Richard Nixon: Campaigns and Elections | Miller Center Even observers speculated as to the President's possible favoring Nixon to Humphrey. "[41] He also began to discuss economics more frequently, announcing plans to cut spending while criticizing the Democrats' policy of raising taxes. Richard Nixon presidential campaign, 1968 | Logopedia | Fandom The important thing is that we maintain plausible deniability. [47] New Harris polls found that Rockefeller fared better against Democratic candidates than Nixon,[48] but the outlook started to appear better for Nixon after he won the Indiana primary over Rockefeller. Richard Nixon for President 1972 T-Shirt - Retro Campaigns (He also expressed outrage over claims by Nixon supporter and future Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird that Johnson had misled Nixon in briefings on the war in Vietnam.) Richard Nixon presidential campaign, 1972 Categories Categories: 1968; Politics; Richard Nixon; United States; United States presidential election, 1968; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. [5] At the end of Eisenhower's second term in 1960, Nixon ran unopposed for the Republican nomination, which he received. Campaign Slogans and Symbols - The Henry Ford Presidential candidates use catchy slogans and recognizable symbols to appeal to voters and gain support during election years. - President-Elect Richard Nixon[109], Nixon and Agnew took office as president and vice president during their inauguration on January 20, 1969. One commentator examined that he was not "the drawn, tired figure who debated Jack Kennedy or the angry politician who conceded his California [gubernatorial] defeat with such ill grace. Nixon's the One! - The Daily Reckoning And we work toward the goal of an open world, open sky, open cities, open hearts, open minds. Republican Ronald Reagan's slogan from his winning 1980 presidential campaign may seem familiar: "Let's Make America Great Again. 1) He believes in creating even greater opportunities for the individual in a free enterprise system. Richard M. Nixon. Campaign Slogans and Symbols - The Henry Ford South Vietnam complied just days before Americans went to the polls and made Nixon their President. Benjamin Harrison, "Four more years of the full dinner pail" William McKinley, "Let Well Enough Alone" William McKinley, "National Unity. his supporters chanted as he swept to victory in a movement built on a message of youth, inclusion and optimism. He spent most of this period on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. Jimmy Carter: Campaigns and Elections | Miller Center By the end of his address, he promised that "the long dark night for America is about to end. Fan Feed While the campaign's official slogan was "I'm Just Wild About Harry" a reference to the lyrics of a popular 1921 song another more famed slogan associated with the 33rd president is "The Buck Stops Here," which Truman had written on a sign he kept on his desk. Four years later Bush successfully campaigned for a second term. . "The Republicans' orderly, well run convention was a sharp contrast to their opponents' tumultuous gathering in Chicago. Harry Truman (After a man shouted it during one of his whistle stop railroad tours), "I like Ike" 1952 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "Madly for Adlai" 1952 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "I still like Ike" 1956 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of Dwight D. Eisenhower, "Peace and Prosperity" 1956 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of Dwight D. Eisenhower, "A time for greatness 1960" U.S. presidential campaign theme of. "[33] As talks of other candidates persisted, Nixon continued with campaigning and discussion of the issues. [82], Following the Democratic convention, Nixon was consistently labeled the favorite, described as "relaxed [and] confident", counter to his "unsure" self from 1960. Nixon was the first vice president since Martin Van Buren in 1836 to be elected president without first having succeeded to that office through the death of his predecessor, and the first non-incumbent vice president to be elected president. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 (AP) -- The theme of President-elect Richard M. Nixon's inauguration is being changed from "Bring Us Together" -- the slogan he adopted after seeing it on a sign at a campaign . Important, Plausible, Important Things. Nixon Slogan - Etsy Richard Nixon's presidential defeat in 1960 and gubernatorial defeat in 1962 gave him the reputation of a loser. It was used by former Allied Supreme Commander Dwight E. Eisenhower nicknamed "Ike" in his successful 1952 presidential campaign. The White House initially learned of the Nixon machinations via a New York business contact and confirmed them via eavesdropping on the South Vietnamese embassy in Washington and South Vietnamese President Thieus office in Saigon. Richard Nixon - Election of 1960 | Britannica [55] After the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, like the other candidates, Nixon took a break from campaigning. , "The Union now and forever" Stephen A. Douglas, "Union, liberty, peace" Abraham Lincoln, "For Union and Constitution" Abraham Lincoln (Also "The Union and the Constitution"), "An honorable, permanent and happy peace." "Change We Can Believe In," was Barack Obama's slogan when he successfully campaigned to become America's first black president in 2008. They cast the candidate as someone who understands the country's woes, and can guide America through them. [18] The next week, five staff members were fired after private investigators determined that information had been leaked to the campaigns of potential primary rivals Governors Rockefeller and Reagan. Why the Most Memorable Presidential Campaign Slogans Worked Republicans in the Midwest pushed for Mayor John Lindsay of New York City. was a campaign slogan, commonly used on posters and bumper stickers the campaign to elect Richard Nixon as president in 1968. Agnew was relatively unknown nationally, and was selected due to his purported appeal to African Americans,[72] and work for the Nixon campaign after an embarrassing experience as the head of the Draft Rockefeller movement. When the election ended, the winner was Nixon, who had promised to calm down the heated passions Nixon won nine of the thirteen state primaries held that season, although due to the population of his state, Governor Reagan won the popular vote while carrying only California. Real Leadership." At the candidate, and the phrase was adopted as the slogan of the plain-speaking former general's supporters. [42][43] However, the Democratic candidates for president remained fair game for criticism. "[88] By month's end, many in the Nixon campaign believed his election was guaranteed, beginning to prepare for the transition period, despite Nixon's warning that "the one thing that can beat us now is overconfidence. "Nixon Now" - Richard M. Nixon, 1972 (also, "Nixon Now, More than Ever") "Come home, America" - George McGovern , 1972 [18] "Acid, Amnesty, and Abortion for All" - 1972 anti-Democratic Party slogan, from a statement made to reporter Bob Novak by Missouri Senator Thomas F. Eagleton (as related in Novak's 2007 memoir, Prince of Darkness ) However, polls suggested that in a head-to-head match up with incumbent President Lyndon Johnson, Nixon trailed 50% to 41%. 49 Copy quote. George HW Bush successfully campaigned to keep the Republicans in the White House in 1988, with the slogan of a "Kinder, Gentler Nation," promising to soften the hard edges of Reagan's conservatism. The 'law and order' campaign that won Richard Nixon the White House 50 What The New LBJ Tapes Reveal", "St. Petersburg Times - Google News Archive Search", "President Asks Texans To Support Humphrey; Nixon Revising Budget", "A 3-way debate would have been in people's interest", "Remember Nixon's Past, LBJ Admonishes Voters", "Vietnam Issue Raised Again as Campaign Winds Up", "Nixon, Humphrey give their views in four-hour telethons from California", "1968 Presidential Election - 1968 Year in Review - Audio -", "1972: President Nixon arrives in Moscow", "The All-Volunteer Army After Twenty Years: Recruiting in the Modern Era", "Thirty Years Of America's Drug War | Drug Wars | FRONTLINE | PBS", "The Space Review: Just another Apollo? The candidate took on the protesters first-hand, and delivered his "forgotten American"[88] speech, declaring that election day would be "a day of protest for the forgotten American",[88] a group that included those that "obey the law, pay their taxes, go to church, send their children to school, love their country and demand new leadership. And Nixon's decision to bomb North Vietnam and mine Haiphong Harbor to stop a Communist offensive proved highly popular. Nixon's the One! Richard Nixon - Wikipedia After hard-fought primary victories, JFK won his party's nomination and faced-off against sitting Vice President Richard Nixon. Like Nixon, rival George Romney began to organize in these states. [75] He hired Roger Ailes, whom he had first encountered during an appearance on The Mike Douglas Show, to produce one hour television programs to advertise the campaign in strategic regions. While campaigning on a whistle stop tour of the country, a supporter yelled "Give em' hell, Harry!" In an America shaken by the 9/11 attacks he struck a more somber tone and pledged to build "A Safer World and a More Hopeful America.". , "Vote for Taft now, you can vote for Bryan any time" , "It is nothing but fair to leave Taft in the chair" , "Vote for 8 Hour Wilson" Woodrow Wilson, "The man of the eight-hour day" Woodrow Wilson, "He proved the pen mightier than the sword." From the back of the "Nixon Victory Special" car, he attacked Vice President Humphrey as well as the Secretary of Agriculture and Attorney General of the Johnson cabinet, over farmers' debt and rising crime. [12][13] A "Nixon for President Committee" formed that month,[14] and headquarters for the organization opened in Washington D.C. in late May. But it was enough to earn him a second term in a landslide victory, as America stood as the world's only superpower at the end of the 20th century. They analyzed video of Nixon, determining that he was at his best when speaking spontaneously. But I do promise action. Double entendres everywhere! "I like Ike," is one of the most celebrated political slogans in US history. In 1960, he narrowly lost to John F. Kennedy--and it appeared his political career was over. Ford's campaign slogan "He's Making Us Proud Again" was an awkward acknowledgment of Nixon's corruption, and a reminder that Ford had pardoned him. Nixon promised to end the Vietnam War. He argued that "A divided Democratic Party cannot unite a divided country; a united Republican Party can. Clinton's campaign chief James Carville coined the phrase as a reminder for campaign staff to focus on selling Clinton as the candidate to haul America out of its early '90s recession.