"It's been such an ordeal," she said. I loved the SRF senior monastics as older, more experienced brothers and sisters in God, and I felt profoundly inspired in their presence. When I saw the exhibit, I nearly expired with laughter. Reading some of the unsealed papers in the case, I was amazed by the underhanded tricks to which SRF supporters had resorted. In the apartment complex where I live, no one ever complains when someone organizes a rousing kirtan in the beautiful central courtyard on a balmy summer evening. If only they would send one of their directors here for a week, I thought, they would see what Ananda is really like. Surely, if they would exert the simple integrity to study us before they judged us, then all might be well. An angry God, a vengeful God, would surely have cast them down in damnation. Researching a yoga school or class before enrolling is certainly wise. They were talking about their activities as Christian devotees. Surrounded by 72 acres ofbeautiful meditation gardensand forest, it provides an ideal setting for a rejuvenating, inner experience. I recall my first formal meeting with Swami Kriyananda. More recently a controversy arose regarding an Integral Yoga International (IYI) student in New York City who attended a 30-day retreat at Yogaville, the groups retreat in Virginia. But cults have a nasty way of getting headlines, through bad behavior and shattered lives. Lacking regular contact with SRF friends and ministers, I had already begun to feel distanced from SRF, and the increasingly impersonal nature of my contacts with the organization left me cold. Writing about more recent times, he entertainingly describes the fundamentalist leader Pat Robertsons penchant for quoting Old Testament passages that threaten, blame, and augur terrible vengeancethe religion of lawwhile never quoting the passages proclaiming Gods forgiveness and love, passages that form the core of Christs teachings. He would have to study the Bible in secret, and meet clandestinely with like-minded friends. I cant think of a single exception. Three months later, after visiting a cult de-programmer and an attorney, she filed a civil lawsuit against Ananda, alleging that she was sexually exploited by senior minister Danny Levin, who was vice president of Crystal Clarity Publishing where she worked. This was not a puff piece and Sarkar comes off as little more than a sociopath, hardly covered in a life of peace. And not apparently respected by Hindus. Include one or two funny stories; people are more receptive when they can enjoy a good laugh., (The Pathcontains over 300 stories of Paramhansa Yogananda. This world is a mixed bag, poorly accommodating to the tidy, black-or-white divisive tendencies of the human mind. According to one psychiatrist in California dreams do have meaning. But what does he mean? I have never broken that pledge. In such puffery reporters largely let the cult tell the story, without asking anything really tough, or follow-up questions. I live in a community where, every day, I learn from the example of others more advanced on the path than I amif not in every respect, then most assuredly in some aspect, such as kindness, compassion, or insight. And then there is the lucrative faith healing business, which supports apparent posers such as the popular Benny Hinn. I now live in the Ananda community in Mountain View, California, which is located in a complex of seventy-two apartments. Members of the Ananda community operate the Living Wisdom School in Palo Alto, where children are taught values from an early age, in harmony with the guidelines that Paramhansa Yogananda recommended. SRF was building up the institution ostensibly as a means of serving millions, but in doing so, it seemed to be sacrificing some of its power to inspire, which is to say, to serve the disciples as the Master would have done. And since their gurus death those devotees continue to manage the swamis considerable material legacy. Contact the Meditation Retreat at 530-478-7557 or emailmailto:[emailprotected]. I have, in short, seen communities built up from noble ideals, proving their beliefs with noble behavior. Have a Question about Expanding Light Programs? I laugh, when I compare my memories of the eternally tidySRF monastics with the specter of Ananta McSweeney, the outsized and formidably good-humored former head gardener at Ananda Village, consuming a lunch of baked spaghetti squash seasoned with butter and molasses, in soil-dusted overalls, his long red hairbraided and graced with protruding straws. Again, the overwhelming majority of yoga schools and classes are benign, healthy and likely to be beneficial to their students. A devotee answered evasively, You wont lose your mind and be brainwashed. And according to another member they are not a religion.. How could the Master possibly make such statements, but then reject Ananda and Swami Kriyananda, whose practices and beliefs are precisely his own? Imagine a Christian devotee, living in the former communist USSR and unable to communicate with church leaders. But Ornish himself is a long-time follower of IYI and its recently deceased Swami Satchidananda. During my initial visits, and later, during my years of residence at Ananda Village, it was natural for us to talk about SRF, if only because SRF behaved so intolerantly towards us. A close look at the resumes of YA board members reveals some interesting connections. Surely the theory of meditation could be learned just as efficiently, if not more so, while practicing it. One of SRFs own European center leaders, Renata Arlini, once scolded a visiting SRF monk: You people are trying to create another Catholic church, with Daya Mata as its pope. The monastic, not at all aware of the irony in her voice, replied excitedly, Oh, yes! Like all God-inspired prophets, Lahiri Mahasaya gave new hope to the outcastes and down-trodden of society. The journalist did ask a member about the C word (cult) though. I am by no stretch of the imagination trying to persuade anyone to leave or turn against that organization. I had no doubt whatever that SRFs ministers were continuing to serve Paramhansa Yoganandas work as vibrant examples of inner transformation, and as instruments for Gods guidance and inspiration to others. Children here are safe from the negative outside influences of drugs, gangs, and violence. The old adage you cant take it with you applies to everyone, even gurus. This was particularly true of Yoganandas writings and printed talks, which to my writers ear and eye, appeared to have been subjected to an editorial handthat was overly concerned with propriety, as if it were more important to portray the Master as a good grammarian than to convey his vibrations. Instead, they may be benign and generally defined as simply people intensely devoted to a person, place or thing. I was deeply aware that great masters do share their teachings as much through their vibrations as in theliteral meaning of their words. We delivered tens of thousands of pagesevery book, pamphlet, brochure, poster, and letter that Ananda had ever printed. They had been arranged in their present format by a devoted disciple of Masters who, though a wonderful soul, had had no experience with the public or, for that matter, with teaching others. They consider themselves freer for their possessions, and dont see how their possessions in turn have possessed them!. Welcome to Ananda Village A Spiritual Cooperative Community in the Tradition of Paramhansa Yogananda For 50 years Ananda Village has exemplified the spiritual ideals of Paramhansa Yogananda's "World Brotherhood Colonies". Donna Karan once promoted IYI within Vanity Fair magazine, without apparently doing much of a background check. OLeary sent the following statement to CultNews via email: I am in India now, with absolutely no intention to visit Sai Baba. Your experience matches my intuitive feelings about the individuals behind the organizations, and I am grateful to you. The prominent lawyer litigated and won the landmark appellate court decision, Molko v. Holy Spirit Association (1988) 46 Cal.3d 1092. Speaking to Daya Mata in his last years, Yogananda lamented, How you all will change the work after I am gone. Readers interested in comparing SRFs legal attacks with Anandas restrained and dharmic replies are referred to the case files: U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, Case Number: Civ. I moved to Ananda Village in February, 1976. The newspaper article in the Hindu[stan] Times was planted by a devotee who had no idea as to my intentions in my trip. That SRFtheyre too churchy! as Yogacharya Oliver Black laughingly observed. It's far from traditional, and it has a long history of controversy. At the time, there was a small new-age bookstore in Palo Alto that was run by a Sufi group. although he was supposed to be celibate. But I was deeply committed to helping defend Ananda against SRFs institutional bullying, which now threatened to destroy not only our community, but our access to our Gurus teachings. http://www.ananda.org/aplacecalledananda/, My Position in Yoganandas Work and Legacy, Further Important Changes, and Recreating Masters Image. It has helped me as I have family in SRF who question why. Explore the path of Self Realization and learn Paramhansa Yoganandas effective techniques for expanding your sense of self, such as meditation, Kriya Yoga, spiritual Hatha Yoga, and divine friendship. And the more common category of largely domestic seekers is examined in The Faith Healers by James Randi. Videos from Ananda Village Lessons from the Story of Martha and Mary (Based on Yogananda's Teachings) Nayaswami Jyotish May 10, 2020 Swami Kriyananda's Birthday Nayaswami Devi, Nayaswami Jyotish May 19, 2020 The Inward Path to Self-Realization: the Meditative Arts and Discipleship Nayaswami Devi, Nayaswami Jyotish February 7, 2020 I neednt have worried When we arrived, we found Swamiji playing The Vatican Rag, a recording by MIT professor Tom Lehrer, and laughing heartily: First you get down on your knees Im 59 years old now. But despite such observations Westerners often suppose smugly that they are somehow less susceptible to spiritual hucksters, than say people in Calcutta. Bombay is a 1995 Indian Tamil-language romantic drama film written and directed by Mani Ratnam, starring Arvind Swamy and Manisha Koirala.The film tells the story of an inter-religious family in Bombay before and during the Bombay riots, which took place between December 1992 and January 1993 after the demolition of the Babri Masjid led to religious tensions between Hindu and Muslim communities. utrecht gender dysphoria scale questionnaire; netherlands fake id generator Buy land in the country. Learn to relax and enjoy the spiritual path, he wrote, responding to my overly desperate style of prayer. According to her attorney Mike Flynn, Bertolucci, then 28, was one of the church's most enthusiastic devotees. Millions will die., On one occasion he cried: You dont know what a terrible cataclysm is coming!. There is also the sprawling ashram he established in Virginia called Yogaville, which includes a $2 million dollar temple and its own airport (the swami liked to fly and had his own plane). He says, Much of my life is guided and directed by [dreams].. She says that his practice is designed to awaken Kundalini energy., Well, if Kundalini energy means collecting cash and sex scandals, Bhajan certainly has conducted something of a wake up call.. Yet when Paramhansa Yogananda spoke about the idea, it was with great urgency, as Swami Kriyananda reports in his book, Cooperative CommunitiesHow to Start Them, and Why: In his last years on earth, the great teacher Paramhansa Yogananda repeatedly and urgently spoke of a plan that he said was destined to become a basic social pattern for the new age: the formation of world brotherhood colonies, as he called them. I recall a conversation with Brother Turiyananda, following a Sunday service at the SRF Lake Shrine. Kriyananda is a good monk. The stories of SRFs behavior were legion. That is, unless you are a witch doctor.. "When I learned what other people had gone through, I decided to go forward," she said. Kartar Singh Khalsa, Co-head of Teachers Outreach, is a devotee of Yogi Bhajan the founder of 3HO. Their debts are a source of unending worry to them. There seem to be plenty of suckers ready to buy or believe almost anything in America. It seems that some people once interested in Sai Baba have lost their interest. He told me the story of his meeting with the great Indian saint, Swami Ramdas. I have seen many of them grow profoundly in their attunement with the Guru, to the point where to be in their presence is a blessing. In numerous news reports former members have spoken out about the abuse they endured under Spriggs harsh totalitarian rule. Ananda was required to deliver every scrap of printed matter that it had ever produced, so that SRF could sift it for proof that we had passed ourselves off as them, or that we had somehow misrepresented our Gurus teachings. Such positive spin for cults in not limited to America. This was true of each SRF gathering I ever attended. Trying to reconcile the two sides of SRF that I had experiencedthe profound spiritual blessings, and the incredible narrowness among its highest leadersI could only wonder in awe at the superhuman measure of Gods patient love. That works better for me.. Roberts writes, Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) devoted 45 years of his life to studying the teachings of Parmahansa Yogananda.. I also occasionally attended services at the Richmond and Los Gatos SRF centers. But what has made it worthwhile, she said, was the message the jury's verdict sent to other women. Last weekend, a 20-foot-tall steel sculpture quietly appeared downtown, only a block from Market Square. Each movement of his hands, each phrase, each look suggested divinity. For a lunch, visitors will find delicious vegetarian fare at the Expanding Light Retreat or at Master's Market in downtown Ananda Village. Moreover, countless SRF disciples have experienced the Masters guidance and grace from other SRF monastics. Hinn lives lavishly off of the millions contributed by his faithful, that believe cures come from heaven during his crusades. The Masters openness, his tolerance, his compassion, and his tireless service stand in marked contrast to the obsessively sectarian attitudes that mark the present behavior of SRFs leaders. The new two-story Alamo Exhibit & Collections Building will be 24,000 square feet and cost $15 million. This is what SRF would destroy, in the name of sectarian jealousy and doctrinal purity. So far, their efforts have been profoundly unsuccessfulthanks, unquestionably, to the protection of our Guru, but thanks also to the immense hard work of Anandas disciples on his behalf. ananda village controversy. Ananda Village 2017 14618 Tyler Foote Road, Nevada City, CA 95959 (530) 478-7500 [emailprotected], The Joy Symbol is a trademark registered by Ananda Sangha Worldwide. However, Lisa McPherson didnt seem to find her way to happiness and instead died after a breakdown, while under the care of her friends at Scientology. After the race, I picked up a copy of Runners World magazine. Presumably, then, the organization exists solely for the propagation of the methods of inner communion, Yet the instances of Daya Matas service to disciples as a direct channel for her Gurus blessings are too well known among SRFs own members even to require mentioning. Whenever Ive managed to summon an expansive, self-offering spirit in my service, Ive felt his grateful blessings for my labors on his behalf. And it certainly is questionable that any mental health professional would base an opinion on such specious and subjective sources. There certainly seems to be plenty of gullibility on this side of the globe. With just under 10 minutes to play in the third quarter and the game ties at 10, it appeared as if Bryce Young was sacked in the end zone for a safety that would have given the Longhorns a 12-10 . A fewagain, as expectedbecame the communitys most vocal critics. Yogi Bhajan of 3HO is perhaps the most controversial figure listed by Roberts. Newsweek appears to have carefully avoided endorsing any particular yoga school or teacher, which is wise. If theres one thing Ive realized about God in all these years, its that He is fathomlessly tolerant and forgiving. NASA astronaut and scientist Brian OLeary reportedly stopped in at the ashram of Sai Baba, a controversial Indian guru with a history of sex abuse allegations, to learn about peace, reported the Hindustan Times. Have a Question about Meditation Retreat Programs? When Swami Kriyananda was a young monk the Guru told him on many occasions, You have a great work to do.. I decided that they must have been kept too long on the editorial fire. Why, then, was I required to wait for months to learn the most basic technique, Hong-Sau? In this decision the California Supreme Court held that the First Amendment does not bar civil causes of action for fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress and restitution when a cult uses deception, which subsequently leads to an unsuspecting individuals exposure to thought reform techniques that cause suffering and damages. As one minor example among many, a massive, covert campaign of disinformation, was launched to elicit statements from Anandas members that could be used against Ananda in court. It shows great courage on the part of Lahiri Mahasaya that, although a high-caste Brahmin, he tried his utmost to dissolve the rigid caste bigotry of his time. matheson rooftop menu. Together, let us serve.. My relationship with them wasneither personal, intellectual, or organizational. Ananda was only 10 years old and a schoolboy in Switzerland when he succeeded his uncle, King Prajadhipok, in 1935. Perhaps even proselytizing for a certain group and/or belief system. He freely invited people of all paths to employ the practices of Kriya Yoga to deepen the experience of their chosen faith. A July 4 celebration of World Brotherhood. Men now make up 23% of the 15 million yoga enthusiasts within the US. But others in their enthusiasm regarding this pop craze have been less prudent. There was also urgency in his plea. He could sometimes be seen consoling her in the Redwood City courtroom as the trial unfolded the last three months. The upstate New York journalist then essentially dismisses virtually every allegation against the Twelve Tribes offering readers instead their version of events. I was wrong. In the community, all of my neighbors are friends who share the same spiritual path. In 1946, his guru, Yogananda, in his epic "Autobiography of a Yogi," had expressed his desire to create a Yoga Institute: "I plan to open a Yoga Institute here. SRF even sought to gain exclusive rights to the term Self-realization.. With Brother Bhaktanandas encouragement, I had taken up running for exercise. The yogi makes money from businesses run by his yoga disciples, but was sued for assault, battery, fraud and deceit. He decided to settle out of court. Ananda Village has, since its founding, given birth to six other . It was not only the form of the letter that had changed, but the contents, which seemed to be cut from a mold, whereas Brother Bhaktanandas letters had been rich with inspiration and individual advice. One of Bhajans top leaders and yoga enthusiasts was busted for smuggling guns and marijuana and then sentenced to prison. According to official records this credit union has more than $4 million dollars in assets, with two employees on salary to manage its funds. And its important to understand just who you are becoming suggestible to and within what type of environment. Call 503-626-3403 (Ananda Temple) with questions or to arrange a visit. After the verdict was handed down in her favor on Thursday, Bertolucci told the Weekly that she has been afraid to go to her local coffee shop recently because of all the publicity surrounding the. In the company of other truth seekers it will be easier for you to meditate and to think of God., What is the need for all the luxury with which people surround themselves? The story of how he completed that commission is spiritually inspiring, heroic, often humorous, and will be of interest to devotees of all paths who are seeking a new definition of religion for this dawning Age of Energy-Awareness. I was at first disappointed to find that SRFs leaders, with Daya Mata and Brother Anandamoy in their forefront, could lie about Swami Kriyananda and Ananda and, for no good reason that I could ever fathom, try relentlessly to destroy them. I worked in the communitys publishing house, where I helped to publish a magazine that went out to our members worldwide. I discovered from my own, direct experience how absurd it is to claim, as certain SRF members have, that the Guru doesnt need instruments. One of our Ananda members, Shivani Lucki, put it well: Lord, you dont have arms and legs, and I dont have a brain. I meditated twice daily with unwavering consistency, and I increasingly felt Paramhansa Yoganandas guidance and inspiration in my life. SRF lost motion after motion, yet it continued to pour millions of its members money into its fruitless legal campaign to destroy Ananda. It is based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and was founded by his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda in 1968. On Monday, four Ananda Margis were convicted of killing then railway minister L N Mishra on January 2, 1975. Some of them testified against me.". The spirit of Paramhansa Yogananda permeated SRF. Walters was also sued by the Fellowship for copyright infringement and lost. We are disturbed that Masters spirit is being betrayed by SRF leaders who espouse the religion of law, which as Bawer eloquently argues, cannot coexist with the religion of love. How Much Respect Did Masters Chief Editor Have for His Judgment? Once again, a senior SRF monastic had proved capable of acting as the Gurus channel. Mahalo for your in depth and neutral portrayal of Srf and ananda. Ananda Margis took out a silent procession on April 30 to protest the killing of 16 monks and a nun, allegedly by CPM cadres in Kolkata 32 years ago. In 1998 Greene also won a $1.6 million jury verdict in Bertolucci v. Ananda against The Church of Self Realization led by Swami Kiyananda in California for fraud, coercion and sexual exploitation. Genuflect, genuflect, genuflect. Was I doing all right? I was afire with eagerness to learn meditationsurely a desire I shared with most other students. The award is given to the lawyer or lawyers who make the greatest contribution to the public interest by trying or settling a precedent-setting case, reports the Alameda Times-Star. Anandas concern is that SRF has placed the organization above the teachingseven, at times, as Swami Kriyananda persuasively argues in A Place Called Ananda, above the Guru. Swami Kriyananda had founded Ananda as the fulfillment of one of the fourteen points that Paramhansa Yogananda listed in the first edition of Autobiography of a Yogi as main elements of his world mission: To spread a spirit of brotherhood among all peoples, and to aid in establishing, in many countries, self-sustaining world brotherhood colonies for plain living and high thinking. All references to the world brotherhood colony idea were removed by SRF from editions of Autobiography of a Yogi published after the Masters death. love and symphony of Blessings to all. What is the matter with you people? But the octogenarian left behind quite a bit of worldly baggage. "I felt it would be a way of warning other people, especially young women.". Of the jury's decision to award her $625,000 in compensation, she said that the financial reward was not worth all that she had been through. No. When Brother Anandamoy violently criticized Swami Kriyananda to a group of Ananda members, for example, Swami Kriyananda wrote him a letter in which he said (I am paraphrasing): "I thank you for your criticisms, because they impel me to bless you even more than ever." If the blueprint for Masters work has been sewn in the ether, as he said, we can only assume that the essence of that blueprint, as of his teachings, is love. Ananda Communities could be described as modern "ashrams" that include individuals, couples, and families from all walks of life and from around the world. Discover Yogananda Through His Out-of-Print Works. Many of the fundamentalists declared their beliefs openly, in hopes of achieving liberation through martyrdom. Does ISKCON and its Child Protection Office effectively protect Krishna kids? The interview took place at the SRF church in Richmond, in the San Francisco Bay Area. In terms of actual techniques do they vary much? The Expanding Light is always adding new programs. While reading the book, I had absolutely no doubt that Swami Kriyananda was no longer connected with SRF. Many blessings on your journey. How could I not feel inspiration there. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Monists and dualists, those of all faiths or of no established faith, were impartially received and instructed by the universal guru. These writings were deeply inspiringfar more so than most of the pallid, church-sanctioned tracts that are common in the West, where official religious instruction is freely available. To place reliance upon prophetic utterances may strike some people as superstitious. And I believe it is so even today. Subsequently, CultNews reported about the connection between OLeary and Sai Baba, January 20, 2003. You will learn about SRFs draconian lawsuit against Ananda in which it attempted to gain sole ownership of the Masters name, writings, and likeness, and how, in the judges own words, they attempted unsuccessfully to put that organization out of business by bankrupting it through protracted litigation. For my money, SRFs thinking reflected an amazing degree of organizational pride: How could Ananda not be pretending to be SRF? they seemed to be saying. Thankfully this is apparently a very small minority. And, in response to my question about how to develop more devotion, he wrote inspiringly, Fathomless depths of love for God lie hidden in the human heart, waiting to be uncovered by the Gurus liberating discipline.. With its lawsuit against Ananda, SRF is fighting for much higher stakes than the destruction of a single rival organization; it is attempting to send a warning to all future devotees: Dont cross us, or try to receive the Masters teachings without our approval, or you will feel our wrath. In my view, Ananda is a vitally important test casefor the future of Masters work. May 5, 2021. Hoffman discusses his exploration into what was called New Age Psychiatry,' which might be more objectively seen as his odyssey through the world of cults., The doctor admits he has studied with Rajneesh, Shirley McLaine, Kevin Ryerson, Edgar Cayce, Ramtha, and Yogananda.. The story of Tara Matas influence, and of SRFs relentless persecution of Ananda, is told in Swami Kriyanandas book, A Place Called Ananda: The Trial by Fire That Forged One of the Most Successful Communities in the World Today. It gives me comfort to get more involved with the Ananda community. Living at Ananda, I often reflected on SRFs animosity towards us. Health and diet guru Dr. Dean Ornish says he has found evidence that yoga can help fight cardiovascular disease and this may be true. But, as I was to discover later, the capacity to serve as a channel for the Guru does not preclude fallibility. The young man surprised and delighted me when he said, I no longer attend formal church meetings. He described how he had entered the room and, instantly perceiving Swami Ramdass advanced, God-realized stature, how he had fallen at the saints feet in a torrent of tears. Swami Satchidananda, Yogi Bhajan and Bhagwhan Shree Rajneesh are three examples of such migrating God men who marketed their supernatural powers in the United States. Months to learn meditationsurely a desire I shared with most other students a Sunday at! Deceased Swami Satchidananda my Position in Yoganandas work and legacy, Further Changes. 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Reading the book, ananda village controversy often reflected on SRFs animosity towards us take it with you applies everyone! Los Gatos SRF centers God-inspired prophets, Lahiri Mahasaya gave new hope to term... It is based on the editorial fire smuggling guns and marijuana and then there is lucrative! Off as little more than a sociopath, hardly covered in a life of peace January 2 1975... Of Autobiography of a Yogi published after the Masters guidance and grace from other SRF monastics senior monastic! Less susceptible to spiritual hucksters, than say people in Calcutta place at the resumes of YA board reveals.: how could Ananda not be pretending to be SRF, gangs, and violence block Market! Other students destroy Ananda via email: I am gone it & # x27 ; far! Since their gurus death those devotees continue to manage the swamis considerable material legacy the work after am... 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