But unlike many of my foreigner friends, I chose not to stay there and work, and came back to my home country, Singapore, almost immediately after my graduation. Meanwhile, many people in Hong Kong are moving away from speaking English, although it is widely spoken because . Tired of materialism in Singapore and people using abbreviations (BTO, CPF, ROM) to mark milestones in life, a video about Japanese minimalists inspired me to live with less and not measure my. Companies prefer to achieve results through the collective efforts of employees and emphasise collaboration and teamwork. Japanese working culture is notorious for rigidity, lack of transparency, and slow decision-making. Copyright 2021, Sugoii Japan. Take Japan as example, the workplaces are very formal. Kono: Well, after graduating university, I fully expected to enter the Japanese workforce the usual way. South Korean Work Culture. These checks can and will likely include the full range of health checks including hearing, eyesight, blood pressure, and blood and ECG tests. Handwritten. These systems deprive Japanese businesspeople of opportunities to advance their careers. These cultural themes bring about unwritten cultural rules and regulations that govern the way Singaporeans act in a place - and in this case, your workplace. is the quality embedded in most Asian cultures that indicates a person's reputation, influence, dignity and honour. This isnt particularly a bad thing, depending on how you view it. Work until 65 years old. RECOMMENDED: Catch our article about Japanese etiquettes you must know here! But the process for me was even shorter-lived than I expected it to be. You May Also Like: Dress Code In Japanif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'sugoii_japan_com-leader-2','ezslot_12',196,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-leader-2-0'); The East mindset of collectivism over the West mindset of individualism is prevalent in the Japanese working culture. of years in a Japanese company: 1 year and 8 months as of today. I was confused and angry, convinced I shouldnt be treated this way. Christmas Feast in Singapore vs Christmas KFC in Japan. This is partly a reflection of traditional Japanese culture and its many unspoken rules. Sharing the first education seminar I organised! Singapore, with a score of 20 is a collectivistic society. Id earned my place. Effort and merit are not particularly celebrated or acknowledged. Male employees no longer face embarrassing hazing. Do you know that the Japanese lead a more structured way of life compared to Singaporeans? I also observed that some Japanese can be rather xenophobic towards people with darker tone skin, like other Southeast Asians and Indians although to be fair, there is probably no country in this world that is free from racial bias. When you are having dinner (and drinks) with your Japanese colleagues and boss, make sure you wait for someone to speak like lets tuck in, and you reply with itadakimasu before you dig in. From right at the entrance of the restaurant, you will be greeted warmly and guided to your private room or table. The tropes of Japanese work culture are as terrifying as they are baffling. Most Japanese homes will also have shoe racks available right after you enter the house. Or you can simply choose to work at a multinational company like Google or Robert Walters, but still live in Tokyo and enjoy the city. Working In Japan As A Foreigner Japan, unlike other European or American countries, does not easily offer jobs to foreigners. Are your colleagues animals in this corporate jungle you call your 'office'? But the cons is, if you do not know him well, you might not be able to decipher what he truly thinks/wants/feels. The Japanese are conditioned at a young age to perceive getting a job after graduating as extremely difficult. I left Dentsu in 1997. Working the Singaporean Way Singapore, a cosmopolitan melting pot of cultures where east meets west, has a work culture made up of a unique mix of Asian and Western cultural influences. Because ultimately, as with life in general, no one is going to be responsible for you other than yourself. But overall, I would say that overtime is pretty common here, and it is unpaid! Americans tend to be very individualistic, whereas Indonesians tend to be group and family-based oriented. In terms of emotional fulfillments, i think ive definitely gained a lot confidence in my own ability and competency through this job and role. This is where you can find FREE Instagrammable rooms. It is derived from the words houkoku (report), renraku (contact), and soudan (consult).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'sugoii_japan_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',194,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); It means that employees must always keep their superiors informed about their work and progress. Have you ever felt like a boomer in your 20s? You have to call them with Bapak which means Sir or Ibu which means Ma'am. Or follow us on our Instagram and Telegram for exclusive deals! Since I was already in Japan, I might as well try my hand at working there for a while before going back home. Ikigai can guide you in your quest for self-discovery. In fact, a 2019 survey conducted by the Japanese government revealed that the number of instances of mental illness and suicide due to overwork was the highest among office workers. Kono: Theres a saying by Confucius: At fifteen, I set my heart on learning. English: English proficiency is better in Singapore, as the city made English its official language, and it now ranks first in Asia. The Japanese practice of sleeping at work is a phenomenon that only exists in Japan, and isoften referred to as inemuri. Show Up Early. But Ive heard enough complaints from my foreigner friends working in Japan to know there are some very apparent downsides. I had had a good career at IBM and was on the so-called elite course. But I wasnt feeling satisfied. Salarymen are expected to socialize after-hours, 7. Japanese people seeking rewarding careers are feeling the frustration, too. I expected to stay there forever. (Not necessarily true by the way! The famous Merlion overlooks Singapore's iconic Marina Bay Sands. It's quite company-specific. The 10 Best Korean Restaurants In Shin-Okubo You Should Try, How To Heat Japanese Sake At Home | Step by Step Guide, Best Ramen in Tokyo 10 Restaurants You Should Visit If You Are A Ramen Lover, The 20 Best Ramen Toppings For Your Homemade Noodles, The 10 Best Anime Shops In Akihabara You Will Love, How To Learn Japanese With Anime 6 Tips You Should Start To Use Now, The 10 Best Free Museums In Tokyo You Should Visit, Osaka On A Budget Travel Tips And Tricks To Spend Less In Osaka. Whilst some of these differences are relatively burdensome, others, such as paid commute time, are a welcomed benefit for many people! This is a fantastic method to look after your employees, and one that we wish more companies around the world adopted! If you enjoy such reads, check out other similar articles! Well, in this post we look at Japan's working hours. Since then, it has contributed and become a massive part of the Japanese culture, emerging as one of the most read comics, not only . This shoe placement and arrangement culture does not only apply to homes, but also most restaurants, temples, and many more! Duration Tokyo work hours are shorter than in Singapore. | This develops trust and a true sense of connection so don't be in . | One of the most significant differences between American and Indonesian culture is individualism. I would be forced to face many differences and setbacks. This decades-long tradition has even persuaded some university students to extend their stays in school until they find jobs, which explains why some only "graduate" after five years or more. Working Culture in Japan vs Singapore Working culture in Japan and Singapore is quite different. The key difference, however, is that Japan allows for maximum-use of certain developments, rather than tightly controlling what gets built. Were making progress here, but we need to do more. I started asking myself if this is the sort of environment I want to work in, where rigid and inflexible rules already start out as a crutch to employees-- this problem is amplified especially when the company is a small-scale local firm with few or no foreign workers around. As my colleagues and boss are Japanese, and can only speak and write moderate English, sometimes things and projects get tougher because the way you have expressed yourself might not be how they interpreted it. With a deep (fried) love for chicken and eggs, its no surprise whats her favourite Japanese dish. Working in a Singaporean company (just judging based on the little experience I have), I felt that the boss is more straightforward. I would be forced to face many differences and setbacks. Yes. Singapore has a slight edge, with 596 crime cases per 100,000 people, compared to Hong Kong's 936. If youre sitting through extensive meetings, participating in all workplace activities, or showing up to work exhausted have a nap and youll be saluted. It was the best way to work in Japan and have a global career. This means, for example, if your work shift starts at 9:00 you should be in the office, at your desk with your computer on at 9:00. | The first hour after they reach work, that too an hour late, is spent socialising and talking about what has changed in the past 15 hours since they saw each other. ; Since globalization is becoming more common, the work culture in Singapore will experience . Career anchors are based on your values, desires, motivations, and abilities. relative atomic mass of boron; what is japan doing to help the environment; future of nonprofits after covid; youth mentor description; the fruit of evolution japanese name; melissa and doug giant floor puzzles; tampa bay lightning back-to-back champions; barefoot walking benefits for weight loss. Four seasons that we dont get to experience in Singapore, beautiful Sakura sights and Autumn foliages, the outdoor skis you can do during winter, a good soak and dip in a natural onsen, the wide variety of authentic Japanese food makes the country an idealistic place to be. It's a very. But globalization makes thing even tougher. Here, we round up 8 cultural differences that can perhaps reduce the culture shock you may face if you werent aware. The Business Relationship. You dont have to join office parties if you dont want to, and youre no longer expected to stay later than the boss. Japanese working culture is notorious for rigidity, lack of transparency, and slow decision-making. Completed Elementary 1 lesson at Bunka Japanese language school around start of January and wanted to start Elementary 2 in March/April but plans got cancelled due to COVID-19. Copyright 2021 Sugoii Japan, All rights Reserved. I would much rather live in a place where people arent that concerned with how others perceive them. These days, there are many advocates for a more sustainable, flexible, and generally more balanced workplace culture in Japan. Especially for a software engineer, a more useful comparison might be San Fran vs SG. By defining "competitiveness" as the set of institutions, policies and factors that determine the level . Puzzled at why things didn't work the same way that they did when I was at an American company back in Chicago, I became curious about how Japanese organizations operate and how non-Japanese can . It has perplexed observers for decades as So he did something a lot of Japanese employees still hesitate to do: He quit. It could be because this is a Japanese company founded in Singapore, where the culture has somewhat accustomed to Singapore culture. Of course, thats not to say that sleeping every day, during every break at work is acceptable. Japanese labor laws dictate that employed persons should work for a maximum of 8 hours a day, or 40 hours a week. And honestly now, with a little distance and perspective, I can reflect on my experience. Having a job is a sign of success: employment is a vector of social status. Yoshito Hori led GLOBIS Corporation from a single, rented classroom to a leading business school and venture capital firm with hundreds of employees. Advertise with us Thus, you should show up early enough to make that possible. The following apply to traditional Japanese companies in Japan and Singaporean companies in Singapore. I spent four years of my life in Japan as a university student. Also, in company gatherings, it is common that a representative will start a mini opening speech before everyone lifts their glasses, clink them together and shout Kanpai!. It is considered impolite to do so. At that time, I had 3 different offers. It is the symbol of a strong Japan, the one that conquers the territories and distributes its know-how. To cut short the story, Ive learnt that a bosss appreciation really matters to an employee. Work culture in Singapore is of a high-power distance, which means there are clear authority structures and social status is defined by your position in the society and workplace. The average Japanese fresh grad earns $2,668 a month. Japan might also present better opportunities for them than if they were to go back to their home countries, where job prospects and the economy might not be particularly good, or if jobs there do not offer a salary that is on par with those in Japan. luton town . And yet, my main role seemed to be fulfilling the wishes of those whod secured their spot through personal connections. Do not dig in immediately by yourself when the food arrives. Advertisement. Traditional working hours in the US are Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM. 5 Leadership Lessons for a Better Career and Company, How to Reshape Education for the Technovate Era, Traditional Media in the Modern Era: Robots vs. Also important is the idea that you can be woken at any moment by anyone. At forty, I came to be free from doubts.. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'sugoii_japan_com-box-4','ezslot_15',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-box-4-0');Despite this, they still have a long way to go! Some of them may come as a shock because of how different they are from other countries around the world; others may be predictable, especially if you are familiar with the characteristics of Japanese culture itself. For example: Here are the 4 most important ones to bear in mind: When you arrive in the office, you are expected to greet everyone loudly (if your office is small and everyone can easily hear you, or else you can personally greet each colleague one by one) - Ohayo Gozaimasu which means Good Morning! This isnt just your standard height and weight check, though. Being one of the four Asian 'Tigers' or 'Dragons' of the world economy, modern day Singapore has become shaped by its business culture. Japanese business culture really can change with the right determination and leadership. French children learn to question and debate at an early age, and philosophy is a totem exam in high schools in France. Like most Singaporeans, I have always had a romantic idea and ideal perception of Japan. Singapore's workforce is multicultural with Chinese accounting for the most proportion. Eitaro Kono is one such individual. To make matters worse, it was on my very last sentence. The surety and stability of this make it difficult to many people to walk away from. I think, for all of us, this is a world of connecting the dots. +1 Bonus - Japanese people nap at work, and its acceptable! What was the most surprising fact that you learned today? Cloud hosting by Vodien. So much more will be expected - a really good Japanese language proficiency, knowing the etiquettes and culture even better, and many more. Majority of us love everything about Japan - be it food, culture, lifestyle, nature, architecture, music and museums. If youve ever wanted to shoot your shot at being an influencer, nows your chance. The noticeable decrease in the working hours is a big step! Write to us at hello@nani.sg. Kono: I feel my experience was a condensed version of bigger absurdity and greater weaknesses in Japanese working culture. Don't mess it up. The 10 Best Vtubers in Japan (Virtual Youtubers) You Should Really Follow! Westerns are more casual in the office. Insights: What made you decide to get your MBA? However I realise for my Japanese colleagues, they tend to take their paid leave at one-go. It may seem so extreme that its almost funny (dark humor, anyone? Sometimes in life, unfortunate things happen to lead to better things - and ta-Dah - here I am in my current job, and almost 2 years in! Wed love to hear from you! With all these said, Japan does not charge any fee for their service, and tips are also not expected from customers. Job security means that youre able to provide for yourself and your family. And the more senior you are, the later you reach work. Learning how to pitch a business proposal can make or break your entrepreneurial journey. In fact, a Nikkei Asian Review article from 2018 placed the number of foreign directors in Japan at under one percent. Many of them are expected to go for informal drinking parties after work with their colleagues to improve their working relationship. If you know the people around you, good for you. We hope you enjoyed reading these 10 surprising facts about the Japanese working culture! In terms of ethnic culture, both London and Singapore are melting pots of ethnicities and so culture itself is, without a doubt, going to be very diverse. And while I do understand this makes me sound a bit flaky, hear me out. In Japan, however, the update of work-life balance has been slow. While. Insights: What was so terrible that you only lasted three months? A friend of mine was diagnosed with mild depression from work stress (it mainly stemmed from her relationship with her direct supervisor) and had to take a two-month break off work (her pay was reduced by half during this time). I was given the opportunity to go for business trips to Japan last year, and also got closer with my colleagues in my companys headquarters in Tokyo. In Japan, a Company's Goals Are More Important Than Following a Career Path American culture emphasizes the individual. Attaining F.I.R.E (Financial Independence, Retire Early) in Japan? Top Japanese Etiquette Tips You Ought To Know. This decision, however, was not made without me first starting on the job hunting process like everyone else, because FOMO. This goes vice versa. The advancement of women in society has changed a lot, tooeven for men. My colleagues and I take our paid leave as and when we want, and if we are really sick, we would not be stubborn and drag ourselves to work because we do not want to affect others. You have entered an incorrect email address! Singapore actually has the longest working hours in the world. (US Department of State, 2010) 3.1 Determinants of Japanese Culture The alternative is spending hours on the expressway commuting to work. Japanese office-workers tend to dress more formally than Americans. Salarymen are also expected to socialize after-hours if their manager requests. of C halre Associates, Richard Mills, presented at the most recent Leading HR Summit in Singapore. I found that writing broadened my network and earned me a great deal of social trust. Addressing Superiors In any workplace in Indonesia, it's very important to address your superiors by using the appropriate titles. If you like what you read, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram to get the latest updates. Japanese companies are also well known for not allowing many foreigners to take up managerial positions. Web design by Yu Sheng & Yu Siang. I was unhappy, so I left. This means that the "We" is important, people belong to in-groups (families, clans or organisations) who look after each other in exchange for loyalty. Singapore was heavily affected in the Second World War, starting with the loss of British troops in the Battle of Singapore and ending with a Japanese invasion. I once saw an older Japanese person giving some Indonesian students a dirty look when they were talking among themselves.A friend from India also confided in me that her colleagues remarked that she looked "dirty" because of her skin colour. Japanese believe that a child raised by a stay-home mother will be exposed to a better upbringing and higher quality of education as the mother will be there to supervise and advise. But they also have values that have led to remarkable longevity. Kono: Actually, I always expected to work in HR. Japan has strived to achieve and maintain very high health standards surpassing many other countries in the world, with its life expectancy rate exceeding that of the United States. I studied in Tokyo during the 2010-2014 and noticed a lot of cultural differences between Japan and my country so I started to draw these comic strips about them to deal with my culture shock. However, I was working way too long. I know that people always say that in Japanese companies, the lower ranking staff have literally no say as the Japanese culture put heavy emphasis on hierarchy, overworking is a norm and you cant leave before your boss leaves, etc. Do you know that it is a tradition for the Japanese to have fried chicken on Christmas Day? As Japanese companies stream into Singapore, elements of their distinctive business culture and HR systems remain in one form or another, even in the Southeast Asian republic's multicultural setting. They really helped give me some perspective. ; Long working hours are part of the Singapore business culture due to the market competitiveness. Dont get me wrong. The only reason I worked overtime is because I don't like getting my work tasks done halfway, so I would rather finish it before I go off. There has been a major push in western cultures as of late for a proper work-life balance. Growing up with love for Japan, the love further affirms after her career progression in the country. I realised that i pick up Japanese language faster through mingling with my Japanese colleagues, than learning it in school. Japanese also tend to place the name card on the table throughout the whole meeting or place them neatly into their business cardholder. Click here for a legend of the infographic. Insights: Tell us about what happened in your early career. So yes, Japanese corporate culture can be pretty harsh, so much so that theres a saying that goes, If youre able to survive working in Japan, youre able to work anywhere else in the world. But when it comes to working culture, I often hear about the common overworking culture in Japan/Japanese companies - Karoshi(,Karshi) which can be translated literally to "overwork death" inJapanese. But I still went ahead and accepted the offer because I was really interested to gain experience in the industry. Otsukaresama Desu (): The rules of this phrase have changed over time. Were already seeing it happen. In some restaurants, giving tips will also portray as being rude. That is the difference of close to $1,000 a month, and reflects the disparity in salaries between the two countries. Japanese Working Culture: The Good, the Bad, and the Getting Better, How to Live Happily Ever After in Japans High-Context Culture, Unspoken Rules: How to Read the Air in Japanese Companies. And in my case, I made a mistake while writing out my resume. This has created a unique environment where urban designs meet nature and allow for a healthier and less polluted megalopolis to function. Follow us on Facebook, working culture in japan vs singapore, Twitter and Telegram to get your MBA them are to. Love for chicken and eggs, its no surprise whats her favourite Japanese.... Terrible that you only lasted three months at Japan & # x27 ; t in! 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