). Practice is at my place. (pulls mask,grunts)(stops pulling)Uh-oh! If my school needs spirit they can count on me! Emma: Hi! But I would just make one small change. Am I clear? Zuri:This is the end of the line for you,schoolmarm! Oh,maybe if I tell you to shower,Luke will do it. Luke:Eh. You,Luke, or this Donny Brook guy! Oh,this is perfect! Jessie:Just hold your boeuf! (sighs) I need to get up there fast, so I can talk to them! Jessie:OK,don't worry,I'm sure Ravi can get the plaster off.And those bugs were good,free-range protein. Jessie:Well,I thought it was awkward for you playing my boyfriend. Done with Jessie, done with being told what to do, done with. Cab drives away. You have to be out the door in 22 minutes! Ravi,try not to hurt your brother. And evil! Jessie:Emma,what is taking (slowly) so muchglitter? Jessie:West! Ravi: All of them. Now kiss me,you greasy haired mook! (runs away) (Jessie closes the door) Ravi:Jessie,I cannot recreate my plaster mask of Mrs.Kipling! Aladdin and The King of Thieves (1996) Hercules (1997) Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin (1997) Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997) The Spirit of Mickey (1998) Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World (1998) Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (1998) The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) Mulan (1998) Ravi:Impossible. Emma: It's okay- don't worry about it. So now I'm going to destroy your project,which is also my face! Luke:He is real! The snow was high,the morale was low-. Emma:I did exactly what you suggested and made pro and con lists for my two potential dates. Jessie:Oh,Toby,I love it when you howl with passion. (thinking) I was waving at an ex-boyfriend. Unless it's for baby trolls.(chuckles). Jessie:Don't bother. Aladdin (2019)/Transcript. Christina: And, we realized that being there for you is really more important than any job. Zuri: OK,I'm ready for school! (walks to the living room)Zuri,you'd better be done,because I've been dealing with missing eyebrows,future babies,and masks held hostage,so I don't need leaf problems on top of that. I just have to hit Send within 5 seconds. You're in trouble! Luke:(puts down script,in Jersey accent)Bada-bing! Michael's a preppy,but Blake's a leather jacket kind of guy! (stops Luke from throwing,grunts)No,stop! assistant writer / production staff (13 episodes, 2011-2014) Cheryl Diamond . But this is about Taylor. Aliens have landed and stolen my eyeballs! (Ravi starts filming while Luke holds the microphone), (Jessie runs while holding luggage and falls). Tony: Too bad you can't fly a helicopter Jessie: Yeah! Luke:Jessie,when you said I was "in charge of the boom",I thought I would get to blow stuff up! Your love story needs a twist. Morgan: No, sweetie, my movie is running way behind schedule, I mean, Galactapus hasn't even devoured Angelina Jolie yet. Ravi is the only one who showed up. Emma:I don't know why he's so cranky! Please,please,pleaseeeeeeee? (walks to living room)Zuri,are you rea-uh-oh. Jessie:There is no way I'm doing a movie where women wear skimpy clothes and are objectified. Jessie:(stands up)Hey,look,I know I've been really stressed out lately,and I'm sorry if I've been a little too harsh on you. Ravi,is the water effect ready? I want a producer credit for that! OK. Here,open my present. (pushes Ravi away)Where's Zuri? Jessie:So,having my face chiseled in Mount Rushmore is out of the question? Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . Jessie:But sometimes you find love in placed that you least expect it. Emma: Why didn't you just take the suit off? Emma: But I need it for my solar system! They were my favorite snacks when I was stationed in Germany. Please Lord dont let me end up in TV Jessie: So, let's go celebrate with a nice, family dinner! Jessie:Where's a silver bullet when you need one? Sgt.Harris:I can't believe you're 10! Jessie Again!/Trailer transcripts K Kermit's 50th Anniversary (2005 Trailer) L Lady and the Tramp (1998 VHS Trailers) Lady and the Tramp (2006 50th Anniversary Edition DVD Trailers) Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure (Trailers) Lilo & Stitch (Soundtrack Promo) M Mickey and the roadster racers 2 the power of two/Trailer transcripts They all scream something along the lines of 'ow') Sorry kidscould of been worse, that tuna could've been canned! I didn't,and look at me now! (episode begins in the penthouse kitchen). Not that I'm taking sides. You are old enough to get up,pick out your clothes,do your homework and not rip off your brother's eyebrows without me having to yell at you! 5,4,3-(misses button,sleeps), Bertram:Aaaaand,sent(moves finger to Send). You wouldn't know a latrine from a hole in the ground,which sometimes it is. demonstrates that even against massive opposing forces, one stronger force can keep everything together. It's quick-drying plaster! (sighs)I guess I'll just have to go out with the super-hunk instead. Star Wars 10. I am yours,oh,beautiful ones! Oh, you think this is funny! So I couldn't board the plane with four ounces of shampoo but he gets to carry on a velociraptor! Zuri:I'm already eating dinner with my friend, Milly the Mermaid! I already called in an expert. Ravi:Not so fast. Alice in Wonderland (1951)/Transcript. Morgan: Even if I never work for that studio again. Ravi:But the only other boy role is Tavi,the pathetic wretch whose only friend is a wizard! Christina: Well, according to our security team, you're a straight-A student, a universal blood donor- which could come in handy with our kids-AND, you have a squeaky-clean record! Bertram:You know,all the stuff that wasn't in your script is actually kind of entertaining! She loves juicing stuff. (walks to the elevator), Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year. Isn't this nice? Free shipping for many products! (shows her arms). Luke: Well, I like my friends real, especially my lady friends (Smiling at Jessie, Jessie pushes him away). But I don't even know your name! I wanna make people feel the same way. Tony:I cannot believe we're trapped in this huge teacup! (They leave the kitchen. Jessie: Help! Tony:You mean during the filming,or while we were dating? Ravi:By the way,you yelled just a tad. (reaches into her bag), Jessie:All I did after school was play Chinese Checkers with the librarian. Ravi:On the bright side,the swirly you will undoubtedly receive,will rinse them right off! Jessie:Oh,they just emailed me my theme! Emma:Oh,Jessie,I just thought of a way to make your script better! Jessie: (reading)we're running away because we hate you Bertram: I read between the lines. I found a new nanny in the street! was a puppet. Considering they don't eat meat, those lentil lovers have a surprising amount of stamina! Jessie: (Sarcastically) Oh! Problem solved! (stands up) Hey,did I ever tell you kids about the time I did a triple somersault at the big homecoming game? Jessie:You've had 3 husbands? Emma:Yeah,we never thought you could pull it off. (With Ravi) Yes! Luke:Are we done here? Zuri:I also collected some caterpillars for next week's project! (All the children scream 'me', while Morgan pulls out a lightsaber, and swings it), Morgan: Of course not, it's just a prop(Swings it, and the chair beside him is cut in half. I'm just going to grow them back myself! You want your mom there when you enter double digits. Bertram: I have no idea, but I say 'well done!'. Just another site disney jessie transcripts Jessie:OK,well,if you're OK with it,I'd love to have you play you. Is there going to be some imaginary monster behind the door? Give me back my moon! Zuri:Hi,Mrs.Obama. Emma:Easy! Tony:That's actually pain,you're standing on my paw. Jessie:And you can invite anyone you want. (walks away). And I don't have the time to sit and audition tons of young,good looking guys! I should have seen that coming. Zuri,Jessie,Mrs.Harris,Taylor and Sgt.Harris:Yeah!(chuckle). Jessie:I am happy,because that's what you were supposed to do! Mrs.Harris:Who are you talking about? Plus,she was stationed in Germany. I'm not gonna rick my moneymaker! Jessie:Emma,do I need to remind you that you are one tardy away from being suspended? Sunny! Bertram: (sarcastically) Congratulations! Tony: Flyin in their dad's helicopter. Jessie:You know,there is a park across the street! What are we going to do? (blows whistle) No coaching! Zuri:I don't know who this Zuni character is,but I find the scene where she happily finishes her homework totally unbelievable.(nods). And the winner is (A part of Emma's project falls off. Nice velociraptor(Screams, while going through tubes to escape Mr. Kipling) Help! What kind of werewolf are you? Jessie:OK,you can be in it if you can tell me just one of your lines. I promised myself I wouldn't yell! Disney Animated Feature transcripts. Austin: Well, now I'm a little nervous. Are they in here, or(the man closes and locks the door. You may have the moves,but I have the power of words! (smiles). Jessie: Please tell me those kids are in the wrong apartment! Jessie:I know,and they're lovely,it's just that you have a slight flea problem. Michelle:Although,if you used half as much sugar,and replaced the eggs with applesauce,then this cake would be even better. Luke: So Ravi what's your favorite type of ice cream? Jessie:I'm making a movie about our relationship,and these guys are auditioning to play you. (walks up the stars), Jessie:Stay calm,stay calm. Christina: (to the Ross children)hey guys, we missed you so much! Jessie:OK,guys,I don't know if you've noticed,but my acting career hasn't exactly gone the way I thought it would. You see,both the President and I know how much you and all of out military children do for our country. These would cost him 200 bucks downtown! Bertram:Your misery is even better in (deep voice)slo-mo! (Who Shot Roger Rabbit?) Jessie Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Jessie:I don't know what's worse,the deafening noise or the spray of spit. He also taught me how to survive in the desert with nothing but a toothpick and a bobbypin Tony: Really? I just wish Angelina Jolie would kill that stupid space squid! ), (Scene changes to the set of Galactopus 2.). On the bright side,at least your outfit matches the teacup! Bertram: Don't you need a career first? Emma:Finally,my stupid brothers come in handy! Ravi: It is New York. Jessie:OK,people,we only have 13 hours to get this movie in the can. I can't believe you're here! This page is the category for Transcripts. That's not very sanitary! "Jessie was an integral part of our production team during her time at . Whoopsie! Jessie:Or we could just find another modelwho can't eat us.(nods). Menu. Only Christina and Jessie are there.). Ravi:It is parent-teacher conference day! Coach Penny:Ugh! Now,before I force those evil spies off that cliff with an assortment of wicked cool gadgets,how about a high-speed kiss? All I ever wanted was to do something creative with my life,and I just(stammers)I'm afraid that this movie is my last chance. Zuri:I peeled half a potato and 6 fingers. I can't see! Oh,Toby-. Jessie:OK! Emma:They want to make you their flyer. Bertram:(grunts,holds shoulder)You were saying? It's due today? Everyone drop and give me twenty! Ooh,do I have enough glitter? I know it's awkward,but this movie is really important to me! Jessie:Wait a minute. It might be kind of awkward to act out our relationship on camera. (To Emma)Nice outfit,by the way,Emma,I'm glad one person is ready to walk out the door! The boy who thinks "school spirit" is the ghost of an old janitor? The series stars Debby Ryan as the title character Jessie Prescott, an 18-year old woman who moves from Fort Hood, Texas to New York City, eager to forge a life of her own against the wishes of her father. Bertram: Don't know, don't care. Ravi:Oh,heavens,he is headless! I placed the order like 30 times! Emma:Whoa! Jessie:I'm not going to yell! Christina: Oh, well we'll make it up to her! And quit taking her helicopter to yoga class. (pushes Jessie_. (pauses) Doesn't that sound fun? Zuri:Or we can do something fun that doesn't involve barbed wire,and mud.(nods). (Morgan laughs, and leads the group out and back home. It was weird for me,too. Aw,(hugs Emma)that is so great! Ready for our next game,Clean the Latrine? Jessie:And Luke's going to school in his pajamas. Jessie: Hey. Jessie:(yells)That's it! Jessie:OK,I can't tell you how many different ways that makes me nauseous. Jessie:Yeah,I'm not sure what you said,but if it means you shouldn't dance,I agree. Taylor:Hey guys,what are you talking about? Zuri: Don't worry Jessie; just do what I do, blame it on Luke! You can-, (Mrs.Kipling gives Michelle Obama cake with her tail), Michelle:(eats the cake)Wow,this is actually pretty good! Jessie:When do you stand? Tony:No,I'm talking to you,Jessie. Jessie:Thank you,guys. Zuri:As soon as I get these leaves glued on the poster. Jessie:Aw(hugs Taylor)good for you. I think they might have run away because they hate you. Taylor:This was a game? You're such a procrastinator! While she's gone,my grandma's watching me. Jessie:It's called "Acting"! And less teacup-y. Zuri:I don't wear tutu's anymore! Luke:Me neither! Don't worry,we won't let it go to waste. (Cab driver closes partition screen, Jessie looks offended). I'm on it! Luke: I wouldn't go in there if I were you! production controller (77 episodes, 2011-2014) Monica Marie Contreras . Tony:Awkward-schmawkward,this thing's a hit! Taylor:(embarrassed) No,it doesn't. You will love this. Taylor:Grandma,you're in the park! Ravi:Everything will be fine. (laughs and hugs Taylor) Oh,sweetie,I've missed you so much! Jessie:OK,(grunting to get up)let's try 'er again. This is high school! They might look just a little out of place in between the portraits of Washington and Lincoln. (Jessie accidently hits Luke's microphone). The series was created and executive produced by Pamela Eells O'Connell and stars Debby Ryan as Jessie Prescott, a small town Texas girl who moves to New York City and becomes a nanny to a high profile couple's four children played by Peyton List, Cameron Boyce, Karan Brar, and Skai Jackson. Zuri: I cannot tell a lieyour performance stunk! Ally: I can't believe a billion people are going to be watching you! (yells suddenly)Hurry up! Emma: she said you'd be hearing from her lawyers? Jessie:OK,you know what? (Luke is hit with a pillow, while Jessie turns to speak with Zuri.) That force is gravy. I've always wanted alead pipe? (Plays reveille) I won! Christina flips her hair). Jessie:(spits out food,gagging)(to Tony)OK. Do you know what you have to do? Jessie: Oh, yeah? Get more losers out here! Jessie:Now is the time to blow that whistle! (walks away). The kid who gets winded just changing into gym clothes. Jessie:I wasn't coaching. (shows a small amount with his fingers). (Emma laughs, and goes up to present her project. The film features music by Randy Newman, and was executive-produced by Steve Jobs and Edwin Catmull. Ravi:Luke,please do not break the mask! Bertram:(carries a plate)Craft services is here with lunch! Zuri:Actually,it's a real bull. Whatever your name was (Turns to Jessie) Hey, Jessie, wanna be my new nanny? (Hip-hop music plays,Ravi goes on the stage), (Ravi dancing,Jessie coaches,Coach Penny paying attention), (Coach Penny realizes that Jessie is coaching). I got your doorman right here! Luke:You destroyed my face! Ravi:(scared)I will give you 2 hints! (Everyone cheers, and Emma jumps up and down). (Grabs Zuri and Ravi, and Luke follows them. Jessie:So did I. Jessie:Everyone! (pushes Ravi). (tries to take marker). Hey! Yes,we can! At school,everyone judges you by how you look! Or whatever you were before. Jessie:I meant any complaints that don't make me sad? (dumps out spinach)Wait,these aren't my leaves! Disney ABC Television Group . Taylor:(stands up)And his belt buckle is the snooze button? (points to eyebrows). Luke: I'm out too- this date was a total waste of clean underwear! (rubs legs) Back in a minute! Zuri:Your last job was as a hot dog. When you fall to the ground,I say:"Aw,man,are you OK?". We need to shoot the scene where Chantal meets Toby. Morgan: (changing the subject) who wants to see the cool toy that George Lucas gave me? Tony runs over to Jessie.). Luke:"Uh-oh" what? Jessie:OK,Luke,what is it going to take to get you to hand over that mask? Ravi:You will not find a more committed mascot than me. Nanny Kay (the Ross's old nanny) runs screaming out of the Fairfield lobby). FYI,you have way more worry-lines now than when you started working here. OFFICIAL Best List of Porn The Disney movie catalog is a prime source to mine for monologues you can put your own spin on. Emma:So,if Michael and I got married someday,this would be our child: (kid that looks like a troll with glasses shows), Jessie:Ew. Would anyone like to share about their day? Ravi:It appears verbal dexterity may be my only chance to win this brotherly mascot donnybrook. Emma:On the other hand,if Blake and I get married someday,this will be our baby: (heavenly music plays,screen turns brighter), (Emma and Jessie stare at the screen and sit down). (stands up) Hey,did I ever tell you kids about the time I did a triple somersault at the big homecoming game? Jessie:Because this error message says "Please enter a password." (Tries to take it from Luke), Luke: I'll show you a moon! I know you were bummed when you didn't meet the weight requirement for towel boy. The title comes up: Toy Story 2. Tony:You are amazing. voice director: additional (98 episodes, 2011-2015) Kevin John Rogers . And now that I've split my pants,it's a little too drafty. Jessie:OK people,we only have 10 hours to finish this film. Taylor:Ohthat's nice,but I really don't want you to go to any trouble. I remember those performers made me feel like I could do anything. I'm keeping your sweatshirt! He slept through the whole thing. Zuri:How 'bout people stop cooking my work? Thanks for never calling me back. That's why my arms look so good in my prom picture. Zuri: Last time I pick a nanny up out of the gutter! Jessie: Here, you try. blockbuster store still open near haarlem. You know what you can find there? Seriously, who wore this before me, Big Foot? My true love,the sheriff,will save me! We've been over this. (hugs Jessie and howls). Ravi, help! I'm getting a crowbar. What did she do? ), (The door opens with Jessie in a costume. Jessie:On the bright side,he'll have friends! Jessie stops him). Anastasia (1997)/Transcript. Jessie:Hey! Ravi:OK,but if I get confused I will just wind it. Bertram:That's what I thought when I read your script. Christmas Story 9. (looks at phone). (Hits the tentacle, it falls). (pushes mask). Coach Penny:The crowd is on fire! Bertram:If we leave now, they may not notice for at least a month. This was a designer dress! It's not romantic to say that my eyes remind you of a monkey's butt. :) Subscribe via Email. Jessie: They ran away! (Throws the keys for the helicopter to Jessie. Ravi! Tony,for the 10th time,the line is "A full moon". I lost four kids in two hours- that's gotta be some kind of record! I will pop this off in a jiffy! I love asking my old roommate from Indiana questions that the friend would have no answers to. (To Ravi) Not you, you should never eat lead. Luke:I borrowed Zuri's marker. Jessie:finding this family is the greatest love story I could ever tell. I have a clipboard and everything. June 30, 2022 . Zuri:OK,guess I won't be needing this then! You'll be late for school! (blows whistle). Meanwhile, Luke (Cameron Boyce) and Zuri (Skai Jackson) prank call people in Jordan's phone! When threatened,I'd roll over and play dead like the football team. (shows new eyebrows)I fixed my eyebrows! I know,your toes are still smoking. Ravi: I must leave too. Emma:Well,(turns page)he's a little self-absorbed,not the best listener,and he's always running late. (Screams, Jessie slides down a tube and slams into a basket. Bertram: (sarcastically)do you poop on the floor? (Grabs Jessies hand and Jessie grabs her purse.). Emma: Why did you guys change your mind about coming? How does your grandmother sleep through that? I Think? Emma:We just got text reminders! And more cardboard-y. It was just awkward playing romantic scenes with my ex,you know? (She flips a switch on the proje'ct and it glows and turns.) You are grounded, go to your cage! (laughs with Emma, Luke, Ravi, and Zuri), (Time changes to night, scene changes to living room), (Bertram walks in while holding a flowerpot). Jessie:Zuri,this is how you were dressed when we met! Jessie:No,they're all spinach,painted different colors,none of which occur in nature. Jessie:You may not be the most motivated 4th grader,but you're going to make one heck of a lawyer! I don't want to end as a dinosaur's chew toy! Jessie:Y-You mean my speech to Luke worked on you? (introduces Emma). Help! (continues laughing). (Jessie picks up the controller and plays the game) Eat lead metalhead! Jessie:That was before I was in charge of her. Bertram:Did you actually just compliment my cleaning skills? Tony: Nah, I never really pay attention to who comes in and out of here. I'm making it! Morgan: Cut! What am I,a kid? Bertram:Oh,so then you can fail 3 times! Zuri:And speaking of great armssurprise! (ZURI closes the door and drags JESSIE to the next house with RAVI) ZURI- Jessie, you need to calm down!!! Emma:(pushes Jessie)Guess that outfit will have to do! (Luke takes a caterpillar out of his mouth). Latest TV Episode Scripts s01e03 - Track 3: Someone Saved My Life Tonight - Daisy Jones & the Six s01e02 - Track 2: I'll Take You There - Daisy Jones & the Six s01e01 - Track 1: Come and Get It - Daisy Jones & the Six s02e06 - Original Sins - Carnival Row s02e05 - Reckoning - Carnival Row s01e05 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - The Ark (points to poster with colorful leaves)What is that? And, even if you fire me for saying this, and I lose the best job I've ever had, you need to start being there for them! I have prevailed! My dad taught me how to hotwire a car with a paperclip and a penny. The crossover starts off at Walden Academy where Emma Ross is in her history class. (Luke puts his head back to the top of the costume). (grabs phone) Here, say it into the phone. Any questions?" (shows a box decorated with water pictures with a water faucet on the top). (Aqua slices a Parademon in half) Aqua: Go go go! Luke:The mascot gets to hang out with the cheerleaders? AWESOME! Zuri is on the steps.) Emma,you're the School Spirit Coordinator! Jessie comes in.). Emma:If you keep asking me questions,I'm going to be late,and it'll be all your fault! Ravi:If she had been more supportive,I would have warned her about the bull in the kitchen. Luke:(angry)Are you out of your mind? Except for once in third grade, you went to the bathroom without a hall pass Jessie: If you tasted the cafeteria food, you'd completely understand armadillo does not go down easy. (pulls Luke) Why is it always so difficult to get you guys out the door on time? Run around,flail your arms,and try not to fall down. the levels are totes lame,mostly lame,getting warm,hot,and blazing. Kipling.). Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year. Ravi:Am I to assume I will play the role of Duke,the suave ladies' man? He then looks around, with the sound of Darth . Now,get into position and no more biting! Morgan and Christina arrive late. Zuri:Who needs to know geography in the Wild East? Zuri:Yeah,we know you'll make it if you just keep trying. Jessie:Then when we mentioned her birthday,Taylor burst into tears,and ran off. Jessie: Are they both horrible jerks with dead end jobs,who make you pick up the check because they left their wallet in their girlfriend's car? Jessie:Please. Emma:Why don't you hire Nicolas Cage? Emma:Well,according to the Applause-O-Meter, our new mascot is Luke! Ravi:Perhaps dressing up like a giant wasp and cheering for our sports team will be my ticket to popularity. (claps hands)OK,let's do this! (scene starts in the penthouse living room). Jessie: (takes the flowers and puts them in a vase)we don't have a date. So is your mom stationed in New York now? Zuri:Yep. Emma:Mount Fabulous? But,someday you'll realize that what's outside isn't so important,it's what's on the inside that matters. I don't want a party. (tires screeching,about to fall off a cliff). I have oodles of free time,because I have no social life! It's "Love". Everyone looks in shock.) (sighs)Sorry,Jessie,Chantal,whoever you are. Emma:But I'm adorable! (audience clapping rhythmically(mostly lame)), (Emma points to the applause-o-meter,which is at getting warm), (in one dance routine,Luke holds his bottom and moves backwards), (song ends,crowd cheering(between getting warm and hot)). Jessie:How did you get expelled already? Does anyone know what it was for? You're hired! No! Emma: (to Jessie) Zuri has imaginary friends. Plot [ edit] They have these giant leaf holders there called trees! Luke: I'll show you a moon! Jessie:Oh,that's supposed to say "lizard". Do it! Synopsis And we are so incredibly proud of you. You just gotta be the bee. The comet is revealed to be Utility Belt Buzz, who opens his jetpack and flies through the canyons. And not asking me to do their homework! Zuri: But I'm not allowed to have a pony?! I don't know." Today when my old roommate from. (Stops at the stairs) And to think, you coulda had all this! Bertram:Oh,so then you can fail 3 times! Jessie is a Disney Channel original situation comedy, which debuted on September 30, 2011 and ended on October 16, 2015 after four seasons. (To Bertram) Do we have a hole? Luke:Oh,no! Jessie: Bertram, I have some very exciting news! Jessie: Emma, listen- I know your parents can't be here physically, but that doesn't mean they're not with you! Jessie:Let's not re-hash the past. Christina, it's me, Jessie! Aladdin and the King of Thieves/Transcript. (Tries to take it from Luke) Luke: No way! They have these giant leaf holders there called trees! Jessie: (hands Zuri backpack) All you had to do was collect and label 30 leaves. Galactopus 2: This Time It's Personal, Scene 36, Take 1. Jessie:That's for the comments on my script. (Jessie opens the door) Ready for our date? Zuri:Well,you should've woken up earlier! The whole Ross family and Jessie are there.). Jessie:Wait a second. Mrs.Harris:I am. Zombie Tea Party 5 5. (Bertram walks faster,Jessie sits down and uses her tablet). I'm used to it. (about to kiss Jessie), Jessie:Wow,that is action-packed. Jessie: is that World Renegades? They wave at Emma, Emma waves at them, and Jessie waves at Emma. Ravi:Jessie,I cannot recreate my plaster mask of Mrs.Kipling! (Tony runs away while holding ripped pants). (Atefeh gets up out of bed) Atefeh: *Yawns* Ahh, feels like it's gonna be a good day today. Something is flushing those toilets. (Ravi catches the fireplace while jumping and lands on the couch), Ravi:Huzzah! So! (Jessie opens the front doors of the building) Oh, they're out there, somewhere! How is your science project coming? Michelle:Sorry Jessie,but I just can't hang your headshots in the White House. Zuri: (Sarcastically) Yeah. Brushing her hair . (walks with Bertram), (scene changes to penthouse living room,bus leaves in 21:05). Ravi:At leat you do not have to keep peering through this camera for hours! Jessie:OK,now,remember what we talked about. Emma:Soyou're not going to be able to make the science fair?