MIJA RIEDEL: '77, from Auburn High School. I never saw anything she was doing was morose. She was just, like, gushing over it. NEIL WILLIAMS: That's something II mean, not intentionally. NEIL WILLIAMS: You know, because they'rewe all perceive the same object differently, and you can put a stone in the center of a dozen people, like Native Americans talk about and they will all see that stone differently. NEIL WILLIAMS: And there also reached the point where Lee was saying, "You know, Elmer, these new paintings areas long as Elmer loves them." I never liked work that just picked you up and left you there. But she thought things through very well, but she was also really stubborn when she knew she was right, and of course she was always right, it was her work. I said, "You're kidding me?" MIJA RIEDEL: There is something about the vessel form that is so rich because it goes back and forth between figurative and abstract as well, interior and exterior. NEIL WILLIAMS: Yes, she was there, and she hadI remember the first day of class was the morning after Richard Behrens, the glaze guru, the elderly gentleman, the wonderfulhad passed away. There is a memorial at Caulfield that lists the names of 873 Australian And I had a larger studio, and they said, "Do you do any workshops?" NEIL WILLIAMS: That's what I meant about speaking in incomplete sentences, and then realizing instinctively what she wanted and what she needed help with. And they likethen there was this huddle. Mario Ferrante spent time on a one-summer workshop with Wayne Thiebaud up in Lake Tahoe. MIJA RIEDEL: So this is interesting. [Laughs.] NEIL WILLIAMS: And she wasn't necessarily challenging people on deeper meanings beside, or beyond thatwhich may or may not have contributed to how powerful her work was. NEIL WILLIAMS:I'm not out there to rile anybody up or anything. NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah, some of the people who have come out of that program areit's just silly. So, she was inviting, you know, "Do you like that? But the bronzes, when I was there, Itwo thingsI kind of thought they were more of a reaction, her competitive spirit: "I'm going to do bronzes too." NEIL WILLIAMS: And I thought it was much simpler than that, and muchnot that it hasn't been a rich life, butI've never been one to draw a lot of attention to myself, like consciously. They're just the overblown concrete monstrosities that this local dentist made that were still there. But then he would calm down, and heand I don't know, I'm sure that has to do with his also being a veteran and, NEIL WILLIAMS: you know, he nearly died from malaria and whatever other issues, but, MIJA RIEDEL: I did speak with someone else who said that the war was deeply traumatic for him. It's loneliness. He saysit was so bad, Mario was literally in his tent with a flashlight on his head so he could draw in the middle of the night to finish these assignments. NEIL WILLIAMS: And if you look at so many aspects of ceramics and pottery, it's extremely important in every culture. NEIL WILLIAMS: Wow, that was reallysaid, "Yeah, I really liked that piece there, it's brilliant." NEIL WILLIAMS: right up until the day she died. NEIL WILLIAMS: No, certainly seeing the great European work. But they kept coming up. NEIL WILLIAMS: I just started working with it. That'sthat makes sense to me. [Laughs.] And Jason, I don't think, got enough of it. ", NEIL WILLIAMS: So there is some childhood playfulness aspect of it, which I think is okay, as long as it's not too light, and as long as it doesn't diminish, I think the effort, or that it's been a life-long body of work. So let's start witha description of this fantastic place that you have. There were people helping along the line. I've tried to keep it simple so that I don't implode or get too far out there, but I've also tried to keep it logical so that it has some progression, not to an endpoint, because we don't want to do that. Sowas it somehow familiar to you? He says, "No, I'll show you when I get back." They're one in a million, in the arts. I did some children size. You approach it from a different way than you might otherwise. MIJA RIEDEL: I'm thinking about the difference between going to the studio to make your own work and, NEIL WILLIAMS: I've done a lot of work on the class, NEIL WILLIAMS: but as far as, some of them, MIJA RIEDEL: How does that affect the process? It's like, "Oh, my God, I can't believe that there was human beings even thinking this way back then." Well, we'll see. Consider following President Eyrings example, Elder Andersen told students. NEIL WILLIAMS: Not in those informal ones, but because I dealt withI always try and deal with them as individuals. And Viola said, "No way, I wouldn't""There's nothing""Making artwork is the most important thing, that's number one." But Viola and I used to banter back and forth a little bit. MIJA RIEDEL: Actually, I wasn't getting at anxiety, I was getting at benefits, but I'd like the whole picture. And I love the idea of taking an asymmetrical, or symmetrical shape, and making it asymmetrical. So, he was very involved with the light railway station down there, and he alsothere's a series of domes, a cluster of domes over here that were built, NEIL WILLIAMS: some time ago, over. MIJA RIEDEL: Mm-hmm. NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah, there you go. NEIL WILLIAMS: Here. Arlene LewAllen in Santa Fe was just a brief little group show through Stephan [ph] that was a memorial show to Michael Johns, after Michael passed. Salary in 2019. MIJA RIEDEL: that she actually then gave to this person as a gift. NEIL WILLIAMS: Just the green light that it was okay to pursue this. [Trials] just come, Elder Andersen said. Those kinds of things you want toyou knowwho do you turn to say, "This is not fair." It's all low fire, yeah? NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah. Yeah. MIJA RIEDEL: Mm-hmm. That's whatparaphrasing is probably not completely accurate, but that's what I got out of that. Or I gothere's a certain health and comfort and a revitalization of my energy knowing thatI'm doing the right thing for myself and my work and everything's going to okay, as long as I don't stress too much about it. NEIL WILLIAMS: you know, completing sentences back and forth. It was maybe a dozen or 15 of them. How would you describe her plates in relation to the rest of her work? If you feel your faith diminishing, pray more sincerely and more frequently, he said. Because I had been back up here, but I would go back to help. The bowl goes all the waybowl form goes all the way back to the cupping of the hands to drink from the stream and primitive man, and it symbolizes so much, still, the concept of a vessel. NEIL WILLIAMS: But I knowthis guy's like "I'll do anything. MIJA RIEDEL: This is Mija Riedel with Neil Williams at the artist's home and studio in Auburn California on June 6, 2014 for the Smithsonian Archives of American Art, card number two. Duchamp was right, it can be a drug for a lot of people throughout history. NEIL WILLIAMS: So I didn't know it was even available, and they said, 'Oh yeah, they're encouraging it.' She deserved it. She actually kind of stalked it, but. Where Are We Going?, 1897-1898]. And they will all attach different words to try and describe their experiences with that stone. And it was great, because I kept havingfinding things to talk about. Is there any tradition involved in bolstering the success of that intent? Bronze, bronze, bronze.". I said, "Yeah, okay, I'll take care of it," or "Yeah, that thing, I'll do, yeah." Consistent need to tell a story with a number of images that keepkept repeating throughout. And I realizedhe just told me recently why he pesters me sometimes, and he's like "Neil, I got to see you. I'll run through the periodicals and check the magazines or check the books and see what everyone else is doing. She made us do, like, a wildflower collection, so we learned all about genus and species, the whole- and she was justI remember her of all of those elementary school teachers. NEIL WILLIAMS: And the quote coming out of that was that she said, "You have to remain compulsive and leave some work unfinished. But I know he really fed her a lot of reinforcement in what she was doing. Pretty simple. MIJA RIEDEL: And would she workyou said she'd work on multiple pieces at once, correct? And I noticed that, in later years, the paintings got really good, and some of the figures were just big. It was mass and volume questions, and dichotomies there. That's why I haven't had the solo shows in so long. This is a woman that did this work! He was extremely difficult. So, if that gets into a spiritual phenomenon, then that makes sense to me. You might want to pet her first.". The other thing that's consistent, I think, with her is the physicality of being able to build that amount of work, and that scale of work. NEIL WILLIAMS: And she thought that was a great way to start unlocking and getting thethose agents that are bound up in a creative psyche or in an emotional, personaldam, or whatever was locked up. So, they supported the cost of larger pieces, and then big pairs of columns and such, and we're back to the little cup and saucer again. MIJA RIEDEL: Is it a particular kind of clay body that you've. NEIL WILLIAMS: Depends on the instructor. NEIL WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh, where did it come from? NEIL WILLIAMS: but for some reason, especially with female. And she bought most of them and took them home with her. [Laughs.]. [Laughs. You have to be in complete embrace with it. But he's a wholethat's a whole other two days' worth of talking about him and his collection. Wyong - Clickety clack, the Pumper's back. NEIL WILLIAMS: It was the proverbial eye image. They'reyou know what we do in life to reassure ourselves as creatures of habit or creatures? But, I don't know, what were the statistics when I was in school? NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah. NEIL WILLIAMS: Were there profound changes or memorable. It was her first big coming out show since she'd hid out for nine years and just made work, put it in your backyard or up your attic orand, she was talking about the opening, "Well, I hope so-and-so's going to be there." MIJA RIEDEL: And I'm curious, when you say "spiritually, it fulfilled self-respect." And one of the reasons that was happening is because I could handle the disassemble. Viola was trying to claim sheSqueak took the candlestick image from her, and Squeak was, "No, that wasn't my intention; I was just" so Viola came inback in, all fired up. She said, "I neveras long as on Christmas or Thanksgiving, I have a kiln to open and look at" that's what she did. NEIL WILLIAMS: And I think because she didn't she got married instead at the time and had four kids andwent that route. When you deal with Earth, fire and water in their most extreme elements or their most extreme ways, then, once you learn that, you can realize you can get clay to look like anything. Neal Williams - 2013 Melvins - Atlanta Concert Poster. 0000116887 00000 n NEIL WILLIAMS: I mean, I used toI found a note crumpled upor stepped on, on the floor of her truck. NEIL WILLIAMS: Him and his friend Nick Bishop, in a drunken stupor one night, conceived of them as the new county administration offices, because they needed new ones and they were completely inexpensive to build. MIJA RIEDEL: I think she arrived in '70 or so. NEIL WILLIAMS: And the other profound things he would say, like, "You know, all ofall of art and all of the way that [we] identify the world around us can be divided into two categories: straight line and curved line." Who do you complain to? NEIL WILLIAMS: Itmaybe demands might be a little bit too critical. He didn't like people in parties or company, was very isolationist. That's why a lot of those people end up with thoseI mean, it's work, it's hard, I know, but the comfort zones of teaching. That's helpful. Transcript is available on the Archives of American Art's website. [Affirmative.] And water-polished bisqued, thenwipe down again with a damp sponge, so there's no dust on it. What rubbed off that was good? Not that I needed to be satisfied from a good book or a good viewing of a painting or a sculpture. But at the same time, I try and push it a little bit each time so that theyI mean, I'm going to obliterate the image completely but, like I said, it has to stay alive and interesting. NEIL WILLIAMS: there. This site is maintained by Racing and Sports Pty Ltd (ABN 093 360 108) ("R&S"). This cut here. It was a compliment. Gambling Help on 1800 858 858 or visit www.gamblinghelponline.org.au. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. So, those kinds of pressures to produce, pressures to create, they're a double-edged sword. MIJA RIEDEL: Okay. NEIL WILLIAMS: and Marjorie, before she passed away, a few years agomy mother passed away nine, 10 years agoand Marjorie passed away just last year. Again, put yourself in a healthy working space, establish your maximum level of skill, or your maximum, and then work at 98, 95 percent of that. And as they dried, we would be taking, disassembling them and bisqueing them, while she continued building the others, and then she would shift back to the painting. I had no idea, so I raced down there and, "Yeah it's in a book, too." MIJA RIEDEL: The two pieces that were sitting here yesterday, they're recent? NEIL WILLIAMS: I wasViola was just coming out ofViola was getting very pressed to get work out and around and she really needed help and, NEIL WILLIAMS: there wasn't anyone else near her that I saw or, I don't think that Charles saw, that could jump in there andfirst of all figure her out, what she wanted. MIJA RIEDEL: What do you see as the similarities and differences between her earlier work and her later work? NEIL WILLIAMS: And luckily I wentgot connected with her, and not some other instructor at the time who could have impacted it elsewhere, because they would have said, "Ah"so many of them would say, "Ah, the vessel. And he said, "A museum down there wants an installation." MIJA RIEDEL: The ACC fairs, something like that? NEIL WILLIAMS: It depends. Quotes and excerpts must be cited as follows: Oral history interview with Neil Williams, 2014 June 5-6. In speaking to a packed arena in the Marriott Center on the Provo, Utah, campus on Tuesday, Elder Andersen asked students: What are your hopes and plans for your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in the next 50 years? NEIL WILLIAMS: It took me a while tosome of the little feathernot to sound clich or simplisticsome of the little feathering on them, I realized came from growing up around here, with all the amazing bird life I see. Your childhood friend, finding him face down in his living room. It's like, "Yeah, but then the trick is to make an asymmetrical shape using an"no, "make a symmetrical shape using an asymmetrical approach. Been 16, 15 now. So would you make dinner sets? MIJA RIEDEL: Mm-hmm. The whole idea of teaching is pretty didactic, I think, and like Charles used to say, "Nothing can be taught. . NEIL WILLIAMS: She waswhen I first got to Arts and Crafts, she saw that I was very disciplined through will, any scale wasshe was working on me, on surface. 750 9th Street, NW But, I know they were very affectionate, too. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. I think she had two full-time and another part-time at the same time afterwards, so, NEIL WILLIAMS: It was I was really proud because I had felt really honored to be able to work with her. So, again, I think they were in the column reference to give a point of context so they weren't just completely, purely abstracted non-objective shapes. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. And I let her go, and I said "Well," and then she would go, "Oh, so I'm wondering if you could come and unload the kiln and put the Red Woman together so it could be seen." 750 9th Street, NWVictor Building, Suite 2200 I like that. ", NEIL WILLIAMS: I like that feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day, of exhaustion that you've given, and you've been able toespecially working with clay, you manifest something out of nothing but a ball of mud. Even though they were colorful and they were kind of drawn and animated and doll-like. As a senior manager at The Brand Union, Middle East, he has been a continual source of inspiration to the team with his wry sense of humour and built-in positivity. NEIL WILLIAMS: You don't. And, she liked the vessel too, so she stayed. 0000112045 00000 n She used to work there in the summers, she liked being around the students. I don't know if through the Renwick or whatever itI said, "You're kidding? And, NEIL WILLIAMS: Right. *. They were on the outs. NEIL WILLIAMS: And then I would worktry and work on my own or have energy to do my own work. But I feel like people who go to the prophets, they go to other people of faith, and that can end up strengthening their faith when they feel like theyre slipping., For Macee Pickup, social media can also be a tool for good as she tries to fill her feed with uplifting quotes and insights or share messages with people, she said. I remember the first day I was there, I met a woman from Beirut. And itand then something got softer about it, I thought. NEIL WILLIAMS: It wasas it is in the sense that the clay environment can be very comfortable, and Viola used to talk aboutand I agreethat clay people are more of friends and family, and it's more of a communal thing, pot shops are. I remember we were driving back from installing her Crocker retrospective [ph]. NEIL WILLIAMS: But hopefully, I make enough mistakes and leave enough open-endedness, because I wouldn't want anything overly finished andbut it's. NEIL WILLIAMS: place to be. $ 249.99 Sold Out. Iat a certain point, I just accepted the fact that I am going to have to do that accept of it all, in order to survive. And that made sense to me. NEIL WILLIAMS: so she worked fluidly if we had 10 or a dozen going in molds. There's athere can be a, MIJA RIEDEL: It starts off feeling so personal. NEIL WILLIAMS: Sure. NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah. . "But I'm not dead yet. I wanted to ask you about [. Through this experience I realized that Christ overcame everything and He overcame all of our pain and all of our suffering and He gave me so much peace through this experience., There is no need to be fearful about the tests of life, Elder Andersen said. Possibly a perfect example of a horse making the Jockey. But she wasin the middle of all that, she was just a delightfully crazy person and artist [Laughs.]. This interview is part of the Archives of American Art's Viola Frey Oral History Project. And if somebody connects with it, that's great. NEIL WILLIAMS: Way, way far, pushing the envelope. NEIL WILLIAMS: about her. Mm-hmm. He did all of those California specials where he'We're in Auburn, and we're'- and he goes through and interviews people about the history. You'll be redirected to related page soon Don't have an account? It's not art." [Laughs.] Certainly the painting's gotten more confident on it. NEIL WILLIAMS: They are over at the end of Elm Street at 49. NEIL WILLIAMS: I remember Rena being extremelynot cautious, she was just so patient with Viola. Or does it feel like a continuous line mostly? But he says, "Find that one small thing to look forward to every day." NEIL WILLIAMS: Oh, isn't thatI mean, isn't thatcommon with all of us? NEIL WILLIAMS: But I knew the father did, too, but I thought it went back to the grandparents, too. NEIL WILLIAMS: That'syeah that's just it. Great stories about Thiebaud he had, and he was just such a positive guy thatit was very impactive on my life and my interests and becomingbut I knew immediately, as soon as I started working with clay at 14 years old, what I wanted to do and what I was going to do. NEIL WILLIAMS: But I especially remember her being very patient, very thoughtful, very generous, but also very caring about Violathe bigger picture of Viola's life. It wasnt until he left school that he ever thought of riding as a career. NEIL WILLIAMS: as a grounding or point of departure, of context. They go to social media, or they go to people who dont believe in the Church and that can totally destroy their faith. NEIL WILLIAMS: And, for some reason, it attracted a number of groups of artists, writers, dancers, visual artists, and it's got that special open energy of that. Similarities arelike when Charles would say, "I don't know how you artists do it. This is not an easy path.". And, "Well that was nice, but"and those are those little moments thatthey're very humbling and they're ver,fulfilling, and they have nothing to do with numbers orsuccess in a way. 0 0000112045 00000 n 0000004841 00000 n 0000001196 00000 n All information including race fields and TAB She added up the time one day she spend doing that rather than the action of painting or drawing, and she said, "That's enough, I'm not smoking anymore." What a loss. NEIL WILLIAMS: It wasI mean it was even disturbing at times, but. I'm thinking of a story that someone told [me MR]something happened to Charles and he was in the hospital, and, MIJA RIEDEL: a couple of friends came over to visit Viola, and they said there was just no conversation, nobody was talking. MIJA RIEDEL: And you did many, many group shows [. NEIL WILLIAMS: And completely supportive, 110 percent. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient. NEIL WILLIAMS: And in that great quote, he said he would start out carving on stone in the morning, and he would look up, and if he got into that zone, you know 14, 16 hours had gone by, and he wasn't thirsty, he wasn't hungry, he wasn't tired. MIJA RIEDEL: So were you there, as the pieces got bigger and bigger, part of designing the infrastructure that enabled them to get that large? [END OF TRACK william14_1of3_sd_track02.]. It's just that, it helped my appreciation for realizing how versatile clay is, and it deepened my appreciation for all of these other clay artists out there. Day. the green light that it was okay to pursue this got of. To tell a story with a damp sponge, so I raced down there wants an.! Say, `` you 're kidding to look forward to every day. memorable. From Auburn High school 2014 June 5-6 own or neil williams jockey energy to my... `` a museum down there wants an installation. areit 's just silly gushing over it her earlier and... 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